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Set in

The Genuine Barrios Diamonds shown in the illustrations below cannot possibly be distinguished from real diamonds by the most competent judges. The go.d used is pure, only alloyed and tempered enough to hold the stones firmly. The illus trations do not show the exact sizes of the articles; no-cut ever printod would convey a correct impression of the sparkle and fire in the stones. The size has nothing to do with the quality-it only regulates the price. A small Barrios Diamond, properly cut, (with facets like a real Diamond) and with fine gold mountings, such as ours, sparkles just the same as a larger one. We have rings in any combination desired-Emerald, Ruby, Opal, Sapphire, etc., with Barrios Diamonds. In our Earrings, not only the wires, but the entire settings are hand-made and solid gold. Solid gold rings set with genuine Opals at $7.50 each, are magnificent, stylish and popular. They are all the rage among the elite and fashionable people of New York.


OUR CUARANTEE.-We warrant every stone to retain its brilliancy forever and the mountings are guaranteed to be exactly as represented, the same as we use in mounting real Diamonds.

What the Great Sarah Bernhardt writes:

"I have used Barrios Diamonds for stage purposes and have found them the equal of real stones.


Carrie Gay, of Charles Frohman's Co.. writes:
"While playing on the road I found Barrios Dia-
monds objects of great beauty and usefulness."


Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention. Cut out of above illustrations design of what you want. Remit by Registered Letter, P. O., or Express Money Order. In ordering give exact finger measurement for rings. State whether large, medium or small stone is wanted.

Address Mail

Orders to


42 AND 44 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK. Mention this publication when you write.

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EPILEPTICIDE will positively and permanently cure Epilepsy, Fits or Falling Sickness. Endorsed by physicians and hospitals. Recommended in United States Journal Health Reports. A Free Trial Bottle Sent to every sufferer on application. It has cured thousands! It will cure you! Why suffer longer? It will cost you nothing to try it, and I will abide by the results. Write for it. Give full name, age, postoffice and express address. W. H. MAY, M.D., May Laboratory,

96 Pine Street, New York City.

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IT WILL NOT COST YOU ONE CENT to secure a Solid GOLD laid Bolivian Carbon DIAMOND Gem RING, here il lustrated. A ring similar in appearance could not be bought of any first-class jeweler for less than $50! Do you want one for nothing but a few hours of your spare time? We wish to enlarge the sale of our celebrated Persian Petrified Perfumery, the most unique novelty now on the market, and in order to do so, we agree, upon receipt of your name and address only, to send you 20 cases of the Perfume, WHICH YOU CAN SELL AT FIVE CENTS PER CASE in as many hours. Free by mail, postpaid, without asking you one cent in advance. When you sell the 20 Cases at Five Cents per case, then remit us $1.00 and we SEND YOU AS A FREE PRESENT FOR YOUR TROUBLE THE HANDSOME RING. No capital required. We take all risk. The most liberal offer ever heard of. Simply send your name and address and we will forward you the Perfumery at once. Address, PERSIAN PERFUMERY CO., 19 Warren St., New York.

Having recently purchased the entire stock of watches from a bankrupt firm, consisting of solid gold, silver and gold-filled cases, we shall offer a portion of the entire lot at prices never before heard of in the Watch trade. Among the stock are 8,780 AMERICAN STYLE WATCES, in SOLID GOLD-FILLED CASES, which we shall sell singly or by the dozen to private parties or the trade, at the unheard-of LOW PRICE of $3.98 EACH. Each and every watch is guaranteed a perfect timekeeper, and each watch is accompanied with our guarantee for 20 years. Think of it! A genuine Amer ican Style Movement watch, in solid gold-filled case, and guaranteed 20 YEARS for $3.98. Those wanting a first-class, reliable time-keeper at about one-third retail price, should order at once. Watch speculators can make money by buying by the dozen to sell. CUT THIS OUT and send to us and we will send a watch to you C. O. D., subject to examination, by express, upon approval. If found perfectly satisfactory, and exactly as represented, pay $3.98 and express charges, and it is yours, otherwise you do not pay one cent. Can we make a fairer offer? Be sure to mention whether you want ladies's or gents' size. Price per dozen, $42.00. If full amount, $3.98 is sent with the order, we will include one of our special heavy GOLD FILLED CHAINS, which retail the world over, for $1.00. Address at once, SAFE WATCH CO., 19 Warren St., NEW YORK.

6oc. GOLD SHIRT SET, 15c.

Our 1898 Introduction Offer.

A complete shirt set for either lady or gentleman, all of heaviesr 14k rolled gold plate which cannot be bought in any store in the U. S. for less than 60c.; comprising latest style dumb bell cuffbuttons, fancy Jura Diamond Set front collar button, pointer tie retaining back button, a sleeve buttons, all with Tyer Pearl backs and patent levers, also nickel tie clasp. We guarantee value as stated, complete satisfaction and a year's wear or money refunded.

Sent postpaid as a sample of our 3,000 bargains with catalogue for only 15c. per Set; 2 or 25c.; $1.25 Doz.

R. H. INGERSOLL & BRO., 65 Cortlandt St. Dept. No. 96, N. Y.


Nothing could be better than a subscription to SELF CULTURE. It will be a continuing and constant reminder of your remembrance. Write for a SPECIAL PROPOSITION.

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Others may make GOOD INK
but OURS is the BEST.
Now tell us what do YOU think
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20 West Canal St., Cincinnati, O.
and 351 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.

Wonderful Invention

Tones Every Organ and Nerve in the

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have our New Improved Thermal Vapor Bath Cabinet (recently patented). It opens the several million pores all over the body, and sweats out of the system all impure and poisonous matter which causes disease. Gives absolute cleanIlness and without medicine, keeps the body healthy and vigorous. Will cure a hard cold and break up all symptoms of typhold and other fe vers with one bath. Reduces surplus flesh; cures rheumatism and all blood, skin, nerve, PRICE $5.00. kidney diseases. You will have all the invigorating, cleansing and purifying effects of the most luxurious Turkish, hot-air or medicated bath at a trifling cost. Price $5.00.

The Rev. J. W. Bailey, D. D., Topeka, Kans., recommends this Thermal Bath Cabinet highly for nervous diseases. S.R. May, Haven, Kas., suffered fifteen years with rheumatism. After using our Bath Cabinet a short time he was entirely cured. Dr. Wm. F. Holcombe, one of New York's ablest and best known specialists, recommends this Cabinet for Bright's disease and all kidney troubles, and also says it is the greatest cure known for pneumonia. Ladies should have our Complexion Steamer, used in conjunction with the Cabinet, in which the face is given the same vapor treatment as the body. The only harmless and sure method of drawing away all impurities, leaving the skin clear and soft as velvet. It is the only cure for pimples, blotches, and other disfiguring sores and blemishes. Invaluable for the successful treatment of Catarrh & Asthma. Price $1.50 extra

FREE Descriptive Book and Testimonials to all who write. Specia! Inducements to Agents. MOLLENKOPP & MCCREERY, 123Summit St.Toledo,0.


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