LAW S OF THE UNITED STATES AMERICA. IN THREE VOLUMES. .VOL. III. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY RICHARD FOLWELL, No. 33, CARTER'S ALLEY. 1796, United States of America, BEGUN AND HELD AT THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, In the State of Pennfylvania, On Monday the Second of December, IN THE YEAR M,DCC,XCIII. AND OF THE Independence of the United States, THE EIGHTEENT H. A C T S O F CONGRES S. CHAPTER I. An Act making an Alteration in the Flag of the E it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of B of U. States. rica, in Congress affembled, That from and af- Alteration FREDERICK AUGUSTUS MUHLENBERG, APPROVED, January the thirteenth, 1794: GEORGE WASHINGTON, Prefident of the United States. |