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to its object and its plan of execution. This unheard-of refinement in piracy, which must be chronicled in a year in which we were in alliance, and living in peace and friendship with the French nation, has been planned and executed in broad daylight, in the centre of our republic: in fpite of and in oppofition to our Jaws, confiftent with this fyftem, mercenary and abandoned privateers, who destroy our navigation, would complete its ruin, by fettering its laft refource, viz. the trade of this republic. The veffels deftined for thefe depredations are even fitted out in our own harbours. Even their own papers betray the fraudulent intentions of the owners. The French, who for fome time fince have been prohibited from engaging in the fitting out privateers in their own country, are received here with open arms. Here the mufter-rolls are drawn up, here the letters of marque, &c. are diftributed, and the agents of the French republic, refiding at the different ports in particular, are privy to the fitting out of these hoftile fhips. But far from being intended to cruise against the enemy, far from running the leaft rifk on this account; thefe flender veffels proceed undisturbed to the various places of their pretended destination. There they wait for their facrifices; there they lurk for that which may efcape the open hoftility of the English. Yes, we tremble to fay it (only truth and candour is the character of republicans), there can nothing efcape the cruelty of thefe freebooters. How is it, Citizens Directors, that thefe abuses have been fuffered to continue without interruption? Can any prudence reftrain or check the laws against fuch proceedings?or why are the laws fuffered to fleep? Thus far we have confidered the subject only in a political point of view. When it is looked at as a commercial object, a number of queftions much more alarming will be the natural refult. But we will not wound your bleeding bofoms by a more open difplay; the more so as the increafing decay of our commerce muft ever be a fubject of regret. No, Citizens Directors, the French Directory is ignorant of thefe piracies--they have been perpetrated without their knowledge they have not even imagined that fuch hoftile abuses could have exifted. The fentiments which have hitherto animated them are proofs to us of their ignorance of our complaints, and this is at prefent our only comfort and fupport. The ufe you will make of this reprefentation of our fufferings, and the denunciation of this fyftem of rapine, are left to your pleasure and difcretion. It is hoped the honeft warmth, candour, and uprightness of true republicans will afford a ftill greater claim upon the good-will and efteem of the French Executive Directory. But it is not merely the difowning a handful of vile avaricious men, unworthy of the name of French citizens, that we are warranted to expect from the magnanimity of the French Directory, to whom their proceedings

ceedings have been hitherto unknown; it is not this alone that will answer the demands of a found policy. No; we are moreover convinced that the excellent decifions of the first magistrates in Europe will clearly tend to fhow their abfolute perfuafion, that it is the intereft even of the French republic to remove the grievances we complain of; and that it is alfo requifite for the fafety of the neutral flags in our ports, as well as for the property of the Batavian merchants and others, that redrefs fhould not be withheld.

It may be asked, whether the ports and rivers, now almost deferted, thall be left in this fituation? Whether the confignments shall be given into other hands? Whether our navigation fhall be given up, to increafe and promote that of the common enemy? Is not the prefervation of thefe havens and fea-ports neceffary for the fupport of our allies, and the commerce of the North-the invaluable refources of our marine, in receiving the various productions of pitch, tar, hemp, and all kinds of grain. Convinced by thefe confiderations, the French Directory, we confidently truft, will, through your reprefentations, take the most effectual measures for the purpose of putting an end to this barbarous fyftem (the object of our complaints). May this difpofition increase the friendly fentiments of both nations, by an everlafting union, and draw clofer the facred bands by which we are at prefent connected, and which can alone preferve the indivifibility and welfare of both republics.

We fubmit, Citizens Directors, our thoughts in the plain and fimple guife of truth, befeeching you to make fuch a ufe of thefe our requests, as your patriotic fentiments, and the love of our dear country, may infpire. Health and refpect.

By order of the above-mentioned committee,

H. BROEL, Sec.

In regard to the depredations committed by French privateers upon the Dutch trade, the firft chamber decreed,

That no privateer be fuffered to capture, in Dutch rivers and waters, any fhip belonging to neutral or allied nations, under a penalty of 3000 guilders, to be paid by the captain and crew of the privateer, two-thirds of which to go to the poor, and onethird to the crew of the fhip which refcues the captured fhip; further, that, under the fame penalty, no prize of the above defcription, when taken in foreign parts, fhall be carried into any port of the republic.

The second chamber fanctioned the decree paffed by the firft chamber.


Decree of the Legislative Body of Helvetia.

Arau, 20th Sept. 1798.

THE Legislative Councils, confidering that the legislators of the republic have facred duties to fulfil, after the fad events in which they have feen on one fide a portion of the children of Helvetia mifled by fanatical priests, and deceived by foreign and perfidious emiffaries, rife against the mother-country, abjure the conftitution which they had accepted, and arm against their brethren; and on the other fide, magiftrates, equally courageous and wife, repreffing revolt by the fole force of the republic, that is to fay, by the zeal of the good citizens who are animated by the love of liberty and the Helvetic union; that they have feen too, the brave French army lavishing their blood in the fupport of their allies, and gaining a victory, afflicting without doubt, because obtained over our misled brethren; but glorious and falutary, inafmuch as it overwhelms fanaticifm, and establishes the republic upon bases not to be fhaken:-confidering that as faithful organs of the Helvetic people, the reprefentatives ought to express the fentiments as well as the will of the people, and that it belongs to them to decree in their name to the valiant defenders of the country the fole recompence worthy of them, the expreffions of the gratitude of a free people; to the rebels, and, above all, to the infamous authors of this parricidal plot, the penalty due to their crimes:-finally, to the unfortunate who have fuffered the deftructive scourge of war, the fuccours which they may expect from a mother-country :-the Legislative Councils taking into confideration the meffage of the Directory of the 17th September, decree, after having declared urgency:

1. The Legislative Body declare folemnly, that the French army and the Citizen General Schawenbourg have deserved well of the Helvetic republic.

2. Honourable mention fhall be made in the register of the energetic conduct of Citizen Bolt, prefect of the canton of Sentis, of the communes of the cantons that have rifen for the cause of liberty; of Citizen Hoes, prefect of the canton of Linth; of the prefects of Lucerne and Wadftatten; of the fub-prefects; of the communes and citizens of Helvetia who have fignalized themfelves for the maintenance of freedom and the constitution. ·

3. The rebels, and principally the authors and accomplices in the confpiracy against the country, fhall be profecuted criminally, and tried according to the conftitution, articles 93 and 94.

4. The orphans left by the patriots who perifhed on that occafion fhall be brought up at the expenfe of the republic.

Finally, there fhall be made throughout Helvetia a voluntary collection in favour of the perfons burnt out in the district of VOL. VII.

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Stantz, and of thofe in the adjacent parts who may have fuffered in confequence of those events: the amount of the collection fhall be tranfmitted to the Directory, who fhall diftribute it.

Meffage of the Helvetic Directory on the 3d of October 1798, to the Legiflative Body in their Meeting at Lucerne.

THE Executive Directory expected with impatience the moment of your union. It congratulates you on having refumed your labours. The pure joy it experiences, and which it has already expreffed to you, is a fure pledge that it beholds in you, Citizens Reprefentatives, its elder brothers, fome time abfent from one common family, and returned to labour for its prosperity and happiness. Since the period of our feparation, we have received the commercial advantages ftipulated by our treaty with France. Thus this pledge, fo effential to our national exiftence, has been fully confirmed.

On the other hand, our foreign affairs are not become more aufpicious. Peace between the great powers feems to be far off, and we find them on the point of renewing hoftilities, without our poffeffing the means of protecting ourfelves. We are furrounded by confpirators and evil-minded people, who correfpond with thofe that with to introduce trouble and diforders. Poffeffing your confidence, and fupported by you, Citizens Reprefentatives, we fhall efcape whatever dangers may threaten us. We come to depofit in your bofom our devotion to the country, and our good withes for the national reprefentation.

Proclamation of the Auftrian General on entering the Country of the Grifons.


HE lawful chiefs and magiftrates of the laudable republic of the three orders in Rhetia, appointed and authorized in legal form, having, in virtue of ancient eternal alliances and treaties, applied to his Imperial Royal Apoftolic Majefty for the prefervation and protection of the ancient conftitution, liberty, and tranquillity of their country, his Imperial Royal Apoftolic Majefty has, in confideration of the fubfifting treaties, moft graciously charged us to advance with the corps of troops under our orders into the country of the Grifons, for the fole purpose of afferting, in compliance with the above request, the independence and integrity of the Rhetian republic, and to maintain the ancient conftitution of the country, the dignity and authority of the magiftrates lawfully appointed, and the enjoyment of all the liberties, rights, and privileges of the Grifons.


The undersigned commanding General announces therefore to all citizens, communes, high courts, and orders throughout Rhetia, that they are to confider the march of the Imperial royal troops into their country as a friendly, peaceful, and protecting measure, having no other object than to co-operate with the prefent lawful government in the prefervation of the lawful order, conftitution, and tranquillity.



Major-general of his Imperial Royal Apoftolic Majefty, and commar.ding General of the troops detached to the country of the Grifons.

Feldkirch, 12th October 1798.

Proclamation by the General in Chief to the French Army in Switzerland.

My Comrades,

THE treaty of alliance concluded between the Helvetic and French republics has given you an idea of the esteem which our government has for a nation celebrated for its ancient love of liberty. You have been victorious to your own difadvantage. By an unfortnnate error, while you thought you were defending your own independence, you have been defending the privileges of a few families. The moment is arrived when Helvetians, mingling in your ranks, will follow the traces of their forefathers, and will fhare your glory and your dangers. If the gold of the Englith and their intrigues retard the peace which humanity demands, and the French government cordially wishes, what hope can remain to enemies so often vanquished by us, when we are united with a nation which has more than once proved its bravery?

My comrades, the Helvetic Directory has invited its fellowcitizens to hold themselves ready to march in defence of the country. When circumftances fhall require them to join us, you will find in them friends and brothers, and you will both be eager to emulate each other in valour and courage. You ought to rekindle those sentiments in your hearts, by redoubling your affection for citizens who share their habitations with you, and by showing your refpect for the conftituted authorities.

May an union the most cordial, a friendship the most intimate, reign between the Helvetic and French republics; and may that union operate as an example to yours with the Helvetians!

You will thus fulfil my deareft with. We fhall be all more happy, and the hopes of our common enemies will yet be annihilated.

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