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Emergency Management Agency

Background Information


he Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) was created in 1979 to
coordinate Federal emergency authorities,
including the administration of disaster
response and recovery programs. This
Agency is the successor to a number of
other Federal agencies dating to 1950 that
were responsible for disaster relief,
emergency management, and disaster
preparedness. FEMA assumed the role from
the Federal Disaster Assistance
Administration and also assumed
responsibilities from the Federal

Preparedness Agency, the Defense Civil
Preparedness Agency, the Federal
Insurance Administration, and the United
States Fire Administration.

FEMA is headquartered in Washington, DC, with 10 regional offices that help plan, coordinate, and manage disaster assistance activities including preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation. Other activities include offsite planning for emergencies at commercial nuclear powerplants and the Army's chemical stockpile sites, providing emergency food and shelter funding for the homeless, and planning to ensure the continuity of the Federal Government during national security emergencies.

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