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N. 31

Nota da Legação Italiana ao Governo Imperial

Petropoli, 1 febraio 1889.

Signor Ministro,- Ho l'onore di accusare ricevuta all'Eccelenza vostra della nota del 29 gennaio u. s. colla quale Ella me comunica che il Governo Imperiale non può avere la satisfazione de aderire formalmente alla Convenzione del 30 agosto 1888, sugli zuccheri. Di tale dicisione ho dato avviso al Governo di Sua Maestá il Re, Mio Augusto Sovrano, a scarico delle istruzioni ricevute.

Colgo l'accasione per rinnovarle, Signor Ministro, gli atti della mia piu alta considerazione.


Sua Eccelenza Il Signor Consigliere Rodrigo A. da Silva, Ministro degli Affari Esteri.

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Senhor Ministro,- Tenho a honra de accusar a recepção da nota de V. E. de 29 de Janeiro proximo passado, pela qual me communica que o Governo Imperial não póde ter a satisfação de adherir formalmente á convenção de 30 de agosto de 1888 sobre os assucares. Em desempenho das instrucções recebidas dei conhecimento dessa resolução ao Governo de S. M. o Rei, meu Augusto Soberano.

Aproveito a occasião para renovar-lhe, Sr. Ministro, as seguranças da minha mais alta consideração.


A Sua Excellencia o Senhor Conselheiro Rodrigo A. da Silva, Ministro dos Negocios Estrangeiros.

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N. 32

Nota da Legação da Belgica ao Governo Imperial

Légation de Belgique au Brésil. Rio de Janeiro, le 4 Mars 1889.

Monsieur le Ministre,-Le Gouvernement Impérial a adhéré en principe à la Convention sur le régime des sucres qui a été signée à Londres en Avril dernier; mais il s'est réservé le droit d'adhérer formellement à cet acte international après son adoption définitive par les Puissances signataires.

Il résulte de divers renseignements parvenus au Gouvernement du Roi que certaines colonies accordent des avantages indirects à la fabrication du sucre de canne en facilitant par des subsides l'immigration de travailleurs étrangers, ce qui a pour conséquence de diminuer le prix de la main d'oeuvre.

J'ignore si un système analogue se pratique dans l'Empire.

A la demande du Prince de Chimay, je vous prie de vouloir bien me renseigner à ce sujet, et de me communiquer, s'il est prossible, les quelques renseignements suivants sur la situation de l'industrie sucrière au Brésil.

a.) indication de l'importance de la culture de la canne et de la fabrication du sucre.

b.) montant des droits imposés, soit sur la culture, soit sur la fabrication. c.) montant éventuel du drawback à l'importation.

d.) importance de l'exportation.

e.) avantages directs ou indirects accordés à la culture ou à la fabrication. Le Gouvernement du Roi désirant posséder ces renseignements avant la réunion de la Commission spéciale chargée d'examiner à Londres, le 1er Mai prochain, les diverses législations sucrières, je serai très reconnaissant envers Votre Excellence de vouloir bien m'envoyer ces renseignements dans le plus bref délai possible.

Cette commission a le plus grand intérêt à être fixée sur les avantages dont jouit actuellement la fabrication du sucre de canne, et de savoir si les pays qui

accordent des primes indirectes seraint disposés à les supprimer sous le régime de la Convention internationale projetée.

Je prie Votre Excellence d'agréer les assurances de ma très haute considération.

Son Excellence Monsieur le Conseiller Rodrigo A. da Silva, Sénateur de l'Empire, Ministre Secrétaire d'Etat pour les Affaires Etrangères.

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Rio de Janeiro. Ministerio dos Negocios Estrangeiros, 7 de Março de 1889.

Recebi a nota, que o Sr. G. Reusens, Ministro Residente de Sua Magestade o Rei dos Belgas, me dirigiu em 4 do corrente.

E' exacto, como o Sr. Ministro diz, que o Governo Imperial adheriu em principio á convenção relativa ao regimen dos assucares e reservou o direito de adherir formalmente depois da sua adopção pelas Potencias que a firmarão; mas em 29 de Janeiro elle fez constar ao Governo Britannico que não lhe era possivel prestar essa adhesão formal.

A' vista disto creio que fica prejudicado o pedido de informações contido na dita nóta.

Tenho a honra de reiterar ao Sr. Ministro as seguranças da minha mais distincta consideração.

Ao Sr. G. Reusens, & & &




N. 34

Nota da Legação Americana ao Governo Imperial

Legation of the United States Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 24th 1888.

Referring to the interview accorded to me on the 20th inst. by your Excellency in which I had the honor, in the name of the President of the United States and by his direction, to extend to the Imperial Government of Brazil a cordial invitation to be represented by such number of Delegates as may, to it, seem convenient at the International Conference to be convened in the city of Washington, on Wednesday, the 2.nd day of october A. D. 1889 I beg to repeat the invitation, in writing, to the end that the proper record may be made of it.

In the interview your Exellency kindly accepted from me a copy of the note of the Secretary of State, which I then read, authorizing and directing me to give this invitation. The object, origin, purpose and scope of this proposed Convention of Independent American Nations are so clearly stated by the Secretary of State that I need not do more, in repeating this invitation, than to beg your Exellency's attention to what is therein set forth.

I sincerily trust, however, that the invitation will be received by the Imperial Government in the same spirit of cordial friendship and mutual interest in which it has been given; and that, in due time, the Government may find it compatible

with its pleasure and interest to give notice of its formal acceptance of the invitation and of its purpose to participate in the conference.

I beg to renew to your Excellence the assurance of my high consideration.

To His Excellency Rodrigo A. da Silva, Minister and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.


Documento a que se refere a nota preoedente

Copy. Department of State, Washington, July 13, 1883.

Ths. J. Jarvis Esq. &. &. &.

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Sir: At the present session of Congress an act was passed, to which the President's approval was given on the of May last, by the terms of which the President is requested and authorized « to invite the several Governments of « the Republics of Mexico, Central and South America, Hayti, San Domingos, and « the Empire of Brazil, to join the United States, in a Conference to be held at « Washington, in the United States, at such time as he may deem proper, in the year « eighteen hundred and eighty nine, for the purpose of discussing and recommend«ing for adoption to their respective Governments some plan of Arbitration for « the settlement of disagreements and disputes that may hereafter arise between « them, and for considering questions relating to the improvement of business « intercourse and means of direct communication between said countries, and to « encourage such reciprocal commercial relations as will be beneficial to all and

« secure more extensive market for the products of each of said countries. >>

It is also provided in the act refererred to that, in forwarding the invitations to the said Governments, the President of the United States shall set forth that the conference is called to consider:

« First. Measures that shall tend to preserve and promote the prosperity of « the several American States.

« Second. Measures toward the formation of an American customs union, under

« which the trade of the American Nations with each other shall, so far as possible << and profitable, be promoted.

« Third. The establishment of regular and frequent communication between << the ports of the several American States and the ports of each other.

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