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British Invasion from Canada. - The Plan. - Composition of the Invading Army. -Schuyler on the Alert. — His Speculations as to the Enemy's Designs. - Burgoyne on Lake Champlain. - His War-speech to his Indian Allies. -Signs of his Approach descried from Ticonderoga Correspondence on the Subject between St. Clair, Major Livingston, and Schuyler.. Burgoyne intrenches near Ticonderoga. His Proclamation. - Schuyler's Exertions at Albany to forward Reinforcements. - Hears that Ticonderoga is Evacuated. Mysterious disappearance of St. Clair and His Troops. - Amazement and Concern of Washington. Orders Reinforcements to Schuyler at Fort Edward, and to Putnam at Peekskill. - Advances with his Main Army to the Clove. His Hopeful Spirit manifested.

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HE armament advancing against Ticonderoga, of which General St. Clair had given intelligence, was not a mere di

version, but a regular invasion; the plan of which had been devised by the king, Lord George Germaine, and General Burgoyne, the latter having returned to England from Canada in the preceding year. The junction of the two

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armies that in Canada and that under General Howe in New York- was considered the speediest mode of quelling the rebellion; and as the security and good government of Canada required the presence of Governor Sir Guy Carle.

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- VIS Nanosed of three en hundred and wenty-four British 1024 busad sixteen Germans, DIST BESTEN 27. inbred and fifty Canadas d r imisi Iluns: besble these there were four hundred and seventy-three artilCT DEL II LI may en doosini men. The Its brass train

I ALAT VAS tried s ezhaps the finest ever flized samy of the size. General Falles vol mmmanded the artillery, had gained get repeated in the was in Germany. Brigader-genera's Friser, Powel, and Hamilton, were also cócers of distinguished merit. So was Majorgeneral the Baron Rielesel, a Brunswicker, who acmanded the German troops.

Wale Bargoyne with the main force proceeded from St. John's Colonel St. Leger, with a detachment of regulars and Canadians about seven hundred strong, was to land at Oswego, and, gabled by Sir John Johnson at the head of his loyalist volunteers, tory refugees from his former neighborhood, and a body of Indians, was to enter the Mohawk country, draw the attention of General Schuyler in that direction, attack Fort Stanwix, and, having ravaged the valley of the Mohawk, rejoin Burgoyne at Albany



where it was expected they would make a triumphant junction with the army of Sir William Howe.

General Burgoyne left St. John's on the 16th. of June. Some idea may be formed of his buy. ant anticipation of a triumphant progress through the country, by the manifold and lumbering appurtenances of a European camp with which his army was encumbered. In this respect he had committed the same error in his campaign through a wilderness of lakes and forests, that had once embarrassed the unfortunate Braddock in his march across the mountains of Virginia.

Schuyler was uncertain as to the plans and force of the enemy. If information gathered from scouts and a captured spy might be relied on, Ticonderoga would soon be attacked; but he trusted the garrison was sufficient to maintain it. This information he transmitted to Washington from Fort Edward on the 16th, the very day that Burgoyne embarked at St. John's.

On the following day Schuyler was at Ticonleroga. The works were not in such a state of forwardness as he had anticipated, owing to the tardy arrival of troops, and the want of a sufficient number of artificers. The works in question related chiefly to Mount Independence, a high circular hill on the east side of the lake, immediately opposite to the old fort, and considered the most defensible. A star fort with pickets crowned the summit of the hill, which was table land; half way down the side of the hill was a battery, and at its foot were strongly intrenched

tr, three thousand men were to remain there with £., the reskiue of the army was to be employed

two expeditions: the one under General Burgoyle, who was to force his way to Albany, the other under Lieutenant-colonel St. Leger, who Was to make a diversion on the Mohawk River.

The invading army was composed of three ti asand seven hundred and twenty-four British "ak and file, three thousand sixteen Germans

y Brunswickers, two hundred and fifty Cana Las, and four hundred Indians; beside these there were four hundred and seventy-three artil iery men, in all nearly eight thousand men. The army was admirably appointed. Its brass train of artilery was extolled as perhaps the fines ever allotted to an army of the size. General Pls, who commanded the artillery, had gained great reputation in the wars in Germany. Brig ader-generals Fraser, Powel, and Hamilton, were also officers of distinguished merit. So was Majorgeneral the Baron Riedesel, a Brunswicker, who commanded the German troops.

While Burgoyne with the main force proceeded from St. John's, Colonel St. Leger, with a detachment of regulars and Canadians about seven haired strong, was to land at Oswego, and gusted by Sir John Johnson at the head of his loyalist volunteers, tory refugees from his former neighborhood, and a body of Indians, was to enter the Mohawk country, draw the attention of General Schuyler in that direction, attack Fort Stanwix, and, having ravaged the valley of the Mohawk, rejoin Burgoyne at Albany


ere it was expected they would make a triphant junction with the army of Sir William



eneral Burgoyne left St. John's on the 16th

ine. Some idea may be formed of his bu y anticipation of a triumphant progress through country, by the manifold and lumbering ap enances of a European camp with which his was encumbered. In this respect he had nitted the same error in his campaign through derness of lakes and forests, that had once rrassed the unfortunate Braddock in his across the mountains of Virginia. huyler was uncertain as to the plans and of the enemy. If information gathered scouts and a captured spy might be relied iconderoga would soon be attacked; but he ed the garrison was sufficient to maintain it. information he transmitted to Washington Fort Edward on the 16th, the very day Burgoyne embarked at St. John's. n the following day Schuyler was at Ticona. The works were not in such a state of irdness as he had anticipated, owing to the - arrival of troops, and the want of a suffi number of artificers. The works in relatei chiefly to Mount Independen, a circular on the east side of the la ediately opposite to the old fort, and c the most defensible. A star fort with para ned the mamit of the hill, which was 1; half way down the side of the h. 1 tery, and its foot were strongly i


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