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Abittibi lake, iron, 23; Copper, 24.

Abittibi river, lignite, 70.

Actinolite or fibrous serpentine, 31, 52, 73; Manufactured at Bridgewater, 79, 86, 87; Market for, 87.
Acetate of lime, 88.

Ada G. gold mine, 116, 117.

Adam's lake, iron, 140.

Addington, mica, 149; Iron, 130, 205; Phosphates, 436, 437; Gold, 112.

Agates, 39, 61, 205.

Aids in studying minerals, 448.

Alabastine. See Gypsum.

Alabastine company, gypsum, 119, 121, 122.

Albite, 442.

Alaska, gold mine (Treadwell) contrasted, 27.

Albany river, 5; Iron, 23.

Algoma sand, 4, 51.

Algoma and Nipissing district, minerals, 59, 99, 113, 143, 233; Needing free trade, 231.
Alumina, 444.

Amethyst-, 61, 205.

Anglo-Canadian Phosphate company, 175, 440.

Animikie formation, 31, 66, 68; Geographical distribution, 32; Silver bearing, 33, 36.
Animikite, 33.

[blocks in formation]

Arsenic, 30, 72, 113, 116, 117, 181, 404, 205, 444; Statistics of, 72, 210, 243.

[blocks in formation]

Beaver Mountain Silver mine, 33, 35, 62, 63, 67, 192, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 203, 208, 428.

Bethlehem Mining company, 134.

Beck or Silver Harbor mine, 33, 34, 198.

Bedford, iron and plumbago, 52, 128, 134; Mica, 150; Phosphate, 170, 172, 174, 175, 176; Iron company,

133, 134, 135, 233.

Belgium, mining laws of, 298.

Bell's iron locations, 129; Phosphate, 438, 441.

Belmont mine, 127; Estimates for iron furnace at, 334.

Bennett's lake, iron, 138.

Beverage lake, iron, 142.

Big Bear silver mine, 199.

Big Harry silver mine, 199.

Big Stone bay, gold, 117.

Bird's Eye formation, 41.

Bismuth, 30, 62.

Black bay, granite, 62, 205; Galena, 10, 36, 38, 63, 147.
Black lake location, 52, 134.

Black River formation, 41; Granite, 61; Molybdenite, 61.

[blocks in formation]

Boyd Smith, phosphate mine, 53, 167, 172, 177, 439.

Brick, 72; Clay for, 73; Pressed, 78, 85; Statistics of, 212, 213, 229, 243.

Bridgewater, marble quarry, 75, 81, 82, 236; Actinolite, 79, 86, 87; Cement, 87; Mica grinding for lubri
cating, 87.

British Columbia mining laws, 273.

British North American Mining company, 98.

Bruce Mines, gold, 25; Copper, 23, 68, 88, 92, 100; Value of output, 23, 91, 101; History of the mines,
92; System of working mines 94; Deterioration of veins, 96; Extent of mining operations,
100, 101; Shipments of ore, 101; Smelting works, 378, 402, 403, 401.

Brussels, salt, 54, 185, 188.

Buckingham, phosphate, 169, 178, 180.

Building stones, 41, 43, 45, 61, 72, 73, 74, 79, 80, 205; Statistics of, 72, 209, 210, 211, 213, 214, 215, 217, 228,
233, 243, 525.

Bureau of Mines, 407; Proposed work, 408; Equipment of the office, 411.

Burgess, mica, 148, 150, 440; Phosphate, 168, 169, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180, 440; Barytes, 53;
Iron, 140.

Burnt island, quartz connection with Silver Islet, 35, 197.

[blocks in formation]

California School of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, 506; College of Mining, 511.

Calumet mine, 36, 61, 67, 197, 455.

Cambrian system, 31.

Cameron gold mine, 110.

Canada Consolidated gold mine, 28, 106.

Canadian Copper Co., 58, 89, 103, 104, 239, 433.

Canada Gold Mining company, 171.

Canadian Granite company's works, Ottawa, 74, 75, 76, 83.

Capital invested in mining, 208.

Carleton Place, Ramsay lead vein, 41, 145, 146; Iron, 68.

Carriboo mine, 199, 200.

Cascade mine, galena, 29, 30, 147.

Cayuga, gypsum, 45, 119, 121; Cement, 55, 77.

Cedar lake, gold vein, 117.

Cement, 55; Tests of strain at Napanee, 77; Napanee works, 84; at Bridgewater, 87; Statistics of, 72,
213, 229, 243, 525.

Chabasite, 442.

Chalcedony, 442.

Chandler iron mine at Ely, 126.

Charcoal, 88, 215, 216, 217, 227, 243, 341, 356, 390, 391, 393, 396, 399, 409, 468, 480, 482; By-products of, 393,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Coke, 212, 213, 215, 216, 217, 239, 243, 396.

Collection of minerals, 204.

Collingwood, shale oil, 42; Natural gas, 151, 152.

Colorado mining laws, 280; School of Mines, 427, 509.

Columbia College School of Mines, 416, 423, 502, 509.

Comber, natural gas, 151, 156, 158; Petroleum, 156; Record of boring at, 186.

Combination gold mine, 116, 117.

Commercial conditions, influence of upon the mining industry, 205; Extent and variety of the minera
resources of Ontario, 205; Eastern Ontario, 205; Northern region, 205; Imperfect knowledge
of our unexplored territory, 206; Value of the disputed territory, 206; Means of development,
207; Claims of the Port Arthur silver range, 207; À mining region of great promise, 208; Exten-
sive iron deposits, 208; Mining capital and management, 208; Value of mineral products, 209;
Ontario mineral exports, 210; Exports from Ontario by countries, 211; Exports by minerals, 211;
Comparison with United States products, 212; Elements of a fair comparison, 212; Articles elim-
inated from the Canadian table, 212; Table of comparative production, 213; Value of mineral
exports from Ontario and Canada, 214, 238; The United States our principal customer, 214;
Possibility of larger production, 215; Charcoal iron, 215; Coke iron, 216; Annual consumption of
iron in Canada, 216; Limits of production in Ontario, 217; Gold, silver and copper production,
217; Production of salt, 217, 228; Marble and building stone, 217; Some things the Dominion
Government might do, 218; Inter-continental and inter-provincial trade, 218; Geographical con-
ditions, 219; The energetic zone of the continent and Ontario's place in it, 219; Ethnological con-
ditions, 220; Movements of population, 220; Economic conditions, 221; Experience under the
reciprocity treaty, 221; Evil effects of a restrictive policy, 222; Commercial and business con-
siderations, 222; Iron and iron ore, 223; The world's production of pig iron, 224; United States
production of iron and steel in 1876 and 1888, 224; Possible expansion of the iron industry in
Canada, 225; Export of iron ore from Canada, 225; Iron ore shipments from Lake Superior mines,
226; How unrestricted trade would operate, 226; Charcoal iron produced in Michigan, 227; Copper
and nickel, 227; Salt, 228; Structural materials, 228; Scope and results of inter-continental free
trade, 229; Mining industries of the United States and Canada contrasted, 230; Evidence and
statistics, 230; Influence of free trade with the United States upon the mining industries of
Ontario, 231, 232; English and American capital and management, 231; Effects of the duty on
iron ore, mining machinery and salt, 231; United States market for lead ore, 231; Duty on
machinery, 218, 232; Capital, markets and railway communication necessary, 232; Capital invested
in mining enterprises, 233, 235; American capital and market required, 233; American and European
markets, 234; Value of the United States market for iron ores, 234; Sewer pipe, 235: Marble and
sandstones, 235, 236; Market for Madoc marble, 235; Granite, 236; Salt wants a larger market,
236; United States and English competition in salt, 237; Canadian market too limited,
237; No prospect of working Haliburton minerals without an American market, 238; Ways of
fostering and injuring the mining industry, 238; Customs duties and exactions, 238, 239; Bounty
on production of ores and metals, 238, 239; Construction of roads and railways, 232, 239, 240,
241, 242; Promising work stopped for want of railway communication, 240; Minnesota iron
range railway, 241; Money subsidies preferred, 242; Railway extension has cheapened minerals, 242;
Land subsidy for railway construction, 242; Table 1, Mineral productions of Canada in 1886 and
1887. 243; Table II, Quantity and value of mineral exports from Canada, 244-245; Table III,
Imports of iron and steel manufactures, (by quantity) 246-248; Table Iv, Imports of iron and steel
manufactures, (by value) 249-254; Canadian consumption of iron, 397; Balance of trade, 397;
Values of imports by classes, 398; English duties on bar iron, 399; Mineral productions of Canada
and the United States in 1888, 524, 525.

Commission, text of the, vii.

Consolidated gold mine, 72, 106; Description of, 107, 110; Extracting ore from tailings at, 111.
Consolidated Silver Islet company, 196.

Consumers' oil refinery, 164.

Contents, iii.

Copper, 10, 118, 217; First discoveries, 23, 92 in Bruce Mines and Sudbury regions, 23, 24, 56, 58, 59,
60, 63, 67, 68, 88, 205, 403, 425, 433; Value of the output at Bruce Mines, 23, 91, 101; Copper
and nickel, 23, 88, 205, 227, 444; A copper belt, 24; Native copper on lake Superior, 36; on the
North Shore, 36; on Michipicoten island, 39, 60, 98; in Temagami region, 56; in lake Superior
region, 61; Quartzose veins, 97; Sudbury mines, 88; Vermilion mine, 89; Krean's location, 89;
Stobie mine, 89; Copper-cliff mine, 90; Evans mine, 90; Wallace mine, 90; Bruce and Welling-
ton mines, 91, 100, 101; Austin mine, with map, 92; Mining in the lake Superior and lake
Huron districts, 92; Mamainse location, 98, 102; Extent of the copper bearing country, 99;
Probability of further discoveries, 99; Conditions necessary to profitable mining, 99; Shipments
of ore, 101, 102; Lady Macdonald mine, 104; Graham township locations, 105; at Straight
lake, 106; Statistics of, 72, 209, 210, 211, 213, 214, 218, 243, 244, 525; The duty on, 231, 232;
Smelting of, 370, 374, 380, 403, 404, 405; Qualities of the metal, 455.

Copper-bay location, 23, 94, 97.

Copper-cliff mine, 24, 68, 90, 103, 101, 405, 433; Smelting furnace at, 378, 435.
Cornell university technical school, 503.

Corniferous formation, 46; Yielding petroleum, 47.

Courtright, salt, 55, 186, 191; Natural gas, 151, 153.

Craig gold mine, 110.

Creighton, argentiferous galena, 29; Copper, 433; Gold and silver, 59.

Crookston quarry, 80.

Crosby, barytes, 53; Iron, 137, 138; Mica, 150; Phosphate, 172, 176.

Cross lake, 26, 56, 57.

Crow river, blast furnace, 321.

Crown Point mine, 199, 201.

Dakota mining laws, 280.

Dalhousie, iron, 23, 135, 138, 139, 233; Nickel, 138.

Dallieboust, nickel and cobalt, 443.

Darling, iron ores, 52, 129, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142; Serpentine, 83.

Dean and Williams gold mine, 28.

Delft, Polytechnic School at, 500.

Deloro, gold, 106.

Denison, minerals, 205; Silver, 203; Gold, 26, 59, 205; Copper, 24, 88, 89, 104, 105, 106, 108, 112, 113,
425, 426, 434; Platinum, 113, 181; Sperrylite, 181.

Deseronto, cement and terra cotta, 77; Charcoal, 88, 341, 481, 393.

Desert lake, iron location, 143.

Determination of minerals, 447.

Devonian system, 46; Fossils in, 422.

Disputed title, 445.

Dominion of Canada mining laws, 275.

Dominion Mineral company, 433.

Dorion, lead veins, 37, 38, 54.

Drain pipes, 72.

Drift, the, 48; in the Metamorphic and Palæozoic regions, 49; Materials of, 47, 50; Economics of, 51.
Drummond, bog ore, 137.

Drury, copper, 24, 106; Silver, 203.

Dublin, salt, 54.

Dudley, phosphate, 173; Iron, 238.

Duncan silver mine, 33, 34, 67, 195, 197, 198.

Dungannon, iron, 53.

Dysart, phosphate, 173; Iron, 238.

Eagle lake, phosphate, 172.

Eagle river, iron, 64, 145.

East Silver Mountain mine, 133, 196, 199, 203, 232, 428.

Echo lake, antimony, 30; Marble, 68, 76; Copper, 88, 91, 97, 143; Lead, 147.

Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures of Paris, 498.

Écoles des Maitres Mineurs, 498.

École Polytechinque of Paris, 499.

Edward's island, silver, 202.

Edgeward island, minerals, 109.

Elgin silver mine, 199, 445.

Elliott quarries, 74.

Elmsley, sandstone, 80; Phosphate, 176; Plumbago, 181.

Ely iron mine, 125, 126.

Elzevir, gold, 28; Actinolite, 52.

Emerald mine, copper, 97.

Emeralds, 205.

Enniskillen, petroleum, 47, 153; Salt, 186.

Enterprise, Lead Hills or North Shore galena mine, 38, 147.

Eozoon Canadense, a scientific myth, 12, 443*

Epilote, 442.

Erie clays, 4, 51.

Europe, technical high schools in, 494.

Escarpments, how formed, 32, 48; Niagara escarpment, 44; at Forks of the Credit, (illustrated) 73.
Essex charcoal works, 88; Natural gas, 151, 156.

Eurypterus beds, 77.

Evans mine, copper, 24, 90, 103, 104, 378, 405, 433.

Everett mine, gold and silver, 60.

Exeter, salt, 45.

Exploration, its importance and difficulty, 69, 464.

[blocks in formation]

Fort William, minerals, 241.

Fossils, 31, 40, 41, 422; in limestone at James' bay, 172; Marine, in district of drift, 50.

Fournier iron mine, 137.

Fox gold location, 111.

Foxton phosphate mine. 168, 170, 171, 439; Shipping facilities, 172.

France, mining laws, 296; Mining schools, 497.

Freiberg Royal mining school, 500.

Frontenac, marble, 80; Lead mine, 145; Smelting works, 146; Phosphate, 167, 168, 170, 176, 436, 437,
439, 441; Iron ore, 127, 205, 233, 438; Mica, 148.

Galena, 29. See lead.

Galway, marble, 83; Iron, 131.

Garden river, 60; Victoria mine, galena, 29, 67, 145, 147, 203; Antimony vein, 30; Iron, 143: Silver
203; Marble, 68, 76, 83, 229, 235.

Garland, gypsum mine, 122.

Garnet, 442.

Gas, petroleum and natural, 42, 151; Kingsville well, 42, 151; Where to bore for gas, 42; Found at
several points, 151; in Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio and Indiana, 151; Cincinnati arch
traced into Ontario, 151; Found in the Trenton formation, 152; Borings in Ontario, 152; Theories
of the origin of natural gas, 152; at Courtright, 153; in Silver Islet, 153.

Gas oil, 158.
Gatling gold mine, 28, 68, 107, 110.

Geology of Ontario, 1; Bounds of the territory, 1; Gaps in the system, 1; Divisions of the rocks, in
descending order, 2; Technical terms explained, 3; Ontario names for systems and formations,
4; Geographical distribution, 5; Hudson Bay slope, 5; Palæozoic_ strata_ of the east, 5;
Azoic rocks, 6; Nucleus of the continent, 7; Laurentian system, 8; Lower Laurentian forma-
tion, 8; Upper Laurentian formation, 10; Minerals found in Upper Laurentian series, 11
Eozoon Canadense a scientific myth, 12; Origin of Laurentian rocks, 13; A land of lakes, 14;
Ontario a group of islands, 15; Glacial origin of the lakes, 15; Origin of the boulders, 16; Decay
of rocks still going on, 16; Huronian system, 16; Volume of the system, 17; Conformity of the
Laurentian and Huronian rocks, 17; Huronian areas, 18; Lower and upper divisions, 19; An
iron-bearing series, 20; Greywacke, 20; Huronian quartzite, 20; Felspar, 21; The Metalliferous
series, 22; Iron, 22; Copper and nickel, 23; Gold, 25; Silver in Huronian rocks, 28; Galena,
29; Zinc, 30; Antimony, 30; Other metals and minerals, 30; Cambrian system, 31; Animikie
formation, 31; Silver bearing rocks, 33; Nipigon formation, 36; Lead veins, 37; Lake Nipigon,
38; Mamainse and its boulder conglomerates, 39; Potsdam formation, 39; Fossil tracks, 40;
Silurian system, 40; Calciferous formation, 41; Chazy formation, 41: Black River and Birds-Eye
formation, 41; Trenton formation, 41; Utica formation, 42; Hudson River formation, 43;
Medina formation, 43; Clinton formation, 43; Niagara formation, 43; Guelph formation, 44;
Onondaga (salt) formation, 45; Helderburg (lower) formation, 46; Devonian system, 46;
Oriskany formation, 46; Corniferous formation, 46; Petroleum, 47; Hamilton formation, 47;
Chemung and Portage formation, 47; Post Tertiary system, 48; Drift, 48; Glaciers, 49;
Marine fossils, 50; Clays, sand and gravel, 50, 51; Economics of the Drift, 51; Evidence
before the Commission for eastern Ontario region, 52; Western Ontario region, 54; Lake Temagami
region, 56; Sudbury region, 58; Sault Ste. Marie region, 59; Michipicoten Island, 60; Lake
Superior region, 61; Lake-of-the-Woods region, 64; Gold in the Huronian rocks, 65, 66.
George Heenan gold mine, 117, 118, 446.

Georgian bay, mineral bearing rocks of, 59, 65.

Germany, mining laws, 296; Mining schools, 495.

Gillies, silver, 199.

Glaciers. See Drift. Glacial origin of the lakes, 15; Evidences of glacial action, 48; Effects of ancient,
49; Glacial phenomena, 49; Direction of the glacial movement, 49; Local causes influencing, 50.
Gladstone gold mine, 28, 110, 111.

Glamorgan, iron, 53, 131, 132; Marble, 83.

Glencoe, oil at, 55; Salt deposit, 160.

Glendower iron mine, 128, 133, 135.

Glenny gypsum mine, 121.

Glossary, 527.

Gneiss, primitive, 8; Color and form of gneiss rocks, 920; Foliation and strike, 9; Supposed aqueous
origin, 12.
Goderich, salt, 45, 54, 184, 185, 190.

Gold, 25, 110, 114, 118, 205, 217, 425, 426, 427, 450; Statistics of, 72, 209, 210, 211, 213, 218, 243, 244,
525; Locations on Lake-of-the-Woods, 25, 205; Partridge lake veins, 26; Victoria cape location,
26; Vermilion mine, 26; Temagami, 26, 56; Goulais and Batchawana bays, 26; Madoc, 27;
Gold on lake Wahnapitæ, 27, 112, 435; Comparison with Treadwell mine, Alaska, 27; Gold in
the Hastings region, 27; Richardson mine, 27, 106; Other locations, 28; Gatling mine, 28, 107;
Gladstone and Feigle mine, 28; Dean and Williams mine, 28; Guinard mine, Kaladar, 28;
Sudbury district, 59; at Batchawana bay, 26, 60; Sault Ste. Marie district, 60; Lake Superior
region, 61, 114; Heron bay, 62; Huronian and other locations, 25, 62, 241; Jackfish bay, 62,
115 Seine river, 64; Sultana island, 64, 118; Rainy lake, 64; Associated with Huronian rocks,
66; Veins along the Thessalon river, 66; Lenticular gash veins, 66; Auriferous veins, 66;
Alluvial gold, 66; Consolidated mine, 72, 106, 110; in Sudbury with copper, 104; Denison town-
ship (see); Gold-hill, 109; Winnipeg Consolidated, 109; Cameron, 110; Hawk-eye, 110; Williams,
110; Craig, 110; Kaladar, 111; Richardson hill, 111; Moira, 111; Malone, 110, 112; Sher-
brooke, 112; May, 112; Graham, 105, 112; Waters, 112; Snider, 112; Neelon, 114; Flat Point,
114; Jackfish lake, 115; Poplar river, 115; Kewaydin, 116; Gold chiefly in sulphurets, 115;
An extensive gold belt, 115; Treatment of the ore, 116; Pine Portage, 116; Ada G., 116; Com-
bination, 116; George Heenan, 117; Woodchuck, 118; Boulder island, 118; Manitoba Consolidated
location, 118; in the disputed territory, 447; Facts regarding the various occurrences of gold,
450. Test for gold, 452.

Gold-hill mine, 64, 109, 116.

Gold lake vein, 117.

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