Office of Policy and Office of National Security Coordination Chief of Staff Office of Financial Managemont Office of General Counsel Mitigation Preparedness. Responso Fodoral United Statos Operations Information Regional Regions I - X Hazard donbicahon & Risk Assessment Division Rosourcos Stato & Proparodnoss Policy. Intoragency Financial Program Development Division Managemont Program Student Division Support Division Training Exorcises Operations Human National Division Marketing Fire Logistics Academy Policy & Mitigation Operations & Division Preparedness, Training & FEMA National Organizational Chart United States Fire Administration (Continued) The following are examples of the types of goods and services provided by the USFA: Advanced hazardous materials studies. Arson investigations and technical assistance. Developing and testing firefighting Fire data analysis and investigations. Operations Support Directorate The Operations Support Directorate provides the Agency's essential administrative support services. These services include: printing; graphic arts; management of FEMA's space and property; maintaining and disposing of official records; and providing housekeeping services, security, and acquisition services for FEMA Headquarters. In addition, the Operations Support Directorate develops policy on the use of information resources and information technologies in emergency management. The following are examples of the types of goods and services provided by the Operations Support Directorate: Administrative printing. Computer facilities management. Management services. Computer software maintenance and support. Mechanical systems services. Publication storage and distribution. Background investigations. Office of Regional Operations In addition to the program offices headquartered in Washington, DC, FEMA has 10 regional offices in direct support of the Nation's States and territories. (A map of FEMA's regional offices is shown on page 9 of this workbook.) The regional offices are the primary sources through which FEMA's policies, programs, and program objectives are delivered and accomplished at the regional, State, and local levels. The Office of Regional Operations serves as the staff advisor and coordinator for the Director of FEMA on regional policy issues and regional operational matters. |