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General Information
This section prepares you for this reading assignment by identifying its purpose,
objectives, and contents. It also discusses the design of this workbook and the
materials you will need to complete the workbook.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
This section presents FEMA's mission, values, and goals. FEMA's organizational
structure and major functions are also described.
The Stafford Act
The Stafford Act provides the authority for FEMA's role in managing Federal
disaster assistance. This section describes the contents of the Stafford Act and
how it regulates the disaster declaration process.
Government Response to a Disaster Declaration
This section includes information that details how local, State, and Federal
governments respond to a Presidential disaster declaration.
The Disaster Field Office
Understanding the disaster declaration process and how disaster response and
recovery programs are implemented enables disaster workers to be most effective
in the field. This section summarizes the steps involved in a disaster declaration.
Disaster Assistance Programs
This section provides a cursory review of Human Services, Infrastructure Support,
and Mitigation programs. The types of assistance available without a Presidential
declaration are also discussed.