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(From Poems, by one of the Authors of " Poems for Youth, by a Family Circle.")

I have been lonely, even from a child;
Tho' bound with sweet ties to a happy home,
With all life's sacred charities around me;
I have been lonely-for my soul had thirst
The waters of this world could not assuage:
I found them bitter, and I had high dreams,
And strange imaginations-yea, I liv'd
Amid my own creations; and a world
Of many hopes and raptures was within me,
Such as I could not tell of; for I knew
Such feelings could not bear a sympathy;
They were too sacred to admit communion,
Too blest to need it-to the fields and woods
Did my heart's fulness pour them; solitude
Was the expansion of my secret visions,
When I could ask my soul to tell me all,
And many a bright and blessed reverie

Hath cheer'd my wanderings. I have heard sweet music
In my own thoughts; mysterious harmonies,

Felt, but not understood; vague, happy musings,

And shadowy sketches of my future fate,


young and glowing colours. Are they faded? -Years are gone by; and once again I commune With my own spirit-It is passionless,

And silent now, its loveliest visions over;

And yet I do not shun this scrutiny.

Tho' I have fed my heart with perishing joys,
They have not been in vain; for those wild hopes
And noble aims, and all those proud aspirings,
Gave me a loftier being. I have plung'd
Within the maddening wave, unaw'd, to succour
An object of my love. I have stood calm
In danger's fiercest moment, with a trust
Above all mortal peril. I have wander'd
O'er moors and mountains to assuage the woes
Of human kind. In all that could excite
I have been foremost :-then have woke and wept
To feel how little and how weak I was.———————


(From Crely's "Sebastian.")

Open ye gates of peace, receive the bride,
In beauty come to pledge her virgin vow.
Oh! not with mortal thoughts those cheeks are dyed,
Those downcast eyes not touch'd with mortal woe;
Her's are the thoughts that light the seraph's glow,
When, veiling his bright forehead with his plume,
He lays before the throne his chaplet low.
Daughter of princes, heir of glory, come!
Open ye gates of peace. She triumphs o'er the tomb.

Come, beautiful, betrothed! The bitter sting
Of hope deferr'd can reach no bosom here,
Here life is peace, unwreck'd by dreams that spring
From the dark bosom's living sepulchre.

At these high gates die sorrow, sin, and fear.
Woe to the heart where passion pours its tide;

Soon sinks the flood to leave the desart there;

Here love's pure stream with hues of heaven is dyed.

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Come, stainless spouse. Ye gates of peace receive the bride!



[N. B. The figures within crotchets refer to the pages of the History; the others to
those of the Chronicle, Appendix to ditto, and extracts.]

ABDUCTION, of Miss Glenn, 449.
Abeona, the transport, loss of, 507.
Abisbal, count. [221] proclaims the con-
stitution [225].

Accidents: 60, from furious driving,
120; at Birmingham theatre, 151; at
Fenton-park colliery, 178; Thorn-
cliffe iron works, 289; Klinhurst pot
tery, 384; Brandenburgh-House, 452.
Acts for the support of his Majesty's
household, 751; list of public general
acts, 781.

Amelia, princess, circumstances of her gift
of a ring to the late king, 708.
America, North, scarcity of money in,
591. See also United States.

South, 139; 143; 172; pro-
posed new monarchy, [113]; 255,
documents respecting ditto, 845.
Amethyst, large block of, 336.
Angostura British soldiers assassinated in
the hospital at, 172.

Animal matter. conversion of, into new
substances, 1356.

Adams, evidence of, against Thistlewood, Antarctic continent, discovered, 335.

&c., 925.

Address, of the vicar-general of Naples,
328; to the Cortes, 361; to the king
of Spain, 362; to queen Caroline, 373;
ditto from the seamen, 414; list of the
various addresses to her Majesty, 423;
of the Portuguese minister to the Ham-
burgh Senate, 435; of the city of Lon-
don to the King, 515, 519; Edinburgh
and Dublin ditto, 535; of the Irish
Catholics to ditto, 780; of the king of
Spain to the Cortes, 795; of the em-
peror Alexander to the Polish Diet,

Admiralty, court of, 276.

Agricultural distresses, [5] Mr. Sumner's
motion, and debate upon it [65] Re-
port of the House of Commons res-
pecting, 761.

Agriculture, improvements and discoveries
in, 1347; premiums in, 1378.
Albania, attempt of Ali Pasha on Pashow
Bey, 157.

Alexander, emperor, his decree for the
expulsion of the Jesuits, 850; address
to the Polish Diet, 833. See, Russia.
Algoa Bay, the settlement of, 359.
Ali Pasha, [247] supposed to attempt the
life of Pashow Bey, 157: his revolt,
159; his operations at Janina, 239.
Alien bill, debate on, [115]; sir J. Mack-
intosh's speech, [116]; Mr. Ward's
[117]; sir J. Mackintosh's motion res-
pecting committee on, [119.]
Alkalies, new vegetable, 1353.
Amarante, Conde de, opposed by Sepul-
veda [233] frustrates the designs of
the conspirators in Portugal, 400.

Ants, their architecture, 1316; offspring
1317; amours, 1319; government,
1320, Termites, 1320; antennal lan-
guage, 1321.

Arakatscha, the plant, 1348.

Arches court, G. Norton, v. Sarah his
wife, 17.

Ariel, loss of the, 431.

Ariston, the Hellenist, death of, 397.
Army, British, 622; French, 629; Rus-
sian, 629; Spanish, [231].

Arts and manufactures, improvements in,

[blocks in formation]

bitt, murder, 316; the King v. G.
A. Hire, esq. assaulting and wound-
ing, 323.

Lancashire, 127; Lancaster, Patrick
and Postlethwaite, gambling, 93;
Knowles, manufacturing pike-heads,
93; Beattie v. Pearson, breach of
promise of marriage, 398.
Leicester, sir F. Burdett, seditious
libel, 899.

Limerick, S. Sullivan, murder, 302.
Lincoln, R. Mitchell, rape, 290.
Northumberland, T. Holland, bigamy,

354; W. Lumley, forgery, 361.
Oxford, Stevens, v. Stavely, 283.
Roscommon, the ribband-men, 73;
Carhill, 269.

Salop, Sir W. W. Wynn v. Tyrwhitt,
&c. trespass. 351.
Shrewsbury, Rogers, burglary, &c.

Somerset, Bingham v. Dr. Gardiner,
libel, 387.

Stufford, A. Hill, murder, 298; crim.

con. 354.

[blocks in formation]

Astronomy, intelligence in, 1352.
Asylum, for the houseless poor, 528.
Attorney general, his defence of the Bill

of Pains and Penalties, 972; his state-
ment of the prosecution, 975.
Auction of the late king's sheep, &c. 434.
Augsburg, persons wounded by assassins,
al, 73.

Aurum Millium, 1351.

Austria, embarrassments in its finances,
[213]; commerce, 506; conduct to-
wards Naples, 729; treaty with ditto
in 1815, 732; declaration respecting
the Neapolitan affairs, 709; army or-
dered to the Neapolitan frontiers, 744.

Bagueley, rev. C. Harrison's letter to,


Balena Mysticetus, or Greenland whale,
description of, 1334.

Bamford, S. trial of with Hunt, &c. 849;
his defence, 865.

Bank, stoppage of at Limerick, 191.
Bank-notes, 2; weekly amount of, in cir-
enlation 138; forged at Hamburgh,

Bank forgeries, 172; final report of the
commissioners appointed to inquire
into, 760

Bankrupt Laws, [60]

Bankrupts, new hall for the commissioners
of, 192

Banks, sir Jos. memoir of, 1153
Baptiste, French actor, curious anecdole
of, 402

Barnes, Eliz. her strange attempt to set
fire to her master's house, 13
Barometer, improved, 1375
Barrett, E. S. death of, 572
Barton, B. poems by: the Ivy, 1394; the
Moon, 1395

Batavia, Dutch troops, draughted from, to
Palembang, 158

Bavarians, defeated by the Tyrolese,


Bayeux, history of, 1250; description of
the Bayeux tapestry, 1254; antiqua-
riau discussions relative to do., 1255.
Bayley, Mr. Justice, his charge to the jury
on Hunt's trial, 891.


Beattie, Dr., his account of his interview
with their late Majesties, 704.
Beer, adulteration of, 191.
Bees, M. Eulert attacked by, 284; queen-
bee, extraordinary circumstance
pecting, 1318; her fecundation, 1318.
Beggar-boys, Italian, 69.
Bell, H. N., extracts from his " Hunting-
don Peerage," 1223; his adventure
with an old woman, 1237; and in a
country church, 1244.

Beresford, rev. Mr., his correspondence
with Mr. Waithman, 543.

Lord, arrives at Lisbon from
Rio Janeiro, but not permitted to land,
[235]; 463; arrives at Falmouth, 476.
Bergami, B. 198; account of, 262; ex-

pected in the gardens of the Thuilleries,
502; euters her majesty's service, 976.

Lewis, 983.

Berlin, feast given to the queen's regiment
at, 447.
Berri, duc de, assassinated, [197], 42;
anecdote of, 239; memoir of, 720.

duchesse de, Gravier's plot against,
[208]; delivered of a prince, 443;
duc d'Orleans protest against its legīti-
macy, 484.

Bhinjah Sing, the East Indian rebel, 397.
Bible Society, British and Foreign, 131.
Bigamy, singular case of, 295; charge of,
against Mr. Carroll, 425.

Bill of Pains and Penalties, second read-
ing of, [185]; the divorce clause op-
posed, but carried, [187]; third read-
ing carried by a majority of nine, [189];
proceedings in the House of Commons,
[191]; abandoned, [193], 482; illu-
minations on that event, 486; report
of the judicial proceedings, 961; at-
torney-general's opening of the case,
972; examination of the witnesses (see
Witnesses), 986-1036; summing-up
of the evidence, 1056; the queen's de-
fence, 1041; Mr. Brougham's speech,
1041; Mr. Williams's, 1052; exami-
nation of witnesses, 1058; discussion
respecting Restelli's removal, 1097;
three questions proposed to the judges,
1108; summing-up of the evidence for
the queen by Mr. Denman, 1125; dis-
cussion of the peers respecting a second
reading of the bill, 1139.

Bills for the regulation of the election of
Scotch peers, [48]; Mr. Brougham's,
for the education of the poor, [49]; sir
J. Mackintosh's six bills for the reform
of the criminal code, [57]: bill to
amend the marriage act, [60]; lord
Holland's, for repeal of the royal mar-
riage act, [62]; lord Milton's, for re-
peal of tax on importation of wool,
[88]; alien-bill, [115].

Bindley, Mr., sale of his books, and
prices, 384.

Births, list of, 552.

Bishop of Bristol (Mansel) death of, 577.
Winchester (North), death of,


Bisson, general, surrenders to the Tyro-
lese, 1267.
Bleaching-powder manufactory, case of
one being indicted as a nuisance, 149.
Bolivar, general. advances to the city
of Caraccas, 139; retires, 143; com-
pels the merchants, &c. to follow him
to Cassamare, 184.

Bonnymuir, battle at, 103.

Booth, S., execution of, for murder, 79.
Boulage, M. death of, 588.

Bribery at elections, 141.
Bridge, chain, across the Tweed, 275;
improvements in iron bridges, 1870.
Bristol, money found at, 170.
British Museum, 161.

Brougham, Mr., his plan for the educa-
tion of the poor, [49]; speech on the
agricultural distresses, [69]; motion
respecting the droits of the admiralty,
[94]; his conduct as professional ad-
viser of the queen, [123]; his myste-
rious behaviour, [137]; one of the
negociators on the part of the queen,
in the conferences with the duke of
Wellington and lord Castlereagh, [153];
his speech on Mr. Wilberforce's mo-
tion, [167]; meets the queen at St.
Omer, 198

Brown, Dr. death of, 573.
Browne, col., wounded by assassins at
Milan, 526.

Bruard, A. J., death of, 588.

Brunt, J. T., trial of, for high treason, 921;

Buchan, capt., failure of his expedition in

Newfoundland, 255.

Budget, the, [101]; Neapolitan, 549.
Buenos Ayres, proposed Bourbon dynasty
al. [113]; disturbed state of, 245
Bunbury, sir H., his letter to the free-
holders of Suffolk, 362.
Buonaparte, 532.

Burdett, sir F., his speech on Mr. Wil-
berforce's motion respecting the queen,
[170]; trial for a seditious libel, 899;
address to the Westminster electors,

C-Sieur, mysterious affair of, 342
Cadiz, attacked by the insurgent army,
[222]; the oath of the constitution
taken by general Freyre, and distur
bances, [227]; yellow fever at, 176
Calcutta, dandies and velocipedes at, 158
Cambridge, observatory to be erected at,

Cameos, &c., imitations of, 1364.

Canal, Regent's, opening of the new
branch of, 341.

Canning, Mr., his speech on the inquiry
into the queen's conduct, [149]; letter
from, to une of his constituents, 536

Bowditch, J., his abduction of Miss Canterbury, archbishop of, present of

Glenn, 450,

Bow-street, see Police.

Boyer, president, St. Domingo united
into a republic under, [244].

Bremen, town of, its dispute with the
duke of Oldenburgh, 340.

Brewster, Dr., his account of the struc-
ture of the diamond, 1378.

porcelain to, from the king of Prussia,

Canton, 144

Cape of Good Hope, defeat of the Caffre
hordes at, 34

Caraccas, 139, 143

Carbonari, [238]; 391, 739; circum.

stances favouring their designs, 746.

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