22. Machinery and Millwork. Requires course 10. Seniors. Fall and winter terms. Two lectures. T., Th., 12. Assistant Professor KIMBALL. 23. Designing and Drawing. Requires course 10. Seniors. Fall and winter terms. Four hours credit. Designing of machine tools, transmission machinery, hoisting machinery, etc.; intended to accompany course 22. Drawing daily except M., 8-11. Assistant Professor KIMBALL, and Messrs. BARNARD and NOE. 23. 34. Advanced Designing. Requires courses 20 and 21; or 22 and Assistant Professor KIMBALL. 20. Naval Architecture. Elementary theory of a floating body. Computation of various geometrical quantities. Stability. Strength of ship. Introduction to resistance, propulsion, and powering. Lectures and exercises in computations. 9. Professor DURAND. Four hours. Lectures T., Th., 21. Shipbuilding and design. Methods of ship construction. Laying down and fairing lines. Drawing out scantling sections in accordance with the rules of Registration Societies. Drawing various structural elements. Introduction to problem of design, embodying the application of the subjects considered in course 20. Lectures and drawing. Five hours. Lectures, M., W., F., 9. Assistant Professor MCDERMOTT. 22. Marine Machinery. Descriptive study of marine boilers, engines, and auxiliary machinery. Design of characteristics and of structural details. Operation and care when under way. Lectures and drawing. Five hours. Lectures, M., W., F., 10. Professor DURAND. 30. Naval Architecture. fessor DURAND. Advanced work. As assigned. Pro 31. Ship Design. Advanced work. As assigned. Assistant Pro fessor MCDERMOTT. 32. Marine Machinery. Advanced work as assigned. Professor DURAND. 33. Seminary. One hour. Professor DURAND and Assistant Pro fessor MCDERMOTT. 34. Specifications, Contracts, Estimates. As assigned. Assistant Professor MCDERMOTT. 35. Marine Auxiliaries. As assigned. Professor DURAND and Assistant Professor MCDERMOTT. School of Railway Mechanical Engineering. [R.] 20 Rolling Stock. The designing, manufacture, service in operation, and repairing of locomotives, tenders and cars. Requires M. D. II and 12. Four lectures. M., T., Th., F., 8. Assistant Professor HIBBARD. 21. Locomotive Designing. Requires M. D. II, 12. Fall and winter terms, elective spring. Three hours (nine hours in drafting room), forenoons as may be arranged. Assistant Professor HIBBARD. 22. Seminary. Discussion upon previously assigned railway journals. Special papers and reports. Juniors, seniors and graduates. One hour. W., 8. Assistant Professor HIBBARD. 30. Advanced Railway Mechanical Engineering. Lectures and directed reading in amplification of course 20, taking up also Shop Arrangement, Equipment and Methods, Drafting Room Management, Railway Testing and Test Department, Organization, methods and records of Motive Power Department, Foreign Railway Engineering, Compound Locomotives, Freight Car Design. Five hours, as assigned. Assistant Professor HIBBARD. 31. Railway Designing. Advanced work. Three hours, as assigned. Assistant Professor HIBBARD. X. E. 20 includes locomotive road-testing. D. 5. Mechanical Drawing. Those expecting to enter the Railway School should devote considerable time in this course to locomotive details. Specials and sophomores. Two hours. Messrs. J. S. and D. REID. N. B.-It is particularly recommended and desired that at least one entire summer vacation, previous to taking any work in this school be spent in the shops of a railroad or locomotive builder. Arrangements are made for this through Assistant Professor HIBBARD. Suggested Electives: M. E. 21, 30, 31. X. E. 21, 30 in railway equipment and supplies. E. E. 23, 31. M. D. 20, 21, 22. C. E. 10, 13, 38, roofs, cranes and turn tables, 39, 42. Political Economy: Elementary 51, Transportation 62, Wages 55. Law: Contracts, Torts, Specifications, Patents, Carriers, Corporations. Chemistry 7. Advanced railway quantitative analysis. 270 hours of actual work in the laboratory, subdivided as follows, will be sufficient: The irons, 50; oils, 30; paints and varnishes for wood and for iron, 30; boiler feed water, 30; feed water compounds, 30; alloys of copper, tin, zinc, lead, antimony, phosphorus, 50; steam pipe coverings, 20; waste, 20; sulphur in coal, 10. Also Chemistry, course 10. Scholarship and Prizes. Sibley Prizes in Mechanic Arts.-Under the gift of the late Hon. Hiram Sibley, made in 1884, the sum of one hundred dollars will be annually awarded to those students in the Sibley College who shall, in the opinion of the Faculty of that institution, show the greatest merit in their college work. The Frank William Padgham Scholarship will be assigned to the best competing candidate in the scholarship examinations in the studies required for entrance to the regular course in Mechanical Engineering, who shall have had his preparatory education in the public schools of Syracuse, New York. For particulars see pp. 59 and 60 or address the Registrar. GEORGE WILLIAM HARRIS, Ph. B., Librarian. ANDREW CURTIS WHITE, Ph.D., Assistant Librarian in charge of Classification. WILLARD HENRY AUSTEN, Assistant Librarian in charge of Refence Library. MARY FOWLER, B.S., Assistant Librarian in charge of Catalogue. THEODORE W KOCH, A.M., Cataloguer. EMMA AVALYN RUNNER, B.S., Catáloguer. DANIEL CHAUNCEY KNOWLTON, A.B., Assistant in Reference Library. MARY ELLEN GRISWOLD, B.L., Assistant in Order Department. JENNIE THORNBURG, B.L., Assistant in Accession Department. EDITH ANNA ELLIS, B. L., Loan Clerk. GEORGE LINCOLN BURR, A.B., Librarian of the President White Library. ALEXANDER HUGH ROSS FRASER, LL.B., Librarian of the Law Library. FRANK DELBERT MOREHOUSE, Assistant in the Law Library. ROBERT JAMES MOORE, Assistant in the Law Library. CHARLES EZRA CORNELL, A.B., LL.B., Librarian of the New York State Veterinary College. The University Library comprises the General Library of the University, the seven Seminary Libraries, the Law School Library and the Flower Veterinary Library. The total number of bound volumes in the University Library is now two hundred and twenty-five thousand and twenty-two, distributed as follows: The General Library of the University and the Seminary Libraries are all grouped under one roof in the Library Building, while the Law School Library has separate quarters in Boardman Hall and the Flower Veterinary Library in the State Veterinary College. The University Library Building, the gift of the late Hon. Henry W. Sage, stands at the southwest corner of the quadrangle formed by the principal University buildings. It is built of light gray Ohio sandstone, and its construction is fireproof throughout. It is heated by steam from the central heating station, is provided with a thorough system of artificial ventilation, and fully equipped with incandescent electric lights. The extreme dimensions of the building are one hundred and seventy by one hundred and fifty-three feet, and it has a storage capacity of four hundred and seventy-five thousand volumes. The general outlines of the ground plan are somewhat in the form of a cross, the bookstacks occupying the southern and western arms, the reading room and periodical room, the eastern, the White Historical library, the seminary rooms and the offices of administration, the northern. The abundantly lighted and handsomely furnished reading room contains ample accommodations for two hundred and twenty readers, and the open book-cases around its walls provide shelf-room for a carefully selected reference library of eight thousand volumes. In the basement, beneath the reading room, is a lecture room, with seating capacity for nine hundred and eighty auditors. In the tower are placed the great bell of the University, the gift of Mrs. Mary White, the chime of bells, the gift of Mrs. Jennie McGraw-Fiske, and the University clock. The General Library is under the supervision of the LIBRARY COUNCIL, consisting of seven members, as follows: The President of the University and the Librarian, ex officio, one member chosen by the Board of Trustees, and four members nominated by the University Faculty and confirmed by the Board of Trustees. The President of the University is ex officio chairman of the council. The elected members hold office until their successors are chosen. |