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A Regular $5.00 WATERPROOF MACKINTOSH for $2.75.

Send no Money. Cut this ad. out and send to us,

state your HEIGHT and WEIGHT,
state number of inches around body at Breast
taken over vest under coat close up under
arms and we will send you this coat by express
C. O. D., subject to examination; examine and try
Iton at your nearest express office and if found
exactly as represented and the most wonderful

value you ever saw or heard of and equal
to any coat you can buy for 85.00, pay the
express agent our special offer price, $2.75,
and express charges.

THIS MACKINTOSH is latest 1899
style, made from heavy waterproof, tan color,
genuine Davis Covert Cloth; extra long, double
breasted, Sager velvet collar, fancy plaid lining,
waterproof sewed, strapped and cemented
seams, suitable for either rain or overcoat, and
guaranteed greatest value ever offered by us
or any other house. For Free Cloth Samples of
Men's Mackintoshes up to 85.00, and Made-to-
Measure Suits and Overcoats at from 85.00 to
810.00, write for Free Book No. 80 C. Address,

SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., Chicago, Ill.
(Sears, Roebuck & Co., are thoroughly reliable.-

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NEW JERSEY'S new marriage law has been in operation a year, and its results justify the hopes of its friends and the fears of its enemies. The former hoped and the latter feared that it would seriously cripple, if it did not entirely destroy, the reprehensible business of those clergymen who were waxing fat on fees for marrying runaway couples, "and no questions asked." The advance sheets of the annual report of the New Jersey board of health shows a decrease of 4,958 marriages over 1897. The greatest decrease is in nonresident marriages, of which in 1897 there were 4,090, while this year there were only 262 couples from other States united there. And in Camden, where 4,494 couples were married in 1897, but 824 have been married in the corresponding period of 1898."Washington Post.»

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SECRETARY GAGE's report deals more specifically with great matters over which the President passes lightly. The fiscal situation of the Government is represented to be anything but promising. The end of the deficit is not yet in sight. It amounted to over $102,000,000 in the fiscal year 1898-if receipts from the sale of Pacific railroads be left out of account. It is expected to amount to $112,000,000 this fiscal year. And for the fiscal year 1900 the estimated deficit is placed at $30,000,000.-Springfield (Mass.) "Republican."

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A COMMITTEE of the chamber of commerce of Santiago de Cuba last week presented to Robert P. Porter, special commissioner of President McKinley, a memorial on proposed alterations of the tariff regulations and improvement of industrial conditions, which the chamber considers indispensable for the reorganization of the trade and industries of the island. Among the suggestions was one that no internal taxation be levied on sugar estates, that machinery be admitted into the island duty free, and that Cuban sugar be admitted to the markets of the United States without the payment of an import tax. The suppression of export duties was recommended, except in the case of leaf to bacco from Havana. A tax on the consump tion of liquors, except wines and beers, was advocated."Public Opinion."


MR. MCKINLEY'S treatment of the currency question is thoroughly McKinleyesque; that is, the President wants the currency reformed, providing the greenback is not interfered with. This will hardly please the mugwump element in the party, but it will please another element that does a great deal of voting. Mr. McKinley has made a rather heroic effort to satisfy both factions; that is, by admitting to the one that the greenback is no better than it ought to be, and by informing the other that it would not be wise to reform it out of business altogether.- Detroit (Mich.) "Tribune »

Please mention SELF CULTURE when you write to advertisers.

If you are 70 your hair should be all white. But at half


70 do you want it half white? "35 and gray" gives you the look of 50 at least. Any comfort from this? Why not postpone the telltale sign of years?

Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer will surely restore color to your faded or gray hair.

You may depend

upon it every time.

It is also a fine hair dressing, making the hair soft and rich and the scalp clean and healthy.

If your druggist cannot supply you, send one dollar to R. P. Hall & Co., Nashua, N. H.

Please mention SELF CULTURE when you write to advertisers.


6oc. GOLD SHIRT SET, 15c.

Our 1898 Introduction Offer.

A complete shirt set for either lady or gentleman, all of heaviesr 14k rolled gold plate which cannot be bought in any store in the U. S. for less than 60c.; comprising latest style dumb bell cuffbuttons, fancy Jura Diamond Set front collar button, pointer tie retaining back button, a sleeve buttons, all with Tyer Pearl backs and patent levers, also nickel tie clasp. We guarantee value as stated, complete satisfaction and a year's wear or money refunded. Sent postpaid as a sample of our 3,000 bargains with catalogue for only 15c. per Set; a lor 25c.; $1.25 Doz.

R. H. INGERSOLL & BRO., 65 Cortlandt St., Dept. No. 96, N. Y.

AFTER a prolonged and frequently adjourned discussion of the subject, the Russian ministry of justice has finally resolved to establish the system of trial by jury in Siberia on January 1 next. This new and important projet de loi has been accepted, after much contentious debate, by the state council, and now only awaits the imperial sign-manual. In the meantime a register of all persons duly qualified to serve as jurymen, both in civil and criminal cases, is being compiled in each of the Siberian provinces. It may reasonably be doubted whether the jury system has been an unqualified success in European Russia since its first introduction in 1866, but there can be no manner of doubt that great advantages are likely to accrue from its establishment in the remote Governments of Siberia, where judicial abuses have long been lamentabl ynotorious.- "London News,» (Dec. 10th.)

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JUDGING from a paragraph in his annual report, Secretary Gage regards the experience of the popular loan of August 1, 1898, as establishing the fact that the people approve of this form of borrowing money for the Government, and thinks that, in "this attempt to deal directly with the citizen," there was "a great moral value, difficult to estimate in money, yet worthy of consideration in the mind of the statesman.» Nevertheless, it was an expensive proceeding for the Government, as he estimates that a bonus of perhaps $5,000,000 could have been secured by offering the loan to competitive bidding. He points out that, at this time, the original holdings of about 116,000 subscribers have passed into the ownership of 1,001 persons, firms, and corporations. «To this extent," he says, "the moral value of private ownership has already disappeared."— «Public Opinion.»

MANY religious men claim that our victory over Spain has placed us under a supreme obligation to Christianize the Philippines, and they

SUIT are arguing for annexation on the ground that

$1.95 BUYS A $3.50 SUIT

3,000 Celebrated "Kantwearout" DOUBLE SEAT
Piece Knee-Pant Suits going at $1.95.
A new suit free for any of these suits which don't
give satisfactory wear. SEND NO MONEY. Cut
this Ad. out and send to us, state age of boy and say
whether large or small for age and we will send you
the suit by express, C. O. D., subject to examination.
You can examine it at your express office and if found
perfectly satisfactory and equal to suits sold in your
town for $3.50, pay your express agent OUR SPECIAL
OFFER PRICE, $1.95 and express charges.

These Knee-Pant Suits are for boys 4 to 15 years of age, and are retailed everywhere at $3.50. Made with double seat and knees, LATEST 1899 STYLE as illustrated, made from a special wear-resisting, heavy-weight, ALLWOOL Oakwell cassimere, neat, handsome pattern, fine Berge lining, Clayton linen seng, padding, staying reinforcing, silk and linen sewing, fine tailor-made throughout, a suit any boy or parent would be proud of. FOR FREE CLOTH SAMPLES of Boys' Clothing (suits, overcoats or ulsters), for boys 4 TO 19 YEARS, write for Sample Book No. 90C, contains fashion plates, tape measure and full instructions how to order.

MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS MADE TO ORDER FROM $5.00 UP. Samples sent free on application. Address,

SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III.


thus we may respond more efficiently to the call of this great duty. One would expect that under the pressure of this great duty the receipts of our missionary societies would show a rapid increase. But both the Presbyterian and the Baptist boards appear practically to have reached the conclusion that they are in no condition financially to undertake new work unless upon some special provision.- "Watchman> (Bapt.), Boston.

A NEW public school building in Chicago has been named after Admiral Dewey, and the board of education in that city has set apart the first school day in May to be observed as Dewey day.

(Sears, Roebuck & Co. are thoroughly reliable-Editor.)
Please mention SELF CULTURE when you write to advertisers.

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You're sure of Wool Soap





Wool Soap is made of positively pure soap ingredients, and is sold to you without scent or perfume, in the simplicity of soap whiteness, that you may know by its looks, and by its use, that it is absolutely safe for toilet and bath.

If you cannot buy it at your dealer's, send us his name and we will send you a cake free. Swift and Company, Makers, Chicago

The only soap that won't shrink woolens

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Big Drop in Dress Goods.

Every one can now buy Dress Goods of every description and from one yard upwards, for just as little money as the largest merchants can buy in quantities. You will receive free by mail postpaid, a book of 60 cloth samples of latest things in all kinds of Dress Goods, at 121⁄2 to 1.25 per yard, also full instructions how to order, etc., if you will cut this notice out and mail to the big reliable house of

SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Chicago.




Tells you how to obtain the latest-improved, best,
and cheapest Talking-Machines, Loud Records,
Trade Discounts, etc. Read it and get posted.
Free for two-cent stamp.


Learn to Stuff Birds! Learn Taxidermy! Learn To-Day!

Because success is guaranteed from the start! Because the work is pleasant as well as profitable. A collection of birds is both beautiful and valuable. Birds, animals, fish, reptiles, etc., may be preserved with little trouble, as records of the day's chase.

Boys, girls, men and women can do nice work from the start, and can become expert in one week. Mounted birds find a ready sale; besides you can make money teaching your friends. Every school should have a collection of native birds and animals. TAXIDER is a compound of wonderful embalming power. It is not necessary to skin birds or animals when using Taxider. Birds when mounted with Taxider become as hard as stone, and will last a thousand years undisturbed by moth or time. No tools required except those that everyone has. One box Taxider is enough to mount 30 birds the size of a quail, with full instructions for mounting everything. Also instructions for tanning skins for rugs, etc. Price $1.


TACOMA, Wash., Aug. 9, 1898.-Mr. F. L. ACKLEY: I received the box of Taxider some time ago. It works fine. I have just finished mounting a beautiful swan. I have already a nice collection of birds, and a class of seven boys. It is really wonderful how it works. The very first bird I mounted was a success. Please find enclosed money order for one dozen boxes. Please rush, as I am in quite a hurry. Thanking you for past favors, I remain truly yours, J. H. FLANDERS, Tacoma, Wash. Send

I have letters like this from hundreds of people, and all are having success. for a box to-day. You can learn in one hour. Remember, success is guaranteed from the start. Liberal discounts to agents. Taxider is manufactured by

F. L. ACKLEY, Sioux City, la., U. S. A.

Please mention SELF CULTURE when you write to advertisers.



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Between our Cabinet and other makes? These cuts speak plainer than words. OUR NEW 1900 STYLE QUAKER FOLDING VAPOR BATH CABINET HAS A DOOR, has a self-supWORLD porting steel frame, galvanized, covering of antiseptic, hygienic cloth, MFGC rubber lined. Cabinet does not rest on the shoulders,nor pull over your GINT head. No woodwork to warp. To operate, simply open door, step in, bathe, cool off. step out. Only perfect Cabinet made. Folded it is 3 in. thick, 15 in. wide, 16 in. long, weighs only 5 lbs. Patented. 326,000 Sold. Recommended by Best Physicians for bathing purposes. It opens the pores, sweats out the poisons, makes you clean, strong, vigorous and healthy. Cures bad cold with one bath. Cures rheumatism, lagrippe, insomnia, obesity, female Not Ours. troubles, all blood, skin, nerve and kidney diseases. Immediate Store Box, Wood Relief Guaranteed in worst cases. Cabinet, frame, Goods don't roll back like Frame, Cracks, stove, formulas, and directions sent anywhere upon re-shown in cut. Cabinet must Warps. Weighs ceipt of $5.00. Face steaming attachment, $1.00 extra. Order be lifted and pulled over your 20 lbs. Folded it's today. You won't be disappointed. It's guaranteed as repre-head. Dangerous. Folded it's 24 ft. long, 34 sented, or money refunded. We are responsible. Capital, $100,000.00. Largest over 3 feet long, 2 feet wide. ft. wide. manufacturers of Bath Cabinets in the world. Write us anyway.


The Improved Elastic Truss is the only truss in existence that is worn with absolute comfort night and day, and it retains the rupture under the hardest exercise or severest strain, and will effect a permanent


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