The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Passed in the ... [1807-69]., Količina 67;Količina 1225

Sprednja platnica
His Majesty's statute and law Printers, 1827


Pogosti izrazi in povedi

Priljubljeni odlomki

Stran 14 - Neither will you, upon any account, at any time whatsoever, disclose or discover the vote or opinion of any particular Member of the Court-Martial, unless required to give evidence thereof, as a Witness, by a Court of Justice, in a due course of law. So help you God.
Stran 189 - Trial to be had thereupon ; and no Plaintiff shall recover in any such Action if Tender of sufficient Amends shall have been made before such Action brought, or if a sufficient Sum of Money shall have been paid into Court after such Action, by or on behalf of the Defendant...
Stran 181 - E respectively, every such offender shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable, at the discretion of the Court, to be transported beyond the seas for any term not exceeding fourteen years, nor less than seven years, or to suffer such other punishment by fine or imprisonment, or by both, as the Court shall award...
Stran 577 - ... on such day or days as shall be appointed for the return of such warrant of distress, such day or days...
Stran 184 - ... fide taken or received by transfer or delivery, by some person or body corporate, for a just and valuable consideration, without any notice, or without any reasonable cause to suspect that the same had by any felony or misdemeanor been stolen, taken, obtained, extorted, embezzled, converted, or disposed of, in such case the court shall not award or order the restitution of such security...
Stran 536 - ... shall from time to time be paid, by order of the said court, to the person or persons who would for the time being have been entitled to the rents and profits of the said lands, buildings, tenements, and hereditaments so hereby directed to be purchased, in case .such purchase or settlement were made.
Stran 201 - ... conditioned personally to appear at the said sessions and to try such appeal, and to abide the judgment of the court thereupon, and to pay such costs as shall be by the court awarded...
Stran 183 - Person of the same, every such Offender shall be guilty of a Misdemeanor, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable, at the Discretion of the Court, to be transported beyond the Seas for the Term of Seven Years, or to suffer such other Punishment, by Fine or Imprisonment, or by both, as the Court shall award...
Stran 241 - And be it further enacted, that this act shall be deemed and taken to be a public act, and shall be judicially taken notice of as such by all judges, justices, and others, without being specially pleaded.
Stran 189 - That all actions and prosecutions to be commenced against any person for any thing done in pursuance of this act shall be laid and tried in the county where the fact was committed, and shall be commenced within six calendar months after the fact committed and not otherwise ; and notice in v.

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