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Treaty of offenfive and defenfive Alliance between the French Republic and the King of Sardinia. Ratified by the Council of Five Hundred on the ft Brumaire (Oct. 21), and by the Council of Ancients on the 4th of the fame Month (Oct. 24); 1797.

THE Executive Directory of the French republic, and his

Majesty the King of Sardinia, being defirous, by every means in their power, and by the most intimate union of their respective interefts, to contribute as fpeedily as poffible to the restoration of that peace which is the object of their wishes, and which will fecure the repose and the tranquillity of Italy, have determined to enter into a treaty of offenfive and defenfive alliance; and have charged with full powers to that effect, viz. on the part of the Executive Directory of the French republic, Citizen Henry James William Clarke, general of divifion in the armies of the republic; and on the part of his Majefty the King of Sardinia, the Chevalier D. Clement Damian de Priocia, knight of the grand crofs of the order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, firft fecretary of ftate in his Majesty's department for foreign affairs, and prefident of the home department; who, after exchanging their refpective powers, concluded as follows:

I. There fhall be an offenfive and defenfive alliance between the French republic and the King of Sardinia, until the period of continental peace. This alliance shall then become purely defenfive, and shall be established upon a bafis agreeable to the reci procal interefts of both powers.

II. The prefent alliance having for its object to haften the reftoration of peace, and to fecure the future tranquillity of Italy, its execution during the prefent war fhall be directed folely against the Emperor of Germany, he being the only continental power VOL. VII.


that prefents obftacles to wishes fo falutary. His Majefty the King of Sardinia fhall remain neuter with regard to England and to the other powers still at war with the French republic.

III. The French republic and his Sardinian Majesty guarantee teciprocally, by all the means in their power, their refpective poffeffions which they now hold in Europe during the existence of the prefent alliance. The two powers fhall unite their forces against the common enemy externally, and fhall give no aid, directly or indirectly, to the internal enemies of either.

IV. The contingent of troops which his Majefty the King of Sardinia fhall furnish immediately in confequence of the prefent treaty, fhall be 8000 infantry and 1000 cavalry, and forty pieces of cannon. In cafe the two powers fhall think it neceffary to augment this contingent, fuch augmentation fhall be concerted and regulated by commiffioners invefted with full powers to that effect by the Executive Directory and his Majefty the King of Sardinia.

V. The contingent of troops and artillery fhall be ready and. affembled at Novarra, viz. 500 cavalry, 4000 infantry, and twelve field-pieces, by the 30th of Germinal current (April 19), and the remainder in a fortnight after.

This contingent fhall be maintained at the expense of his Majefty the King of Sardinia, and fhall receive orders from the commander in chief of the French army in Italy.

A feparate convention fettled in concert with the commander in chief of the French army, fhall regulate the nature of the fervice of this contingent.

VI. The troops which form this contingent, fhall participate, proportion to the number which may be under arms, in the contributions which fhall be levied from the conquered countries; reckoning from the day of the union of the contingent to the army of the republic.

VII. The French republic promifes to procure to his Majefty the King of Sardinia, at the period of a general or continental peace, all the advantages which circumftances may permit him to obtain.

VIII. Neither of the contracting powers fhall conclude a feparate peace with the common enemy, and no armistice fhall be agreed to by the French republic, in which his Sardinian Majesty is not included.

IX. All the contributions impofed on the states of his Sardinian Majefty which are not yet paid up, fhall cease to be demanded immediately after the exchange of the ratifications of the prefent treaty.

X. The furnishings which from the fame period fhall be made in the ftates of his Majefty the King of Sardinia to the French troops, or to prifoners of war, and alfo thofe which may have


already been made in virtue of private contracts, and which have not yet been paid for by the French republic, fhall be returned in kind to the troops forming the contingent of his Sardinian Majefty: and if the amount of the furnishings fhould exceed the wants of the contingent, the overplus fhall be repaid in fpecie.

XI. The two contracting parties fhall immediately appoint commiffioners charged to negotiate in their namne a treaty of commerce agreeably to the balis ftipulated in article VII. of the treaty of peace concluded at Paris between the French republic and the King of Sardinia.-Meanwhile the pofts and all other commercial relations fhall be re-established without delay in the fame manner as they were before the war.

XII. The ratifications of the prefent treaty of alliance fhall be exchanged at Paris in the shortest delay poffible.

Done and figned at Turin on the 16th of Germinal (April 5), 5th year of the French republic.



The Executive Directory ratify and fign the prefent treaty of alliance with his Majesty the King of Sardinia, negotiated in the name of the French republic by Henry James Clarke, general of divifion, appointed by an order of the Executive Directory on the 13th Ventofe lait, and charged with inftructions to the above effect.

Done at the national palace on the 22d Germinal, 5th year of the French republic.

Treaty of the Union of the Republic of Mulhaufen to the French Republic.

THE Executive Directory of the French republic being affured

that the magiftrates, councils, citizens, and inhabitants of the republic of Mulhaufen have expreffed a defire to be united to the French republic, and to be incorporated with the great nation, and willing to give to the most ancient ally of France the last proof of her generous friendship, have appointed Citizen John Ulric Metzger, member of the central adminiftration of the department of the Upper Rhine, commiffioner of government, to afcertain their wishes for fuch union, and to ftipulate the mode and conditions of the fame; for which purpofe the magiftrates, &c. of the republic of Mulhaufen have nominated to treat and ftipulate in their name, Meffrs. Jean Hofer, burgomafter, Joshua Hofer, fyndic, Paul Hagenin, Jeremiah Koechlin, both members of the great council, James Koechlin, one of the four affiftants to the great council, and Sebastian Sperlin, all of the town of Mulhau

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fen, and equally and fully charged and authorized to ftipulate for the inhabitants of Illzach and Modenheim, which form the republic and dependency of Mulhaufen. The French commiffioner having, by the authentic documents fubjoined, verified the free expreffion of their wishes for the union, the commiffioner and deputies, after producing and exchanging their full powers, agreed on the following articles:

1. The French republic accepts the wish of the citizens of the republic of Mulhaufen, and that of the inhabitants of the commune of Illzach, and its appendage of Modenheim, both forming a dependency of Mulhaufen, and declares the faid citizens. and inhabitants Frenchmen born.

II. The French government, as a mark of attachment to its ancient allies, confents to prolong their state of neutrality, and confequently exempts them from all real and perfonal requifitions, and from the quartering of foldiers, during the present war, and until the period of general peace.

III. Thofe citizens and inhabitants of Mulhaufen, &c. who may be inclined to remove with all their effects into Switzerland, or elsewhere, fhall be allowed one year from the ratification of this treaty, to prepare for their departure, and three years to accomplith the fale and liquidation of their property and debts.

IV. All the lands and effects of the town, thofe within its own district, and those which it poffeffes in the district of Illzach, and which are under the management of its magiftrate and his agents, thofe allotted to the hofpital, public buildings, and those appropriated to public functionaries, mills, commons, arable lands, meadows, paftures, forefts, whether within or without the boundaries of the territory of Mulhaufen, and all rents or quit-rents which may be due to the commune, the hofpital, or any other corporation or foundation of Mulhaufenin general terms, all that conftituted the patrimony of the faid republic, and which was known under the general name of common property, fhall belong in full right and without any diminútion to the commune of Mulhaufen.

V. The buildings, goods moveable and immoveable, and fums of money, forming the appanage of the fix corporations called tribes (Zunfte), fhall alfo be regarded as common property.


VI. The forefts, buildings, and lands, belonging to the Teutonic order of Malta, as well as the poffeffions of the chapter of Arlechelm, and the abbey of Lucellès, within the territory of Mulhaufen, fhall become the property of the commune,

VII. Whatever measures the republic of Mulhaufen may have taken, previous to the exchange of the ratification of thefe prefents,

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