WOOD, viz. Spokes for Wheels, continued. of all sorts, of the growth of any B. P. in America, ..... above 36 in. and not ex. 50 in. in length, not above 3 in. in thickness, and not ex. 7 in. in breadth, the 120 ..... above 50 in. and not ex. 60 in. in length, not .... above 60 in. and not ex. 72 in. length, and not above 72 in. in length, not above 3 in. in thick- .... above 3 in. in thickness, or above 7 in. in breadth, and not ex. 63 in. in length, shall be deemed Clap Boards, and be charged with duty accordingly. ..... ..... above 3 in. in thickness, or above 7 in. in Staves of the growth of any B. P. in America, and im- £ 8. d. 06 4 1 3 0 260 300 4 4 0 4 16 0 020 above 36 in. and not ex. 50 in. in length, not above 3 in. in thickness, and not ex. 7 in. in breadth, the 120. 040 above 50 in. and not ex. 60 in. in length, not above 3 in. in thickness, and not ex. 7 in. in breadth, the 120.. 060 080 ... above 60 in. and not ex. 72 in. in length, not .... above 72 in. in length, not above 3 in. in thick. .... not ex. lin. in thickness, shall be charged with one third part of the duty, herein imposed on such Staves. ... above 3 in. in thickness, or above 7 in. in breadth, and not ex. 63 in. in length, shall be deemed Clap Boards, and be charged with duty accordingly. 0 10 0 * The thickness of Staves is to be taken at the thinnest part of the thinnest edge. -Min. Com. Cus., 5 Dec. 1823. WOOD, viz. Staves, continued. .... above 3 in. in thickness, or above 7 in. in breadth, and ex. 63 in. in length, shall be deemed Pipe Boards, and be charged with duty accordingly. Teak Wood, the load, containing 50 cubic ft. .... of the growth of any B. P. in Africa, the load containing 50 cubic ft.. Teak Wood fit for Ship building, imported from Timber, viz. Fir Timber 8 in. square or upwards, the ...... of the growth of any B. P. in America, and im- Hemlock Timber, to pay duty as Fir Timber.-Min. Oak Timber, 8 in. square or upwards, the load contain- of the growth of any B. P. in America, im- Timber Ends remaining on board Ships after their cargoes of For the Drawback on Timber used in Mines-See Draw- In what Ships, Timber, the produce of Europe, may be im- Ufers, viz. under 5 in. square, and under 24 ft. in length, under 5 in. square, and 24 ft. in length, or up- .... 5 in. square or upwards, are subject and liable to Ufers, of the growth of any B. P. in America, and im- .... under 5 in. square and under 24 ft. in length, the 120* under 5 in. square and 24 ft. in length, or upwards, the 120 .... 5 in. square or upwards, are subject and liable to the duties payable on Fir Timber. * 7 Geo. IV. c. 48. (6 July, 1826.) Woon, continued. Wainscot Logs, viz. 8 in. square or upwards, the load .... ........ of the growth of any B. P. in America, and £ s. d. 2 15 0 0 12 0 Free. Wood, unmanufactured, of the growth of any B. P. in Wood, the Produce of New South Wales and Norfolk For the duty on Anchor Stocks, and Treenails imported imported from any other place within those limits, the load * WOOL, viz.t Beaver Wool, the lb.. cut and combed, the lb. Bison or Buffalo Wool, the Produce of, and imported of any other place, or if otherwise imported, the lb. Carmenia Wool, the lb... Coney Wool, the lb. 500 20 0 0 001 670 0 10 9 0 0 4 006 0 0 1 0 0 2 Cotton Wool, or Waste of Cotton Wool, viz. the pro- .... * 2 & 3 Wm. IV. c. 84. (4 Aug. 1832.) 0 04 5 10 +In what ships Wool, the produce of Europe, may only be imported, see page 4. 9 Geo. IV. c. 76, and 1 & 2 Wm. IV. c. 16. (24 Aug. 1831.) WOOL, continued. Cotton Wool and other articles the Produce of the Brazils, may be imported into the United Kingdom, for home consumption, either from Brazil or Portugal, under the Treaty of 1810 with that Country. See page 54. 2 per cent. is to be allowed for tare on Cotton Wool from the Brazils and St. Domingo, and 3 per cent. from all other places, exclusive of Ropes.-T. O. 19 March, 1821. Goats' Wool, or Hair, the lb..... .... Produce of, and imported from, any B. P. Manufactures of.-See Hair. Hares' Wool, the lb..... ...... Lambs' Wool.-See Sheep's Wool. Ostrich Wool, the lb..... Polonia Wool, the lb... Red Wool, the lb..... Sheep or Lambs' Wool, viz. the Produce of, and im- Produce of, and imported from, any other place, being of the value of 18. the lb. or upwards, the lb. 10 lbs. the cwt. is to be allowed for tare on bags of Spanish Wool of the ordinary texture, the Officer being at liberty to tare any such bags which may appear to be less than 8 lbs. the cwt. or any bags of a different texture from those in which Spanish Wool is generally imported; or whenever he may have reason to suspect the fraudulent concealment of any other article than Wool in the package.-Treas. Order, 13 Oct. 1820. WOOLLENS, viz. Manufactures of Wool, not being Goats' Articles of Manufactures of Wool, not being Goats' For manufactures of "Goats Wool,"- WRECK.-See Derelict. YARN, viz. Cable Yarn, the cwt. 15 0 0 20 0 0 0 10 9 001 006 010 006 9 Geo. IV. c. 76. (11 Aug, 1828.), and 1 & 2 Wm. IV., c. 16. (24 Aug. 1831.) +7 Geo. IV. c. 48. (6 July, 1826.) This will include Gloves, instead of the rated duty in page 120-provided they are made of the above-mentioned materials. + 7 & 8 Geo. IV. c. 56. (6 July, 1827.) ZAFFRE, the cwt. * ZEBRA WOOD, the tont ZEDOARIA, the lb.... GOODS, Wares, and Merchandize, being either in part or wholly manufactured, and not being enumerated or described, nor otherwise charged with duty, and not prohibited to be imported into or used in Great Britain or Ireland, for every 100%. value.. Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, not being either in part or * 2 & 3 Wm. IV., c. 84. (4 Aug. 1832.) Note-All Goods, the Produce or Manufacture of the Island of Mauritius, are subject to the same Duties as are imposed in this table on the like Goods, the Produce or Manufacture of the British Possessions in the West Indies. And all Goods, the Produce or Manufacture of the Cape of Good Hope or the Territories or Dependencies thereof, are subject to the same Duties as are imposed in this table on the like Goods, the Produce or Manufacture of the British Possessions within the limits of the East India Company's Charter, except when any other Duty is expressly imposed thereon. See Entry of Goods Inwards," pages 93 and 94. |