... continue free and open for the purposes of commerce to the inhabitants and to the ships, vessels, and boats of both countries equally, subject, however, to any laws and regulations of either country, within its own territory, not inconsistent with... St.Lawrence Seaway ... Hearings ... on H.J. Res. 104 - Stran ivavtor: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works - 1953 - 539 straniCelotni ogled - O knjigi
 | United States. Department of State - 1912 - 1522 strani
...navigation, and applying equally and without, discrimination to the inhabitants, ships, vessels, and bouts of both countries. " It is further agreed that so...Michigan and to all canals connecting boundary waters and now existing, or which may hereafter be constructed on either side •of the line. Either of the... | |
 | New York (State) Commissioners of the State Reservation at Niagara - 1903 - 1770 strani
...country, within its own territory, not inconsistent with such privilege of free navigation and applying equally and without discrimination to the inhabitants,...Michigan and to all canals connecting boundary waters, and now existing or which may hereafter be constructed on either side of the line. Jiither of the high... | |
 | 1913 - 364 strani
...country, within its own territory, not inconsistent with such privilege of free navigation, and applying equally and without discrimination to the inhabitants,...Michigan and to all canals connecting boundary waters and now existing, or which may hereafter be constructed on either side of the line. Either of the high... | |
 | 1909 - 1034 strani
...country, within its own territory, not inconsistent with such privilege of free navigation, and applying equally and without discrimination to the inhabitants, ships. vessels, and boats of both conntries. || It is further agreed that so long as this Treaty shall remain in force this same right... | |
 | 1910 - 754 strani
...country, within its own territory, not inconsistent with such privilege of free navigation and applying equally and without discrimination to the inhabitants,...Michigan and to all canals connecting boundary waters, and now existing or which may hereafter be constructed on either side of the line. Either of the high... | |
 | 1913 - 480 strani
...country, within its own territory, not inconsistent with such privilege of free navigation and applying equally and without discrimination to the inhabitants,...Michigan and to all canals connecting boundary waters, and now existing or which may hereafter be constructed on either side of the line. Either of the High... | |
 | 1910 - 438 strani
...country, within its own territory, not inconsistent with such privilege of free navigation and applying equally and without discrimination to the inhabitants,...Michigan and to all canals connecting boundary waters, and now existing or which may hereafter be constructed on either side of the line. Either of the High... | |
 | Canada. Commission of Conservation, Sir Clifford Sifton, Leo German Denis, Arthur V. White - 1911 - 538 strani
...country, within its own territory, not inconsistent with such privilege of free navigation, and applying equally and without discrimination to the inhabitants,...Michigan and to all canals connecting boundary waters, and now existing or which may hereafter be constructed on either side of the line. Either of the High... | |
 | American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society - 1911 - 760 strani
...country, within its own territory, not inconsistent with such privilege of free navigation and applying equally and without discrimination to the inhabitants,...Michigan and to all canals connecting boundary waters, and now existing or which may hereafter be constructed on either side of the line. Either of the High... | |
 | Canada. Parliament. House of Commons - 1911 - 1222 strani
...country, within its own territory, not inconsistent with such privilege of free navigation and applying equally and without discrimination to the inhabitants,...agreed that so long as this treaty shall remain in foroe, this same right of- navigation shall extend to the waters of Lake Michigan and to all canals... | |
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