SAXONY. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, cont., viz. :--with. Page .Turin, 20th May, 1851. 1194 SCHWARTZBURG-RUDOLSTADT. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.-with Netherlands, &c. Treaty. Commerce. Navigation. Sardinia, &c. The Hague, 31st December, 1851. 1109 Navigation....... Turin, 20th May, 1851. 1194 SCHWARTZBURG-SONDERHAUSEN. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, SICILIES. viz.:-with Netherlands, &c. Treaty. Commerce. Navigation. Sardinia, &c. The Hague, 31st December, 1851. 1109 Correspondence. Atrocities of Neapolitan Army in Sicily. 1848. 715 SLAVE TRADE. Act. (Liberia.) Prevention of ...... 20th December, 1849. 258 Declaration. (German Diet.) Approval of Treaty between Austria, France, Great Britain, Prussia, and Russia of vince of Rio Grande do Sul. 18th October, 1850. 440 (Sweden.) Prevention of Slave Trade. Stockholm, 7th February, 1830. 1234 Letter of Imaum. (Muscat.) Permission to British Vessels 6th May, 1850. 269 428 Order. (Brazil.) African Boatmen prohibited plying at Ordinance. (Sweden.) Stockholm, 1st March, 1830. 1236 London, 19th November, 1850. 242 Page SLAVE TRADE. Resolution. (German Diet.) Slave Trade. Piracy. Return. Frankfort, 19th June, 1845. 953 Islands Treaties. See AFRICA. (WEST COAST.) SOLYMAN. Agreement with Great Britain. (Oath.) Abolition of Slave SPAIN. ............ Trade........ Mina, 28th January, 1850. 256 Convention with Sardinia. Execution of Sentences in Civil Suits. Madrid, 30th June, 1851. 1202 Correspondence with Great Britain relative to the Slave Trade. SPEECH of King of Belgium Opening of Chambers. 1850, 1851. 231, 307 of King of Denmark. Brussels, 4th November, 1851. 861 Copenhagen, 23rd October, 1848. 1345 Stockholm, 4th September, 1851. 834 Declaration. 1848. 1252 Aggression of Germany on Danish Duchy of Schleswig.... Stockholm, 4th September, 1851. 884 T. THURINGIA. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Netherlands, &c. Treaty. Commerce. Navi- gation.... The Hague, 31st December, 1851. 1109 9th October, 1849. 999 TIGRE ISLAND. Decree. (Nicaragua.) Temporary Cession to United States. Protocol of Conference. Nicaragua and United States. Temporary Cession to United States. Leon, 28th September, 1849. 998 Page TIMMANEES. Treaty with Great Britain. Slave Trade. Commerce. TREATIES, CONVENTIONS, &c. between FOREIGN POWERS, viz.: 852 The Hague, 20th September, 1851. 1173 Belgium and Sardinia. Treaty. Commerce. Navi- gation.. ..Turin, 24th January, 1851. 149 Brazil, Entre Rios, and Uruguay. Convention. Offensive and Defensive Alliance. Monte Video, 29th May, 1851. Brazil and Sardinia. Declarations. Abolition of 1135 [1850-51.7 Rio de Janeiro, 12th October, 1851. 1158 Costa Rica and Hanse Towns. Treaty. Commerce. Denmark and Prussia. Washington, 10th July, 1851. 1090 Convention. Armistice Malmö, 26th August, 1848. 1333 Denmark and Sardinia. Declarations. Abolition of Page TREATIES, CONVENTIONS, &c. between FOReign Powers, cont., viz. :—with Navigation. The Hague, 31st December, 1851. 1109 Netherlands and Sardinia. Treaty. Commerce. Lima, 26th July, 1851. 1095 Portugal and United States. Convention. Claims. Washington, 26th February, 1851. 1088 Prussia, &c., and Sardinia, Additional Convention. TRIPOLI. Correspondence with Great Britain. Slave Trade. 1850, 1851. 308 with Great Britain and Prussia. Condition of Protestants in Turkey......... 1850, 1851. 221 Firman of the Porte. TUSCANY. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. · with Great Britain. Treaty. Commerce. Navigation. Florence, 5th April, 1847. 942 Florence, 12th June, 1847. 947 U. UNITED STATES. Contract. American Atlantic and Pacific Canal Com- pany and Nicaragua... Leon, 27th August, 1849. 980 1849-1851. 953 |