Slike strani

2. If French salt refined in Belgium should, after the 10th of August, 1852, continue to enjoy a deduction of more than

7 per cent. from the general duty of excise, British salt refined in Belgium shall, from and after the same date, enjoy a deduction from the excise, which shall not be inferior by more than 7 per cent. to the deduction granted to French salt.

3. The British flag is assimilated to the French flag in regard to the transport of salt from France into Belgium.

4. There shall be annexed to the present Declaration an explanation of the conditions necessary in order that British salt may enjoy the advantages conceded to it, and of the formalities which must be complied with for the same purpose.

The Undersigned further declare that the Treaty of the 27th October, 1851, shall be carried into operation on either side, from and after the 10th of April,


The ratifications of the Treaty of the 27th of October, 1851, aré exchanged subject to the stipulations of the present Declaration, which shall be considered as forming an integral part of the said Treaty.

Done at London, the 7th day

of April, 1852.



2. Si le sel Français raffiné en Belgique continue, après le 10 Août, 1852, à jouir d'une déduction de plus de 7 pour cent du droit général de l'accise, le sel Britannique raffiné en Belgique jouira, à partir de la même époque, d'une déduction de l'accise qui ne pourra être inférieure de plus de 7 pour cent à la déduction accordée au sel Français.

3. Le pavillon Britannique est assimilé au pavillon Français pour le transport du sel, de France en Belgium.

4. Il sera annexée à la présente Déclaration une explication des conditions nécessaires pour que le sel Britannique jouisse des avantages qui lui sont assurés, et des formalités qui devront être remplies dans le même but.

Les Soussignés déclarent en outre, que le Traité du 27 Octobre, 1851, sera mis à exécution de part et d'autre, à partir du 10 Avril, 1852.

Les ratifications du Traité du 27 Octobre, 1851, sont échangées sauf les stipulations de la présente Déclaration, qui seront considérées comme formant partie intégrante du dit Traité.

Fait à Londres, le 7 Avril, 1852.


Explanation annexed to the Decla

ration of April 7, 1852. In order that British spring salt may enjoy the advantages which are conceded to it, it must be

1 Accompanied by a certificate of origin delivered by the Belgian Consular Agent residing in the locality of its production.

2. Declared, on its entry into Belgium, for one of those destinations which enjoy exemption from excise; and the formalities prescribed for such cases by the law of Belgium must be fulfilled. Those formalites shall be for British spring salt the same as for the raw salt of other countries destined for the same uses.

On compliance with these two conditions, British spring salt shall be admitted free of import daty, if imported under the Belgian flag, and at the duty of fr. 1:40 per 100 kilogrammes, if imported under the British flag; and it shall, moreover, be exempted from duty of excise.

[blocks in formation]

Explication annexée à la Déclaration du 7 April, 1852. POUR jouir des avantages qui lui sont attribués, le sel de source Britannique devra

1. Etre accompagné d'un certificat d'origine délivré par l'Agent Consulaire Belge placé sur les lieux de production.

2. Etre déclaré, à l'entrée en Belgique, pour l'une des destinations qui jouissent de l'exemption de l'accise, en remplissant les formalités prescrites en pareils cas par la législation Belge; formalités qui seront pour le sel de source Britannique, les mêmes que pour les sels bruts d'autres pays destinés aux mêmes usages.

Moyennant ces deux conditions, le sel de source Britannique sera admis en franchise de droit d'entré s'il a été importé sous pavillon Belge, et au droit de fr. 140 en principal par 100 kilogrammes, s'il a été importé sous pavillon Britannique; et il sera, de plus, exempté du droit d'accise.

Les intéressés seront libres de mettre le sel de source Britannique en entrepôt, aux mêmes conditions qui sont imposées à l'entreposage du sel brut proprement dit; et en ce cas, les formalités ci-dessus indiquées ne seront exigées qu'à la sortie d'entrepôt.

Le sel de source Britannique expédié en transit par les chemins de fer de l'Etat en Belgique, soit directement, soit en passant par les entrepôts du pays, et qu'il ait été importé par navires Britan

by Belgian ships, shall be free from all duty of import, excise, or transit, as well as from all process of alteration; subject, however, to the measures to be taken by the Belgian Administration for the prevention of fraud; which measures shall be the same for British salt as for all other salt.


niques ou par navires Belges, sera exempt de tout droit d'entrée, d'accise, ou de transit, ainsi que de toute dénaturation; sauf les mesures à prendre par l'Administration Belge pour prévenir la fraude; mesures qui seront les mêmes pour le sel Britannique que pour tout autre.


TREATY of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and the Equator.-Signed at Quito, May 3, 1851.

[Ratifications exchanged at Guayaquil, January 29, 1853.]

In the name of the Most Holy Trinity. HER Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Government of the Republic of the Equator, being desirous to maintain, by means of a direct and specific Treaty, the relations of amity, commerce, and navigation which have subsisted up to the present time between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the said Republic, have for this purpose named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Walter Cope, Esquire, Her Majesty's Consul in the Equator; and his Excelleney the President of the Republic of


En nombre de la Santisima Trinidad.

EL Gobierno de la República del Ecuador, i Su Majestad la Reina del Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda, deseando conservar, por medio de un Tratado espreso i directo, las relaciones de amistad, comercio, i navigacion que hasta el dia han existido entre la dicha República i el espresado Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda, han nombrado para este efecto como sus Plenipotenciarios, á saber:

Su Excelencia el Presidente de le República del Ecuador, al Señor Dr. José Modesto Larrea, Secretario de Estado en el Despacho del Interior i Relaciones Esteriores; i Su Majestad

the Equator, Dr. José Modesto Larrea, Secretary of State for the Departments of the Interior and Foreign Affairs.

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles:

ART. I. There shall be perpetual, firm, and sincere amity between the dominions and subjects of Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, her heirs and successors, and the Republic of the Equator and its citizens.

II. There shall be between all the territories of Her Britannic Majesty in Europe, and the territories of the Equator, a reciprocal freedom of commerce. The subjects and citizens of the 2 countries respectively, shall have liberty freely and securely to come, with their ships and cargoes, to all such places, ports, and rivers in the territories aforesaid, to which other foreigners are or may be permitted to come, to enter into the same, and to remain and reside in any part of the said territories respectively; also to hire and occupy houses and warehouses for the purposes of their commerce; and generally, the merchants and traders of each nation respectively shall enjoy the most complete protection and security for their commerce; subject always to the laws and statutes of the 2 countries respectively.

III. Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great

la Reina del Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda, á Walter Cope, Escudero, Cónsul de Su Majestad en el Ecuador.

Quienes, despues de haberse comunicado sus respectivos plenos poderes, i halladolas en buena i debida forma, han acordado i concluido los Artículos siguientes:

ART. I. Habrá perpetua, firme i sincera amistad entre la República i los ciudadanos del Ecuador, i los dominios i súbditos de Su Majestad la Reina del

Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda, sus herederos i suc


II. Habrá entre todos los territorios del Ecuador i los territorios de Su Majestad Británica en Europa, una reciproca libertad de comercio. Los ciudadanos i súbditos de los 2 paises respectivamente tendrán libertad para ir libre i seguramente, con sus buques i cargamentos, á todos aquellos parages, puertos i rios en los territorios antedichos, á los cuales se permite ó se permitere irá otros estrangercs, entrar en los mismos, i permanecer i residir en cualquiera parte de los dichos territorios respectivamente; tambien para alquilar i ocupar casas i almacenes para los objetos de su comercio; i generalmente, los comerciantes i tráficantes de cada nacion, respectivamente, gozarán la mas completa proteccion i seguridad para su comercio; estando siempre sujetos á las leyes i estatutos de los 2 paises respectivamente.

III. Su Majestad la Reina del Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña

Britain and Ireland engages further, that the citizens of the Equator shall have the like liberty of commerce and navigation stipulated for in the preceding Article, in all her dominions situated out of Europe, to the full extent to which the same is permitted at present, or shall be permitted hereafter, to any other nation.

It being understood that the general liberty of commercial intercourse which is conceded by each Contracting Party to the other by the preceding Articles II and III, shall not apply, on either side, to the coasting trade of the 2 respective nations.

IV. It being the intention of the 2 High Contracting Parties to bind themselves by the 2 preceding Articles to treat each other on the footing of the most favoured nation, it is hereby agreed between them, that any favour, privilege, or immunity whatever, in matters of commerce and navigation, which either Contracting Party has actually granted, or may hereafter grant, to the subjects or citizens of any other State, shall be extended to the subjects or citizens of the other High Contracting Party, gratuitously, if the concession in favour of that other nation shall have been gratuitous; or in return for a compensation as nearly as possible of proportionate value and effect, to be adjusted by mutual agreement, if the concession shall have been conditional.

é Irlanda se obliga ademas, á que los ciudadanos del Ecuador tengan la misma libertad de comercio i navegacion que se ha estipulado en el Artículo anterior, en todos sus dominios situados fuera de Europa, en toda la estension en que se permite ahora, ó se permitiere despues, á cualquiera otra nacion.

Estando entendido que la libertad general de comunicacion comercial concedida por ambas Partes Contratantes de la una á otra por los precedentes Artículos II y III, no se estenderán por ninguna parte al cabotage de las 2 respectivas naciones.

IV. Siendo la intencion de las 2 Altas Partes Contratantes el obligarse por los 2 Artículos precedentes á tratarse la una á la otra en los mismos términos que á la nacion mas favorecida, por el presente convienen mutuamente, en que cualquier favor, privilejio, ó immunidad, de cualquiera especie que fuere, que en materias de comercio i navegacion haya concedido actualmente, ó pueda en adelante conceder, alguna de las Partes Contratantes á los subditos ó ciudadanos de otra nacion cualquiera, se hará estensiva á los subditos ó ciudadanos de la otra Parte Contratante, gratuitamente, siempre que la concesion en favor de la otra nacion hubiere sido gratuita ; pues siendo condicional, en tal caso por mútuo convenio acordará una compensacion equivalente, cuanto sea posible, i proporcionada así en el valor, como en los resultados.


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