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" What thou art we know not; What is most like thee? From rainbow clouds there flow not Drops so bright to see, As from thy presence showers a rain of melody. Like a poet hidden In the light of thought, Singing hymns unbidden, Till the world is wrought... "
The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley - Stran 542
avtor: Percy Bysshe Shelley - 1895 - 708 strani
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Miscellaneous Poems

Percy Bysshe Shelley - 1826 - 156 strani
...sphere, Whose intense lamp narrows In the white dawn clear, Until we hardly see, we feel that it it there. All the earth and air With thy voice is loud,...Singing hymns unbidden, Till the world is wrought To sympa4Ily with hopes and heeded not : Like a high-born maiden In a palace tower, Soothing...
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Studies in Poetry: Embracing Notices of the Lives and Writings of the Best ...

George Barrell Cheever - 1830 - 516 strani loud. As, when night is bare, From one lonely cloud The moon rains out her beams, and heaven ia overflowed. What thou art we know not ; What is most...hidden In the light of thought, Singing hymns unbidden, Like a high-born maiden In a palace tower, Soothing her love-laden Soul in secret hour, With music...
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The Poetical Works of Coleridge, Shelley, and Keats: Complete in One Volume

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1831 - 624 strani
...rains out her beams, and heaven u overBow'd. What thou art we know not ; What is most like thee Î lm rivers, lakes, and seas, hope» and fears it heeded not : Like a high-born maiden In a palace tower, Soothing her love-laden...
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The Book of Gems: Wordsworth to Bayly

Samuel Carter Hall - 1838 - 346 strani
...which clouds are bright'ning, Thou dost float and run ; Like an unbodied joy whose race is just begun. The pale purple even Melts around thy flight ; Like...fears it heeded not : Like a high-born maiden In a palace tower, Soothing her love-laden Soul in secret hour With music sweet as love, which overflows...
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The Book of Gems: Wordsworth to Bayly

Samuel Carter Hall - 1838 - 336 strani
...beams, and heaven is overflowed. What thou art we know not ; What is most like thee 1 From rainhow clouds there flow not Drops so bright to see, As from...sympathy with hopes and fears it heeded not : Like a high-horn maiden In a palace tower, Soothing her love-laden Soul in secret hour With music sweet as...
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The Book of Gems: Wordsworth to Bayly

Samuel Carter Hall - 1838 - 412 strani most like thee ? From rainbow clouds there flow not Drops so bright to see, As from thy presenee showers a rain of melody. Like a poet hidden In the...fears it heeded not : Like a high-born maiden In a palace tower, Soothing her love-laden Soul in secret hour With music sweet as love, which overflows...
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The Poetical Works of Coleridge, Shelley, and Keats: Complete in One Volume

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1838 - 634 strani
...flow not Drops so bright to see, As from thy presence showers a rain of meiudy. Like a poet bidden In the light of thought, Singing hymns unbidden, Till...sympathy with hopes and fears it heeded not. Like; a high-bom maiden In a palace tower. Soothing her love-laden Soul in secret hour With music sweet as...
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The Ladies' Cabinet of Fashion, Music & Romance

1868 - 738 strani
...Heath. Sometimes we wonder if it were here that he heard the skylark singing, as he himself sang — " Like a poet hidden In the light of thought, is wrought To sympathy with hopes and fears it heedeth not." Sometimes we see him, on a summer's day, sauntering in Millfield Lane, with branches...
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Chapters on the Poets of Ancient Greece

Henry Alford - 1841 - 272 strani
...gathering together things seemly and beautiful, and in the language of a modern poet,* • • bidden In the light of thought, Singing hymns unbidden, Till...wrought To sympathy with hopes and fears it heeded not. In this our first chapter we have been dealing (of necessity) with general subjects. We propose leading...
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Gems of the Modern Poets: With Biographical Notices

Samuel Carter Hall - 1842 - 440 strani
...overflowed. What thou art we know not ; What is most like thee 1 From rainbow clouds there flow not Like a poet hidden In the light of thought, Singing...fears it heeded not : Like a high-born maiden In a palace tower, Soothing her love-laden Soul in secret hour With music sweet as love, which overflows...
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