Elements of modern geography

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W. Blackwood and Sons, 1864 - 297 strani

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Stran 2 - CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY, comprising, in Twenty Plates, Maps and Plans of all the important Countries and Localities referred to by Classical Authors ; accompanied by a pronouncing Index of Places, by T.
Stran 3 - Review. —It contains a prodigious array of geographical facts, and will be found useful for reference. English Journal of Education.— Of all the Manuals on Geography that have come under our notice, we place the one whose title is given above in the first rank. For fulness of information, for knowledge of method in arrangement, for the manner in which the details are handled, we know of no work that can, in these respects, compete with Mr Mackay's Manual. A. KEITH JOHNSTON, LL.D., FRSE, FRGS,...
Stran 15 - PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, illustrating, in a Series of Original Designs, the Elementary Facts of Geology, Hydrology, Meteorology, and Natural History.
Stran 1 - Eighteen Christian Centuries." Second Edition. Post Octavo, 9s. " Mr 'White's ' History of France,* in a single volume of some 600 pages, contains every leading incident worth the telling, and abounds in word-painting -whereof a paragraph has often as much active life in it as one of those inch-square etchings of the great Callot...
Stran 14 - English. Journal of Education. "... The Physical Atlas seems to us particularly well executed. . . . The last generation had no such help to learning as is afforded in these excellent elementary Maps. The Classical Atlas is a great improvement on what has usually gone by that name ; not only is it fuller, but in some cases it gives the same country more than once in different periods of time. Thus it approaches the special value of a historical atlas. . . . The General Atlas is wonderfully full and...
Stran 177 - Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few : pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.
Stran 4 - Geography claims a special notice at our hands. While Mr Johnston's maps are certainly unsurpassed by any for legibility and uniformity of drawing, as well as for accuracy and judicious selection, this eminent geographer's Atlas has a distinguishing merit in the fact that each map is accompanied by a special index of remarkable fulness. The labour and trouble of reference are in this way reduced to a minimum. . . . . The number of places enumerated in the separate indices is enormous. We believe,...
Stran 14 - Elementary Atlas of General and Descriptive Geography, for the Use of Junior Classes ; including a MAP OF CANAAN and PALESTINE, with GENERAL INDEX. 8vo. half-bound, 5s.

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