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A general knowledge of the history of the nineteenth century is necessary for the proper study of comparative constitutional law. Of the general histories of this period the following are the most satisfactory for this purpose:

FYFFE, C. A. A History of Modern Europe, 1792-1878. Popular edition. (New York, 1896.) The best work for the period covered.

SEIGNOBOS, CHARLES. A Political History of Europe since 1814. Translation edited by S. M. Macvane. (New York, 1899.) Especially useful because of its separate treatment of the recent history of each country.

PHILLIPS, W. ALLISON. Modern Europe, 1815-1899. (London, 1901.) A good brief work.

ANDREWS, CHARLES M. The Historical Development of Modern Europe from the Congress of Vienna to the Present Time. (New York, 1896-98. 2 vols.) An excellent work, but a series of essays, not a complete history.

AKERS, CHARLES EDMOND. A History of South America, 1854-1904. (London, 1904.) The only satisfactory account of recent South American history; it contains a brief sketch of the history before 1854.


DARESTE, F. R. Les constitutions modernes: Recueil des constitutions en vigueur dans les divers états d'Europe, d'Amérique et du monde civilisé. (2. éd. Paris, 1891. 2 vols.) The best general collection although now somewhat out of date. A third edition is in preparation.

Rodriguez, José IGNACIO. American Constitutions. (International Bureau of the American Republics. Washington, 1906-7. Vols. I and II.) A collection of the constitutions of all independent countries of North and South America. The constitutions are printed in the

1 This general bibliography excludes all reference to the constitutional law of England and the United States, except in so far as English and American institutions are discussed in general works.

original language and in English translation; the Brazilian and Haitian constitutions in the original language and in English and Spanish translations. Unfortunately some of the English translation is inaccurately done, and certain of the constitutions have not been revised to the date of publication. The collection is, however, a necessary work for the study of Latin-American constitutions. CARRANZA, ARTURO B. Digesto constitucional Americano. (Buenos Aires, 1900-1. 2 vols.) A convenient collection of Spanish-American constitutions.

MOREAU, FÉLIX ET DELPECH, JOSEPH. Les réglements des assemblées législatives. (Paris, 1906-7. 2 vols.) A collection of parliamentary rules and orders of the most important countries. Of countries outside of Europe only the United States is included.


Handbuch des oeffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart. Begrundet von Heinrich von Marquardsen. Herausgegeben von Max von Seydel und Robert Piloty. (Freiburg, Tübingen, 1883-1906.) The most important collection of works upon the constitutional law of the countries of Europe. Many of the monographs contained in this work have been entered in the separate country bibliographies. Although nominally in four volumes the collection is subdivided into Halbbände and Teile after the manner of the Germans. What is practically a new edition of the Handbuch has recently been announced by the same publisher, J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) of Tübingen, under the title of Das oeffentliche Recht der Gegenwart. An important feature of the new publication is the Jahrbuch des oeffentlichen Rechts, the first volume of which appeared in 1907; this Jahrbuch will contain important papers, information of new laws in the field of public law, and notes upon the important literature of this subject. BURGESS, JOHN W. Political Science and Comparative Constitutional Law. (Boston, 1902. 2 vols. A reissue of the edition of 1890–91.) One of the most important works; it is devoted to a study of the governments of the United States, England, France, and Germany. GOODNOW, FRANK J. Comparative Administrative Law. An analysis of the administrative systems, national and local, of the United States, England, France, and Germany. (Students' ed. New York, 1903. A reissue of the edition of 1893.) An excellent work, which complements the volumes of Burgess.

LOWELL, A. LAWRENCE. Governments and Parties in Continental Europe. (Boston, 1896. 2 vols.) Excellent studies of the structure and operation of the governments of France, Italy, Germany, AustriaHungary, and Switzerland.

WILSON, WOODROW. The State: Elements of Historical and Practical Politics. (Revised ed. Boston, 1898.) A fairly satisfactory textbook. For France, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria-Hungary Lowell's discussion is better.

DUPRIEZ, LÉON. Les ministres dans les principaux pays d'Europe et d'Amérique. (3. éd. Paris, 1892-93. 2 vols.) One of the most important works in the field of comparative constitutional law.

LE FUR, LOUIS. État fédéral et confédération d'états. (Paris, 1896.) A fairly satisfactory comparative study of confederations and federal states. A German edition has been issued of the first part of this work: LE FUR, LOUIS UND POSENER, PAUL. Bundesstaat und Staatenbund. Erster Band: "Bundesstaat und Staatenbund in geschichtlicher Entwickelung." (Breslau, 1902.)

BOUTMY, ÉMILE. Studies in Constitutional Law: France-England—United States. Translated from the French by E. M. Dicey. (London, 1891.) There is a fourth French edition of 1903.

BRYCE, JAMES. Studies in History and Jurisprudence. (London [1901].) Six of these studies relate to constitutional matters and are of great value. They have been reprinted in a separate volume under the title Constitutions.

AROSEMENA, JUSTO. Estudios constitucionales sobre los gobiernos de la América Latina. (Nueva ed. Paris, 1888. 2 vols.) The only work in its field. It contains texts of the constitutions, many of which have now been superseded, but is still valuable for its historical and critical commentaries.

ASHLEY, PERCY. Local and Central Government: A Comparative Study of England, France, Prussia, and the United States. (London, 1906.) Contains little which may not be found better in Goodnow.

FLANDIN, ETIenne, Institutions politiques de l'Europe contemporaine. (Paris, 1901-5. Vols. I-III.) Brief studies of the governments of England, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. A second edition of Vol. I was issued in 1907.

HART, ALBERT BUSHNELL. Introduction to the Study of Federal Government. (Boston, 1891.) Suggestive for the comparative study of federal states. A more recent work of a similar character is Pro

fessor George Elliott Howard's Comparative Federal Institutions, a syllabus published in 1907 for use in the University of Nebraska.



BORGEAUD, CHARLES. Adoption and Amendment of Constitutions in Europe and America. Translated by Charles D. Hazen. (New York, 1895.) An interesting and important book.

SHAW, ALBERT. Municipal Government in Continental Europe. (New York, 1895.) As yet this is the best work in English upon its subject. Reference should, however, be made to a work which has been announced to appear in 1908: MUNRO, W. B. The European City. PYFFEROEN, OSCAR. L'Électorat politique et administratif en Europe. (Paris, 1903.) A brief account of the electoral systems of European countries.

MEYER, GEORG. Das parlamentarische Wahlrecht. (Berlin, 1901.) Principally a history of the electoral franchise in Europe in the nineteenth century.


Les élections en Europe à la fin du XIX® siècle. (Paris, 1902.) A study of electoral qualifications and electoral procedure in France, England, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Spain, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, and Switzerland.


BURGESS, JOHN W. Political Science and Comparative Constitutional Law. (Boston, 1902. 2 vols.)

LOWELL, A. LAWRENCE. Governments and Parties in Continental Europe. (Boston, 1896. 2 vols.)

WILSON, WOODROW. The State: Elements of Historical and Practical Politics. (Revised edition, Boston, 1898.)

DUPRIEZ, LÉON. Les ministres dans les principaux pays d'Europe et d'Amérique. (3. éd. Paris, 1892-93. 2 vols.)

GOODNOW, FRANK J. Comparative Administrative Law. (Students' ed. New York, 1903.)

BODLEY, J. E. C. France. (New York, 1898. 2 vols.)

HOWARD, B. E. The German Empire. (New York, 1906.)

VINCENT, J. M. Government in Switzerland. (New York, 1900.)

MOORE, W. HARRISON. The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia. (London, 1902.)

BOURINOT, J. G. How Canada Is Governed. (5th ed. Toronto, 1902.)

After these works should come the Handbuch des oeffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart, and the more important separate treatises, as Esmein for France, Laband for Germany, and Blumer for Switzerland.

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