Spreminjanje prometne rabe zemljišč v Sloveniji

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Založba ZRC, 5. jan. 2015 - 76 strani

Načini mobilnosti prebivalstva vplivajo na prometno rabo zemljišč in s tem oblikujejo prostor, v katerem živimo. Po podatkih zemljiškega katastra je v Sloveniji 465 km2 prometne rabe, kar predstavlja več kot polovico vseh pozidanih površin oziroma dobra 2 % celotne površine Slovenije. Prometna raba v zadnjem desetletju narašča, a počasneje kot ostala pozidana raba, kar morda nakazuje na večjo racionalnost poselitve v Sloveniji. Analiza prometne rabe na državni ravni kaže na območja, ki najbolj pridobivajo prometno rabo. To so območja z novo prometno infrastrukturo (ceste, železnice), pa tudi turistična ter nekatera (sub)urbanizirana območja. Rezultati kažejo, da so lokalne politične in načrtovalske odločitve zelo pomemben dejavnik rasti prometne rabe v slovenskih mestih.

Analiza suburbaniziranih naselij v bližini Ljubljane in Maribora potrjuje tezo, da so novejši, suburbanizirani deli naselij bolj obremenjeni s prometno rabo, zlasti avtomobilsko. Suburbanizirani deli naselij imajo od 10 do 50 % več prometne rabe od starejših vaških jeder. Analiza mestnih sosesk kaže, da starejše blokovne soseske niso bile grajene za uporabo avtomobila, temveč javnega, kolesarskega in peš prometa. Z avtomobilizacijo so se pojavile garaže in parkirišča, običajno zgrajena med bloki na zelenicah ali skupnih dvoriščih. Novejša gradnja se prilagaja minimalnemu parkirnemu standardu, kar se izkazuje tudi pri analizi prometne rabe nekaterih novejših blokovnih sosesk. Problem ni le velika površina namenjena avtomobilu, temveč odsotnost bolj trajnostnih prometnih rešitev oziroma zapostavljenost atraktivne kolesarske infrastrukture in pešpoti.

Zaradi širjenja prometne rabe, namenjene motoriziranemu prometu, smo ocenili odnos prebivalcev do avtomobilov in skušali določiti širše razloge za ta pojav. Ugotovili smo, da so prebivalci okoljsko osveščeni v teoriji, a se to ne prenaša v prakso, saj opremljenost lastnega bivališča z avtomobilsko infrastrukturo vrednotijo višje od ostalih dejavnikov. Avtomobilizacijo smo skušali razložiti z ekonomskimi, družbenimi in političnimi razlogi. Med ekonomske spada poviševanje kupne moči prebivalstva in edinstven sistem obveznega povračila potnih stroškov s strani delodajalca, ki subvencionira uporabo avtomobila. Med družbenimi razlogi omenjamo spremembo bivalnih in delovnih navad značilnih za postindustrijsko družbo. Med politične razloge uvrščamo gradnjo avtocestne infrastrukture, ki je bila v preteklosti prioriteta iz upravičenih razlogov in hkratno zanemarjanje javnega potniškega prometa ter bolj trajnostnih oblik prometa.

Povsem na koncu predlagamo možne ukrepe za bolj trajnostno načrtovanje prometne rabe zemljišč: popravke parkirnih standardov, bolj celovito prostorsko načrtovanje, spodbujanje javnega potniškega in nemotoriziranega prometa.

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It is clear that different types of the population's mobility have an impact on the transportation land use and thereby shape our living environment. According to the land cadastre data Slovenia has 465 km2 of transportation land use, which represents more than 2 % of the country's surface. The transportation land use areas are expanding in the last decade, although slower than other built-up areas. The transportation land use analysis on the state level indicates those areas of Slovenia, where the level of transportation land use has risen the most. These are areas with a new transportation infrastructure (roads, railroads), tourist and some other (sub)urbanized areas. The results have shown that local political and planning decision-making represents an important factor in the increase of the transportation land use in Slovene towns.

The analysis of the suburbanized settlements in the vicinities of Ljubljana and Maribor confirms the thesis that newer, suburbanized settlement parts are more burdened by the transportation land use, especially by the use of cars. Suburbanized settlement parts boast 10 to 50 % more of the transportation land use than the older village nucleuses. The analysis of city areas has shown that older apartment complexes were not constructed for cars, but rather for means of public transportation, bicycles and on-foot traffic. Automobilisation led to the construction of garages and parking places, usually situated between apartment buildings in joint courtyards and green areas. The construction of new buildings has taken into account the minimum parking standards, which is clearly shown by the analysis of the transportation land use in the case of several newer apartment complexes. The issue at hand is not just the vast surface area intended for cars, but also the unavailability of more sustainable transportation solutions and not enough focus on the attractive cycling infrastructure and pathways.

Due to the expansion of transportation land use intended for motorized transportation the relationship of the population towards car use and the broader reasons for it were determined. It was established that the population is in theory environmentally aware, but not as much in practice, since they regard their vehicular infrastructure having greater value than other factors. We tried to determine the economic, social and political reasons for the process of automobilisation. The economic reasons lay in the increase of the population’s purchasing power and the unique system of mandatory travel reimbursement by the employer, who subsidises car use. Social reasons for automobilisation include the changes of living and work habits, characteristic of the post-industrial society, whereas the political reasons are the construction of the motorway infrastructure, which was in the past a legitimate priority, and at the same time the neglect of the public transport and more sustainable non-motorised forms of transportation.



Obseg in spreminjanje prometne rabe na ravni države
Obseg in spreminjanje prometne rabe v obmestnih naseljih
Spreminjanje prometnih zemljišč v mestnih soseskah
Odnos do prometne rabe in družbenoekonomski

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