SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES. STATE SCHOLARSHIPS. Under the law of the State the Superintendent of Public Instruction is empowered to award annually a number of free scholarships in Cornell University equal to the number of Assembly districts in the State. These Scholarships entitle the holder to free tuition for four years. For particulars in regard to the Scholarships, application should be made to the Superintendent of Public Instruction at Albany. Holders of State Scholarships are notified that failure to register before the close of registration day of each term involves the severance of their connection with the University and consequently the forfeiture of their Scholarships. The President of the University is required by law to send immediate notice of such vacancies to the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Superintendent fills vacancies forthwith. The Law provides that "any State student who shall make it appear to the satisfaction of the President of the University that he requires leave of absence for the purpose of earning funds with which to defray his living expenses while in attendance, may, in the discretion of the President, be granted such leave of absence, and may be allowed a period not exceeding six years from the commencement thereof for the completion of his course at said University." Under this provision of the charter, the President of the University will, for the purposes indicated therein, grant leave of absence after an applicant has been regularly admitted to the University. The Scholarship will then be kept good; but will not be extended for more than four years from its date, unless application is made after at least one year from the time of entrance, in case of applicants who have acquitted themselves creditably in the University during this period. Those holding scholarships are therefore advised, if possible, to enter the University at once, and to postpone asking for leave of absence until after one year in the University has been completed. UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS. Pursuant to the action of the Trustees there will annually be thrown open to competition for all members of the freshman or first year class who are registered in courses leading to first degrees, at a special examination held at Ithaca at the beginning of the freshman year, eighteen scholarships of the annual value of $200 each. Students of high ability from the state of New York will have the additional advantage of being able to secure State Scholarships, as there is nothing in the University statutes to prevent a student from holding both a State Scholarship and a University Scholarship. The name of every successful competitor for these scholarships is inserted in the annual Register of the University, together with the name of the school at which the competitor was fitted for college, and the name of the principal of the school; and these names remain in the Register so long as the Scholarship is retained. The statute in regard to scholarships is as follows: 1. There have been established by the University thirty-six undergraduate scholarships each of the annual value of $200. 2. These Scholarships are named as follows: The Cornell Scholarships; the Lord Scholarships; the McGraw Scholarships; the Sage Scholarships; the Sibley Scholarships; the President White Scholarships; the Horace Greeley Scholarships; the John Stanton Gould Scholarships; the Stewart L. Woodford Scholarships. 3. These Scholarships are given for the first two years of any course on the basis of excellence in special examinations held at the beginning of the freshman year. 4. Recipients of the above Scholarships must be free from entrance conditions. 5. These scholarships will be given for passing examinations which shall average the highest in any three of the following groups, of which group (a) must be one. Previous to entering this competitive examination, however, candidates are required to pass satisfactorily at the University the regular entrance examination in English. See page 33. School certificates, Regents' diplomas, and Normal School diplomas are not accepted in place of this English examination. (a). Arithmetic, and algebra through quadratic equations. (b). Plane and solid geometry, advanced algebra, plane and spherical trigonometry. (c). Greek. (d). Latin. (e). French. (f). German. The above examinations cover substantially the same ground as the entrance examinations in the respective subjects. See pages 36, 37, 38 and 39. 6. The holder of a University Undergraduate Scholarship shall forfeit the right to the same in case said scholar shall during incumbency change the course registered in at the time of receiving the award, unless the records of entrance examinations shall show that, at the time of the holder's admission to the University, all the subjects required for admission to the course last chosen were passed, and all candidates must state before the scholarships are awarded what course they intend to pursue. 7. No one shall be eligible to these Scholarships who shall have received credit for more than twenty hours of work in advance of course. Application for credit in all subjects for which credit is desired, must be made at the time of the admission of the applicant, and not be postponed to any later date in the course. All persons shall be debarred from the competition for these Scholarships, who shall have participated in any previous competition for the same or shall have been in the previous year or years registered as a student in this University or in any other University or College. 8. These Scholarships will be forfeited at any time in case two-thirds of the Faculty present at any meeting, notice having been given at the meeting immediately before, shall decide that the holders have been guilty of negligence, or failure to maintain a high standard of scholarship, or of conduct of any kind that is unbecoming students holding such Scholarships. 9. Whenever any of these Scholarships shall for any reason become vacant, the vacancy shall be filled as the Faculty may determine. 10. The moneys due on Scholarships are paid at the office of the Treasurer of the University in three equal payments, on the 15th of December, the 15th of March, and the 15th of June. THE FRANK WILLIAM PADGHAM SCHOLARSHIP has an annual value of $150 and will be assigned to the best competing candidate in the scholarship examination in the studies required for entrance to the regular course in Mechanical Engineering, who shall have had his preparatory education in the public schools of Syracuse, New York. For particulars address the Registrar. See also under Sibley College. PRIZES. The Woodford Prize, founded by the Hon. Stewart Lyndon Woodford and consisting of a gold medal of the value of one hundred dollars, will be given annually for the best English oration, both matter and manner being taken into account. The prize may be competed for under the following conditions: 1. Any member of the graduating class who is to receive a degree at the coming Commencement, and who does not already hold a first degree, may be a competitor. 2. Every competitor shall be required to submit, at the Registrar's office on or before the first day of the spring term, an original oration upon a subject which shall have previously been approved by the Assistant Professor of Elocution and Oratory. 3. The competing orations shall be limited to fifteen hundred words and shall be written with a typewriter. 4. The orations submitted shall be read in private by their authors to a committee appointed by the Faculty, after which the committee shall examine the orations and shall select the best, not to exceed six in number, for delivery in public. The names of the successful writers shall be announced as early as practicable after the beginning of the spring term. 5. The contest for the prize will take place on the evening of the fifth Friday of the spring term, under the direction of the President of the University. 6. The prize shall be awarded by a committee of three, to be appointed by the President, and, whenever practicable, from persons not resident in Ithaca. 7. The prize shall not be conferred unless the successful competitor shall complete the course and take the degree at the Commencement next following. 8. A copy of each of the orations selected for the competition shall, within one week after the selection, be deposited by its author with the committee charged with the selection, which shall, after the completion of the competition, deposit the orations permanently in the University Library. The '86 Memorial Prize is an undergraduate prize for declamation to be awarded at a public contest held in May of each year, being the income of a sum of money left as a memorial by the class of 1886, and amounting to about thirty dollars annually. It is the intention of the members of the class of 1886 to make this income amount to eighty-six dollars annually. The conditions of the contest are as follows, viz : I. The Assistant Professor of Elocution and Oratory is empowered to select from the students pursuing the courses in Public Speaking, twelve speakers, whose general excellence, in his judgment, warrants their competing for the prize. 2. The announcement of this selection is to be made not later than the middle of the third term. 3. The contest for the prize takes place on the evening of the fourth Friday preceding Commencement, under the direction of the Assistant Professor of Elocution and Oratory. 4. The prize is awarded by a committee appointed by the President of the University. The Horace K. White Prizes in Veterinary Science. See under the State Veterinary College. Sibley Prizes in Mechanic Arts. See under Sibley College. The Mrs. A. S. Barnes Shakespeare Prize.—A prize of fifty dollars, offered by Mrs. A. S. Barnes, is given annually for the best essay on some subject connected with the plays of Shakespeare, written by a student of Cornell University. The essay must be written with a typewriter, must be completed and deposited with the Registrar on or before the first day of June, and must bear, in every case a fictictious signature, accompanied with, the name of the writer in a sealed envelope. The subject of the Essay, for 1899-1900, will be: "Shakespeare's use of English history in the service of his own independent dramatic motives, in his English historical Plays, inclusive of the tragedies of Macbeth and King Lear, and exclusive of King Henry the Sixth, Parts I-III." The Fuertes Medals.-See under the College of Civil Engineering. The '94 Memorial Prize is an undergraduate prize for debate to be awarded at a public contest held in January of each year, being the income of a fund established by the class of 1894 and amounting to about twenty-five dollars annually. The conditions governing the debate are as follows: 1. Any undergraduate student of Cornell University may become a competitor for this prize. 2. From the whole body of competitors there shall be selected by the University Faculty, in such manner as may seem best, the debaters, not to exceed eight in number, who shall take part in the final competition. 3. The final competition shall take place at a public debate to be held annually, under the direction of the President of the University, at such date and place and in such manner as shall be from time to time determined by the University Faculty. 4. The question for each competition shall be selected by the professor of oratory, subject to the approval of the University Faculty, and shall be publicly announced by him at least four weeks before the date set for each debate. 5. The prize shall be awarded by a committee of three judges |