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Instructions: This short exercise will help you assess your current understanding of the history, mission, and structure of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Please choose or provide the correct response(s) for each question, then check your answers against the answer key on pages 15 through 17.


The source of most Federal funding assistance after major disasters is:

A. Cora Brown Fund

B. Individual Family Grants

C. President's Disaster Relief Fund

D. Small Business Administration Loans


List four categories of disaster assistance activities performed by FEMA:

[blocks in formation]

• To make mitigation the foundation of the national emergency management system

• To provide a rapid and effective response to any disaster

• To strengthen State and local emergency management

Add one more of FEMA's goals:

FEMA Knowledge Assessment (Continued)


Most life- and property-threatening emergencies are best dealt with at which levels of government?


Developing community awareness programs for weather emergencies and home safety is a FEMA activity.

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The development and delivery of emergency management training to enhance emergency capabilities of Federal, State, and local governments and the private sector is the responsibility of

From the list below, check the correct types of goods and services provided by the
Mitigation Directorate:

A. Hazardous materials studies

B. All-hazard public information materials

C. Flood hazard and erosion studies and surveys

D. Mobile home installation and maintenance

From the list below, check the correct types of goods and services provided by the
Response and Recovery Directorate:

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From the list below, check the correct types of goods and services provided by the United States Fire Administration:

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10. From the list below, check the correct types of goods and services provided by the Operations Support Directorate:

A. Management services

B. Cost and benefit analysis

C. Teleconference services

D. Mechanical systems services

Assessment Answer Key




The source of most Federal funding assistance after major disasters is:

C. President's Disaster Relief Fund

Reporting directly to the White House, FEMA manages the President's Disaster Relief
Fund, the source of most Federal funding assistance after major disasters.

List four categories of disaster assistance activities performed by FEMA:

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FEMA has 10 regional offices that help plan, coordinate, and manage disaster assistance activities including preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation. Other activities include offsite planning for emergencies at commercial nuclear powerplants and the Army's chemical stockpile sites, providing emergency food and shelter funding for the homeless, and planning to ensure the continuity of the Federal government during national security emergencies.

Several of FEMA's goals are listed below:

To make mitigation the foundation of the national emergency management system

[blocks in formation]

To establish, in concert with FEMA's partners, a national emergency
management system that is comprehensive, risk-based, and all-hazards in
approach, or

To create an emergency management partnership with other Federal agencies,
State and local governments, voluntary organizations, and the private sector

Either answer would be correct. To accomplish FEMA's mission, all of the above goals shape the priorities and policies to be implemented.

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