THE LAW MAGAZINE ; OR QUARTERLY REVIEW OF JURISPRUDENCE, FOR AUGUST, 1843; AND NOVEMBER, 1843. VOL. XXX. LONDON: SAUNDERS AND BENNING, LAW BOOKSELLERS, 43, FLEET STREET. CONTENTS. Page ART. I. THE SEVENTH CRIMINAL LAW REPORT. Seventh Report of Her Majesty's Commissioners on Criminal Law. Dated the 11th day of March, ART. VI.-PRACTICAL POINTS IN WILLS. I.-Limitation to Grandchildren II.-Bequest of Shares in a Partnership ART. VIII.--THE LIBEL AND DEFAMATION BILL. 1. A Bill intituled "An Act to amend the Law re- specting defamatory Words and Libel." ART. I. LORD BROUGHAM ON LAW REFORM. Letters on Law Reform to the Right Honorable Sir J. R. Graham, Bart., M. P., Secretary of ART. VI.-POLITICAL Lawyers of the SevENTEENTH CENTURY. History of the House of Commons from the Con- vention Parliament of 1688-9, to the passing of the |