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high schools and academies. daily ex. S. Mr. ROGERS.

Lecture at 8, Laboratory 8:40 to 12,

C. Physical Laboratory work.

Daily ex. S., 9–12. Mr. SHEARER.

Same as Course 3, page 141.

D. Advanced Laboratory work in Electrical Measurements. Daily ex. S., 9-12. Mr. ROGERS.


A. General Inorganic Chemistry. Lectures, recitations, and laboratory work. The lectures, which are fully illustrated by experiments and by specimens from the chemical museum, are devoted to a discussion of the facts and theories of chemistry, and in connection therewith careful attention is given to the writing of chemical eqnations and the solving of chemical problems. The laboratory work furnishes an opportunity for gaining a practical knowledge of the chemical compounds and reactions discussed in the lectures. Daily ex. S., 8-12. Dr. CARVETH.

C. Qualitative Analysis.-Elementary. Laboratory work and recitations. A study of the reactions and separations of all the principal bases and of the mineral acids. Daily, 8-12. Dr. WHITTELSEY.

D. Qualitative Analysis.—Advanced course for those who have already had an equivalent of course C. This course will include the analysis and reactions of all the important acids, a study of oxidation and reduction reactions and a comparison of different methods of separation of the bases. Laboratory hours elective. Dr. WHITTELSEY.

E. Quantitative Analysis.-Elementary. An introduction to quantitative methods and the chemistry upon which these methods are based. Lectures, explanatory of the methods used, are first given ; each student then performs simple analyses which involve the use of the apparatus ordinarily employed in analytical work. Two lectures, and ten hours in the laboratory per week. Mr. CUSHMAN.

Advanced work (see Course F) may be taken by students who complete this course before the close of the session.

F. Quantitative Analysis.-Advanced. Special methods of Quantitative Analysis, both gravimetric and volumetric, such as are of sanitary and technical importance. This work may also include an extended course in the electrolytic separation and determination of the various metals. Laboratory hours elective. Mr. CUSHMAN.


Lectures and laboratory practice in courses A, B, and C will be held at the time scheduled below unless a change is found to be necessary for a majority of the applicants. Three hours of actual laboratory work are required to count as one hour; and a lecture counts as one hour. The amount of time scheduled for each course is the minimum time per week, and a three hour course for the summer will count as two University hours.

Courses A and D are especially designed for those who are fitting themselves for teaching botany in the high schools. The work in these courses will be based on Atkinson's Elementary Botany, the most important topics being selected for study. The other courses will provide additional equipment for teachers who have already had 'course A. Courses A, B, D may all be combined in one summer for those who wish to put all their time on botany.

A. Elementary Plant Physiology. First half of the term. A study of the general principles underlying the processes of nutrition, growth, etc.

General Comparative Morphology. Second half of the term: A comparative study of the form and reproduction of representative species in all the great groups of plants. Six hours. M., W. Lectures, 9; laboratory practice 10-1, and 2-5. Professor ATKINSON and Mr. CLARK.

B. Mycology. Studies of the fleshy fungi with especial reference to methods of distinguishing the commoner edible and poisonous species, and the genera of the basidiomycetes. Six hours. T., Th. Lecture 9, laboratory practice 10-1, and 2-5. A portion of the time will be spent in the field. Professor ATKINSON and Mr. HASSELBRING. C. Advanced Course. An opportunity will be offered for advanced work in Courses A and B by those who are prepared. Advanced students who are able to take up methods of research in these courses will be assigned some subject for investigation dealing with important botanical problems. It is very desirable that applicants for research work correspond with Professor Atkinson in advance to arrange for the work in order that ample provision may be made. Since the summer period is a short one research students will be expected to devote all their time to botany in order to accomplish satisfactory results. Hours for conference and laboratory work by appointment. Professor ATKINSON and Messrs. HASSELBRING and CLARK.

D. Ecology, or nature study in its broadest aspects as exemplified by plants. Lectures, Thursday at four o'clock, unless another hour is

found to be more desirable. The lectures will deal with the most important problems of the plant in relation to its environment, and will suggest suitable topics for study in the high schools. The lectures may be taken as a separate course.

One day each week will be devoted to excursions and explorations. Field studies will be made of the relations of plants to each other and to the different topographic conditions in the vicinity of Ithaca. The varied flora of this beautiful locality with its streams, chasms, lakes, moors and morainic regions, offers exceptional opportunities for the study of certain plant formations and of the life processes on a grand scale. Each student will be expected to prepare field notes, collections, and photographs illustrating the various phases of the study. A camera will be a desirable addition to an outfit for those who prefer to make their own illustrations, but students not possessing one can make arrangements with some one for the prints. The excursion and preparation of a note book will connt four University hours. Friday will be devoted to the excursion unless prevented by storm, when it will take place on the following Saturday or Tuesday.

Students wishing to do additional work in this subject will be assigned some problems for independent study. Professor ATKINSON. For description of the botanical laboratory, conservatory, the general equipment, etc., see the University Register, p. 155.

A small fee will be charged for the use of apparatus, material etc., in the laboratory courses. No laboratory fee will be charged in course D, but students are expected to bear their share of the expense of the excursions, and deposits must be made in advance.

Students who are prepared to take up graduate work can do so upon application.


The Geological Department is equipped with an excellent teaching collection of maps, specimens and models, besides fully 3,000 lantern slides on geological and geographic subjects. The opportunity for field work near the University is excellent, particularly for the illustration of physiographic features. In addition to the field work near the University, voluntary excursions will be made each week to more distant points on Saturday, or in case two days are needed, upon Friday and Saturday. One excursion will go to the Mohawk Valley; one to the anthracite coal region at Wilkes-Barre; one to Niagara Falls; one to Watkins Glen and others to other places of special interest.

(A) The Geography of North America. A lecture course treating of the physiographic features of the continent, with especial reference to their influence upon the history and industrial development of the several nations of the continent. This course is intended primarily for teachers of geography, the object being to show the application of modern physiography to geography teaching. The lectures are fully illustrated by lantern slides. Three hours. M., T., W., 9. Professor TARR.

(B) Physiography of the Land. A course for teachers upon the modern aspect of physiography, treating the origin of land form and its relation to mankind. Four lectures a week, illustrated by lantern slides of various land forms, and one laboratory practice, chiefly devoted to the study of physiography in the field. Five hours. Lectures M., T., W., Th., 10. Laboratory M., afternoon. Profesor TARR, Dr. RIES and Mr. MARTIN.

(C) General Geology. A lecture, laboratory and field course with special stress upon the dynamic side of geology. Lectures illustrated by lantern slides; and the laboratory work is largely done in the field. Five hours. Lectures. M., T., W., Th., II. Laboratory T. afternoon, Professor TARR, Dr. RIES, and Mr. MARTIN.

(D) Economic Geology. A lecture course upon the Economic Geology of the United States, being devoted to a consideration of the various valuable mineral deposits from the standpoint of their cause, the materials produced from them and the effect of the mining industry upon the development of the country. Two hours. Dr. RIES.


Courses in Vertebrate Zoology will be arranged for and announced in a later circular.



The instruction will be given in the form of lectures and laboratory work; the laboratory courses, to some extent, supplementing the others.

A. Among the subjects to be discussed are: foods; the various processes of digestion and respiration. M., T., 10. Veterinary College. Assistant Professor FISH.

B. The Physiology of circulation, excretion, etc. W., Th., 10. Veterinary College. Assistant Professor FISH.

C. Laboratory work correlated with course A.

The experiments are devoted to the action of the digestive ferments upon various kinds of food and to a study of the blood, M., T., 2:30-5. Veterinary College. Assistant Professor FISH and Mr. VOSE.


D. Laboratory experiments in the physiology of the muscular, nervous and circulatory systems. W., Th., 2:30-5 P. M. College. Assistant Professor FISH and Mr. Vose.

In the lectures much attention is given to practical demonstrations and the exhibition of charts and preparations bearing upon the subject under discussion.

It is the purpose to have the work in this department bear as much ⚫as possible upon the direct and practical. Students are rendered every assistance in the comprehension of the fundamental parts of the work, without, however, losing sight of the fact that careful observation and self-interpretation are most essential for a thorough scientific training. Every encouragement is offered to those, properly fitted, to pursue their work upon special physiological problems.

The equipment includes dymographs, sphygmographs, induction coils, centrifuges, microscopes, and other apparatus usually found in a physiological laboratory. An abundance of material for experimentation is easily obtained, and to teachers or others who may be interested, directions are given as to how this may be procured and prepared to the best advantage.

The correlation of structure and function is discussed and a carefully selected supply of anatomical and histological preparations are shown and explained as may be required.


A. Drawing. The use of the lead pencil, pen and ink, or charcoal. The grouping and lighting of models. Also, blackboard and other methods available in nature study and primary work. Daily ex. S., 9-12. Mr. GUTSELL.

B. History of Art. Lectures on the development of Art in Painting and Sculpture from the Middle Ages to recent times. The course will include a discussion of the works of some of the more notable masters in each of the great national movements, but with especial attention to the Italian and the Dutch. Illustrated with lantern slides, prints and photographs. Daily except S., 11. Mr. GUTSELL.

C. Special arrangement may be made for work in water colors, pen and ink, or perspective, elementary or advanced, according to the needs of individual students. Should it be called for, work may probably be arranged for out of doors. Daily except S., 9. Mr. GUTSELL.

Those desiring advanced work in Drawing and Art are requested to correspond with Mr. Gutsell.

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