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confiderable facrifices as the Empire has made for the good of all and of each state in particular, to fee those states ftill expofed to fresh demands and pretenfions, at the moment in which the Empire fhould begin to enjoy the fruits of peace. Finally, the deputation of the Empire must again demand of the French ministers a reply to all the points of the last note, to which none has yet been given, or to which the French ministers have not yet replied in a fatisfactory manner; principally to the articles 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, which relate to the fafety and faculty to all proprietors to difpofe freely of all their poffeffions and appurtenances upon the left bank of the Rhine; the amnesty with its effects-the measures to be taken in favour of perfons of the ecclefiaftical or lay condition, who are deprived of their existence by the new organization; the non-application of the laws of emigration in the ceded countries, as well as the arrangements particularly neceffary for Alface and Lorraine.

Anfwer of the French Plenipotentiaries to the Note of the Deputation of the Empire, dated 14th May.`

THE undersigned, minifters of the French republic for the negotiation with the German Empire, have received the note of the deputation of the Empire of the 19th of last Floreal, communicated to them by Count Metternich, minifter plenipotentiary of his Majesty the Emperor,

They hoped that the deputation, enlightened refpecting their true interefts, and the dangers of temporizing, and penetrated, like themselves, with the neceffity of a prompt and durable peace, would not have hefitated to accept the propofitions announced in the note of the French legation of the 14th of last Floreal; that they would acknowledge that the French republic could not have exhibited greater moderation and condefcenfion; and that doubtlefs much greater facrifices would have been required of her, had her enemies fucceeded in their plans of invafion and partition; in fine, that, instead of plunging themselves more and more into an endlefs difcuflion, they would study to give precision to their anfwers; and especially that they would justify the oppofition which they manifefted to the most important points by that itrength of reafon which men of integrity cannot refift.

Disappointed in thefe hopes, the underfigned have given the more profound attention to the note of the 19th Floreal; and they have to declare, that, from the most mature examination, they have deriyed no convincing reafon to induce them to defit from their first demands. For example: The deputation are furely not serious in propofing to refer to a particular convention of com merce and navigation, all that the note of the French legation


contains relative to the navigation of the Rhine, to the towage ways, works on the banks, toll duties, &c. It is difficult, in fact, to conceive what is intended by a treaty of commerce with the Empire in general. It is with each ftate in particular, and according to mutual conveniency, that relations of this kind muft be formed. But all the objects in queftion, with the exception, perhaps, of fome cuftoms which belong to conventions purely commercial, ought to enter into a treaty of peace concluded with the Empire, because the Empire has a public and direct interest in them. It is as difficult to comprehend the declaration made by the deputation, that they are not competent to decide upon the demand of the minifters plenipotentiary of the French republic, relative to the free navigation of the rivers running into the Rhine, and in general to the great rivers of Germany. It appears that the deputation of the Empire declare in vain that they have no powers in this cafe. If they have no right to pronounce in it themselves, it belongs to them, at leaft, to folicit the decifion of the Germanic Diet; and furely there is fo much more reafon for aftonishinent at their indifference in this refpect, as the opening a free paffage in the leffer rivers of Germany is the object which, in its confequences, moft interefts the German nation.

The refufal of the deputation to confent to the re-establishment of the commercial bridge between the two Brifacs is built on no better foundation; efpecially when it is remarked, that the pretext for this refufal is drawn entirely from the clause of the ancient treaties, which ftipulate that it fhould be demolished. Without feeking to trace the true motive of the refiftance which they have manifested upon this fubject, the underfigned will repeat, that the advantage of a part of Germany demands, as strongly as that of one of the departments of the French republic, that this ancient communication fhould be reftored to the commerce of the two nations. Why should the alarms arifing from a ftate of war be constantly opposed to the ancient benefits of a state of peace? If all the difficulties which the deputation appear to create at every step were examined in detail, they would be found equally deftitute of folidity, and the pretenfions of the French republic would ftill remain in full force. But in negotiation the effential point is to advance; and no advance can be made by empty difcuffion. It is therefore neceffary that on both fides we fhould exprefs ourfelves without delay or referve.

The underfigned will give the example; and if the weakness of the objections hitherto oppofed to them do not justify any facrifice on their part, they will find motives for it in the beneficent policy of their government-in its refpect for humanity, and in its fincere defire to accelerate the conclufion of a definitive treaty, which fhall connect the two powers by the tie of common profperity. They therefore propofe the following modification to


fome articles of the note of the 14th Floreal, on the fuppofition that the deputation will accede to the other articles contained in it, which remain unaltered, the underfigned perfifting in them with more urgence, as being incapable of undergoing any difcuf


ift. Kehl has too often formed part of the French territory not to be confidered as an ancient French poffeffion, and being fuch, it is not to be fuppofed that the republic thould now abandon it. But to remove the inquietude of the Empire on this fubject, it will be ftipulated that no town or regular fort thall be built on its foil, and nothing will be preferved except the bridge, and the redoubts neceffary to protect it.

2d. The republic had demanded fifty acres of land oppofite to the old bridge of Huninguen, with a road to it: it renounces that demand, and requires only that there be constructed at Huninguen a bridge of communication between the two banks.

3d. The earnest reclamations of the plenipotentiaries of the Empire, in favour of the chief nobles of the Empire, will be favourably received by the French government. It will also confent, that those who are not counts, princes, or states of the Em pire, and who have neither a collective nor individual vote in the Diet of the Empire, fhould be confidered as private perfons, and treated as fuch; it being understood, at the fame time, that they can have no claim or indemnity whatever, either from the fuppreffion of feudal rights, want of poffeflion, or degradation, down to the period when they fhall be put in poffeffion, that is, the day of exchanging the ratification of the definitive treaty. The arrears of revenue due at the fame period will belong to the republic.

4th. The dependencies on the left bank of ecclefiaftical eftablifhments on the right being ceded to the republic, the dependencies on the left bank of ecclefiaftical establishments on the right will continue to belong to the Empire.

The minifters plenipotentiary of the French republic have no doubt that the deputation of the Empire will justly appreciate this new teftimony of the moderation of its government. From reciprocal facrifices there will refult a peace, speedy, folid, and bo Bourable for the two states.

Raftadt, 4th Meffidor (22d June), 6th

year of the French republic.



Subftance of the Vote given by Auftria in Answer to the laft Note of the French Plenipotentiaries, dated 22d June.

Raftadt, July 8.

THE minifters of Austria, after stating that they had oppofed in an amicable but energetic manner, the new demands of the French plenipotentiaries; that the deputation of the Empire had already confented, with fome modifications, to the most oppreffive demands; and that, confidering the nature of the Germanic conftitution, the deputation was not only free from the charge of having temporized, but had even done every thing to accelerate the treaty, proceed in the following manner:

The laft French note of the 22d June has very much difappointed the flattering hopes that the important motives, alleged with a view of obtaining more favourable conditions, would at length be rewarded with deferved fuccefs, fince, with the excep tion of fome trifling modifications, the principal points were infifted on even in the actual form of a demand, which, with refpect to the free navigation of the Rhine, and the other rivers of Germany, had not been before manifefted but in the nature of a with. Auftria has in every point of view been influenced only by the dictates of duty, which fhall direct her in her prefent vote. She propofes, therefore, to declare repeatedly, in a new anfwer to the minifters of the republic, that it is expected

ift. That the republic will defift from her pretenfions on all the islands of the Rhine, and confine herself to the limits required by herself, preferving the way in which the duties are collected, or the navigable part of the river.

2d. That Caffel, Kehl, and the tête du pont of Huninguen, belonging to the right bank of the Rhine, fhall remain in the poffeffion of the Empire of Germany; and that in general every thing on the Upper Rhine shall be restored to its existing state before the prefent war.

3d. That the fortrefs of Ehrenbreitftein fhall remain untouched.

4th. That the fequeftration impofed upon the property of the nobility immediately dependent on the Empire, fhall be taken off, and restoration fhall be made to them of every thing of which they have been deprived to the prefent moment. That no diftinction fhall be made between thofe fituated on the right and left bank of the Rhine, nor between those who have not votes in the Diet of the Empire, and those who fit and vote in it; and that the nobility immediately dependent on the Empire, fhall be indemnified for their feudal rights which have been fuppreffed.

5th. That with refpect to the ecclefiaftical establishments, it fhall be determined whether the pia corpora thall be comprehended in them, as it is here believed ought to be the cafe.


Finally. Auftria muft propose the frequent reprefentation of all thefe confiderations, and of whatever the deputation fhall think proper to add, to the French minifters, in amicable expreffions, but, at the fame time, in terms of energy, with the intent that the French government may be induced to come to a refolution to recede from her hard demands. There is reafon to expect that fuch will be the event, more particularly as the French minifters, in their laft note, extol themfelves the liberal fyftem of politics purfued by their government, its refpect for humanity, and its fincere defire to accelerate the conclufion of peace. The deputation places too much confidence in this laft declaration, as well as in the preceding ones, to entertain a doubt of their being realized.

Subftance of the Declaration made by the Pruffian Minifters at Raftadt, to the Minifters Plenipotentiary of the French Repub


THE King has feen, with the greatest surprise, the pretenfions, as novel as unexpected, which the French republic has formed fince the negotiations were opened on the two bases, viz. the left bank of the Rhine and the indemnities; which pretensions confift in this, that the debts of the ftates which experience loffes on the left bank, be transferred to the right bank; that the prefent nobleffe of the Empire, who are deprived of their property on the left fide of the Rhine, should be indemnified on the right; that all the islands of the Rhine should be ceded, as well as the different military pofts on this fide of the Rhine, &c. Among all thefe demands, that of the abolition of Ehrenbreitstein was particularly unexpected by the King. His Majefty flatters himself, however, that France will change her fentiments in this refpect, and that fhe will even defift from any fuch pretenfion, if it be intended to remain on the footing of amity and good understanding with Pruffia. Indeed, to demand the demolition of Ehrenbreititein and the prefervation of other military pofts, is evidently affuming an offenfive and menacing attitude against the north of Germany, and therefore muft force his Majesty in particular to refort to measures of precaution and defence. The King is certainly far from being induced to enter into a new coalition against France. He loves alfo to believe that the republic will not affume a threatening aspect, nor create difagreeable alarms.


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