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mountains, however they may be disfigured by men, can rarely be applied to uses which would destroy their sublimity. But should the islands and declivities of the Niagara river be stripped of their natural woods, and occupied for manufacturing and business purposes; should even the position, size and form of the constructions which the accommodation of visitors will call for, continue to be regulated solely by the pecuniary interests of numerous individual landowners, the loss to the world will be great and irreparable. The danger may be measured by what has already occurred. The river's banks are denuded of the noble forest by which they were originally covered; are degraded by incongruous and unworthy structures, made for advertising purposes, wilfully conspicuous and obstructive, and the visitor's attention is diverted from scenes to the influence of which he would gladly surrender himself, by demands for tolls and fees, and the offer of services most of which he would prefer to avoid.

Objects of great natural beauty and grandeur are among the most valuable gifts which Providence has bestowed upon our race. The contemplation of them elevates and informs the human understanding. They are instruments of education. They conduce to the order of society. They address sentiments which are universal. They draw together men of all races, and thus contribute to the union and the peace of nations.

The suggestion, therefore, that an object of this class so unparalleled as the Falls of Niagara should be placed under the joint guardianship of the two governments whose chief magistrates we have the honor to address, is a proper concern of the civilized world, and we respectfully ask that it may, by appropriate methods, be commended to the wise consideration of the Legislature of New York.

A similar memorial has been addressed to the GovernorGeneral of Canada.

W. A. Wheeler, Vice-President of the United States.

Alex. Ramsey, Secretary of War of the United States. M. R. Waite, Chief Justice United States Supreme Court. Nathan Clifford, Associate Justice United States Supreme Court.

N. H. Swayne, Associate Justice United States Supreme Court. Stephen J. Field, Associate Justice United States Supreme Court.

Joseph P. Bradley, Associate Justice United States Supreme Court.

John M. Harlan, Associate Justice United States Supreme Court.

W. Strong, Associate Justice United States Supreme Court. Sam. F. Miller, Associate Justice United States Supreme Court.

A. A. Dorion, Chief Justice Court of Appeals, Canada.

S. C. Monk, Judge Queen's Bench.

A. E. Burnside, United States Senate.

J. G. Blaine, United States Senate.
Justin S. Morrill, United States Senate.
H. B. Anthony, United States Senate.
J. D. Cameron, United States Senate.
W. B. Allison, United States Senate.
Mat. H. Carpenter, United States Senate.
John James Ingalls, United States Senate.
David D. Porter, Admiral United States Navy.
George C. Brodrick, Member Parliament.

M. E. Grant Duff, Member Parliament.

R. W. Hanbury, Member Parliament.

W. R. Gregg, Member Parliament.

F. Max Muller, University of Oxford.

B. Jowett, University of Oxford.

Henry J. Smith, University of Oxford.

Clarence King, Director United States Geological Survey.

John, Cardinal, Archbishop of New York.

S. B. Chittenden, Member Congress.

S. S. Cox, Member Congress.

W. D. Kelley, Member Congress.

D. G. Johnson, Judge Superior Court, Canada.

R. Mackay, Judge Superior Court, Canada.

F. W. Torrence, Judge Superior Court, Canada.
William, B., Montreal, Lord Bishop.

S. Rivard, Mayor of Montreal.

S. S. Huntingdon, Member Parliament.
M. H. Gault, Member Parliament.

Thomas W. Ritchie, Member Parliament.

J. W. Dawson, Principal McGill College, Montreal.
P. A. Peterson, Chief Engineer, Government of Quebec.
Charles W. Eliot, President Harvard University.
Benj. H. Paddock, Bishop of Massachusetts.
Thomas M. Clark, Bishop of Rhode Island.
James McCosh, President College of New Jersey.
Charles B. Andrews, Governor of Connecticut.
Noah Porter, President Yale College.
J. Williams, Bishop of Connecticut.
Natt. Head, Governor of New Hampshire.


A. B. Thompson, Secretary of State of New Hampshire.
William Woodruff Niles, Bishop of New Hampshire.
Henry A. Coit, D. D., Rector St. Paul's School:
Edward Cooper, Mayor of New York.

F. A. P. Barnard, President of Columbia College.
Howard Crosby, President University of New York.
Alex. S. Webb, President College of the City of New York.
D. Huntington, President National Academy of Design.

Frederic E. Church, National Academy.
Sanford R. Clifford, National Academy.
W. Whitridge, National Academy.
A. Bierstadt, National Academy.
Homer D. Martin, National Academy.
J. Durand, National Academy.
Thomas Hicks, National Academy.
N. C. Meigs, United States Army.
Albert J. Meyer, United States Army.
Q. A. Gilmore, United States Army.
Nelson A. Miles, United States Army.

F. W. Gockeln, President St. John's College, Fordham.

J. Q. A. Ward, National Academy.

Francis McNeirney, Bishop of Albany.

E. O. Haven, Chancellor Syracuse University.

Wm. C. Russell, Acting President Cornell University.

E. Dodge, President Madison University.

Saml. G. Brown, President Hamilton College.
Wm. Croswell Doane, Bishop of Albany.

D. M. Osborne, Mayor of Auburn.

A. Cleveland Coxe, Bishop of Western New York.

Alfred R. C. Selwyn, Director Geological Survey of Canada.


Louis Mallet.

John Lubbock.

J. F. Stephen.

Hugh Allen.

Francis Hincks.

Thomas Carlyle.
John Ruskin.

Leslie Stephen.
Frederick Harrison.
R. Waldo Emerson.
Phillips Brooks.
J. E. Sargent.
Cyrus W. Field.
Henry W. Bellows.
Park Goodwin.

Morgan Dix.

Charles A. Dana.

Samuel Osgood.

William Henry Hurlbut. James M. Brown.

Howard Potter.

John Crosby Brown.

Henry W. Longfellow.

James Russell Lowell.

John G. Whittier.

John G. Palfrey.

Francis Parkman.

Oliver Wendell Holmes.

W. D. Morgan.

Eobert B. Minturn.

V. E. Dodge, Jr.
Lloyd Aspinwall, Jr.
Samuel D. Babcock.
Herman R. Le Roy.
J. H. Draper.
William B. Rice.

S. Nicholson Kane.
F. Sheldon.

John L. Cadwalder.
John MacMullen.
William H. Seward.
Theodore M. Pomeroy.
E. T. Throop Martin.
Josiah Letchworth.
R. B. Welch.
Charles C. Dwight.
C. D. Macdougall.
Dennis R. Alward.
Byron C. Smith.
Charles Hawley.

G. W. Clinton.

Sherman S. Rogers.
E. C. Sprague.

William F. Rogers.

S. S. Jewett.

Pascal P. Pratt.

J. M. Richmond.

E. Storck.

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