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discrimination and selection and to compare the different values of official and private sources, intimate diaries and public utterances, chronicles and records, diplomatic correspondence and periodical literature, popular legends and historical science.

Finally, we need to study American history in the interests alike of humanity and the humanities, Nihil humanum a me alienum puto was the sentiment of a classical humanist. It can hardly be discarded by the most modern of the humanities; and remoteness itself grows remote when battles in France and counsels in London hang upon the arbitrament of those whom we exile from the sphere of our humaner studies. We cannot long continue to think we comprehend the course of modern history without reference to its American factors. If we boast of history as a science, we should recollect that science knows no frontiers; and if Americans ceased to be provincials when they forswore their isolation, we may pay a similar compliment to ourselves when we include American history within the scope of our understanding.



[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Alabama, the, 194, 196-8, 237, Aquinas, St. Thomas, 19, 288


Alaska, 21., 127, 181, 194, 199
Albany, 24

Alleghanies, the, 23, 93, 129,

132, 137, 139, 144, 165
Allegiance, doctrine of, 23, 99,

101, 106-7, 121-2, 190-1,
255, 257-8

[blocks in formation]

Alvord, Prof. Clarence W., vi, Assassination, political, 192,

[blocks in formation]

"Asylum for mankind," 86, 88,
100, 122, 167, 221, 240, 255
"Atlantic interests," 147, 163
Augustine, St., 16

Austin, John, 45n., 87, 286
Australia, 145, 190, 265
Austria, 30, 85, 133, 181

BABCOCK, Orville E., 194
Bacon, Francis, 15, 407., 52

Balance of Power, 123, 125, 157,

219, 253

Boncour, M. Paul, 204
Boston, 1, 27, 35, 51, 75, 139,
146, 183, 277, 284

Botany Bay, 265

Bourbons, the, 52, 85, 93, 127,
129, 184

Brown, John, 1637.

Bryan, William Jennings, 140
Bryce, Lord, v, 3, 5, 29, 132,
139, 189, 209

Buchanan, President James, 129,
150, 172, 174

Baldwin, Prof. James Fosdick, Bulwer-Clayton treaty, 182


Balfour, Lord, vi

Ballot, the, 61, 146, 284
Bancroft, George, 277
Banks, first and second National,
119-20, 141

[ocr errors]

- National v. States, 139-41
Barbary pirates, 12
Bastille, the, 188, 214
Boy Islands, 183
Becker, Prof. Carl, 219, 280,

Beer, George Louis, 271, 279
Benjamin, Judah P., 54n.
Bentham, Jeremy, 220
Benton, Thomas Hart, 131, 181
Bermuda, 257

"Bill of abominations," the, 142
Bimetallism, 140
Bismarck, 236

"Black and Tan," 285

Blackstone's Commentaries, 10,

Blaine, Secretary James Gilles-
pie, 125

Blake, Admiral Robert, 12

Blockade, 47, 117, 185, 260
"Blood thicker than water,"


Bolivar, Simon, 124

Burke, Edmund, 10, 56, 70-1,
167, 2177.

Burr, Aaron, 131
Byron, Lord, 100

CABINET (U.S.A.), 190, 249-50
Calendar, French Revolutionary,

Calhoun, John Caldwell, 131,

143, 150, 153, 162, 230
California, 157-8, 176, 201, 223
Camden, Charles Pratt, Lord, 36
Canada, 1, 22, 26, 27, 52, 96n.,

116-17, 120, 124-6, 166, 181,
183, 187, 190, 194-7, 199,
201, 257, 262-3, 269
Canning, George, 126, 219, 220,

Capital and debt, 74, 138-9, 140

and labour, 74, 138-9, 141-2
Caribbean Sea, 193, 199
Carlyle, Thomas, 55n., 196n.
Carnegie Foundations, 271
Carolina, North, 61, 140, 148
South, 143, 151., 153, 156,
182, 204

[ocr errors]

Carolinas, the, 13, 131, 223
Carpet-baggers, 284
Castlereagh, Lord, 5n.

Catholicism, 121, 240

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