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ishes with the increase of population, and, besides, much attention has of late been paid to the training of teachers. A very laudable effort is now making in NewEngland, and also in New-York, and some other states, to attach a library of suitable books to each school. The plan is excellent, and promises much good.

continues to be, by the people themselves, | ern States. But it is an evil which diminor, rather, by the friends of education, state after state is beginning to be induced by the efforts of these to make a legal provision, to a certain extent at least, for the instruction of all who may choose to avail themselves of it, for in this they do not see that they violate any rights of conscience. The right of giving instruction is, in the United States, universal. Even where there is an all-pervading system of public schools, any number of families may join together, and employ any teacher for their children whom they may prefer. Nor has that teacher to procure any license or "brevet of instruction" before entering on the duties of his office. His employers are the sole judges of his capacity, and should he prove incapable or inefficient, the remedy is in their own hands. The teachers employed by the state pass an examination before a proper committee. In all the states where there is a legal provision for primary schools, there is a yearly report from each to a committee of the township, from which, again, there is a report to a county committee, and that, in its turn, sends a report to the Secretary or School Commissioner of the state.

In most cases, a pious and judicious teacher, if he will only confine himself to the great doctrines and precepts of the Gospel, in which all who hold the fundamental truths of the Bible are agreed, can easily give as much religious instruction as he chooses. Where the teacher himself is not decidedly religious, much religious instructien cannot be expected; nor should any but religious teachers attempt to give anything more than general moral instruction, and make the scholars read portions of the Scriptures, and of other good books.

The Bible is very generally used as a reading book in our primary schools, though in some places, as at St. Louis, the Roman Catholics have succeeded in excluding it, and they have been striving to do the same in the city of New-York. In so far as relates to public schools, I see no other course but that of leaving the question to the people themselves; the majority deciding, and leaving the minority the alternative of supporting a school of their own. This will generally be done by Protestants rather than give up the Bible.

Primary instruction in the United States owes almost everything to Religion, as the most efficient of all the principles that prompts to its promotion. Not that the Protestants of that country interest themselves in the primary schools for the purpose of proselytizing children to their views, but rather that at these schools the youth of the nation may be qualified for receiving religious instruction effectually elsewhere, and for the due discharge of their future duties as citizens. And, however much they may wish to see religious instruction given at the common schools, they will not for a moment give in to the opinion that all is lost where this cannot be accomplished. Primary instruction, even when not accompanied with any religious instruction, is better than none; and in such cases, they that love the Gospel have other resources-in the pulpit, the family altar, the Bible-class, and the Sabbath-school.



But if Primary Schools in the United States owe much to religion, Grammarschools and Academies, which may be called secondary institutions, owe still more.

In 1647, only twenty-seven years after the settlement of the Puritans in NewEngland, we find the colony of Massachusetts Bay making a legal provision, not only for primary, but for secondary schools also. "It being one chief project of Satan," says the statute, "to keep men from the knowledge of the Scriptures by dissuading from the use of tongues; and to the end that learning may not be buried in the graves of our forefathers in Church and tommonwealth, the Lord assisting our endeavours; therefore be it enacted, that every township, after the Lord hath inIn most parts of the United States, it has creased them to the number of fifty housebeen found extremely difficult to procure holders, shall appoint one to teach all chilgood teachers, few men being willing to dren to write and read; and where any devote their lives to that occupation in a town shall increase to the number of 100 country so full of openings in more lucra- families, they shall set up a grammartive and inviting professions and employ- school, the masters thereof being able to ments. Hence very incompetent teach-instruct youth so far as they may be fitted ers-not a few from Ireland and other for the university." Such was the origin parts of the British dominions-are all of the grammar-schools of New-England, that can be found. This is particularly and now they are so numerous that not the case in the Middle, Southern, and West- only has almost every county one, but

many of the more populous and wealthy possess several.

of his will, in case of an equal sum being raised by the citizens of the place for the erection of a suitable building, the purchase of apparatus, library, &c., then his legacy of 10,000 dollars might be invested as a perma

applied to paying for the education of such young men as he should designate. This was done even beyond the extent required by the testator. A large and commodious edifice was erected, containing rooms for the recitation of lessons, lectures, library, philosophical apparatus, &c. The school was opened on the 15th of May, 1833, and the number of scholars for the first term was 146; many of whom were pious youths, devoting themselves to study with a view to the ministry. The institution still flourishes under the instructions of excellent men; and being situated in a secluded and moral village in the midst of the Green Mountains, where living is cheap, it is attended by choice youths, some thirty or forty of whom are educated gratuitously. Such, again, is " Philips' Academy,” at Andover, in Massachusetts, about twenty miles north of Boston. Founded in 1778, by the joint liberality of two brothers, the Hon. Samuel Philips, of Andover, and the Hon. John Philips, of Exeter, New-Hampshire, it, two years afterward, received a charter of incorporation from the state. The fund supplied by these two brothers was afterward augmented by the bequest of a third, the Hon. William Philips, of Boston.

Not only so; all the other states have incorporated academies and grammarschools in very considerable numbers. Some, by a single act, have made an ap-nent fund, the interest of which was to be propriation for the establishment of one such institution in every county within their jurisdiction. Thus, in Pennsylvania, many years ago, 2000 dollars were granted for the erection of a building for a grammar-school, at the seat of justice for each county, and a board of trustees, with power to fill up vacancies as they might occur in their numbers, was appointed for each. These buildings are now occupied by masters who teach the higher branches of an English education, and, in most cases, also the Latin and Greek languages, besides such instruction in the mathematics, and other studies, as may qualify the pupils for entering college. Like provisions have been made by other states, and even the newest of them in the West are continually encouraging learning by passing such acts. In no case, however, does a state endow such an institution. A grant is made at the outset for the edifice that may be required; in most cases, this is all that is done by the state, after which the institution has to depend upon the fees paid by the scholars for the support of the master or masters employed. In some instances, as in the State of New-York, the grammarschool has a yearly subsidy from the state; in which case, there is usually some condition attached to the grant, such as the This Academy, which is one of the best giving of gratis instruction to a certain endowed in the United States, has been number of poor lads, or of youths intend- truly a blessing to the cause of Religion ing to become teachers of primary schools. and Learning. By the terms prescribed But in most, even of the cases in which by its pious founders, it is open to all youth they have been aided by the state, these of good character, but they have placed it institutions have not only been privately under the control of Protestants, and the commenced and carried to a certain point religious instruction given must be orthopreviously to such assistance, but owe dox in the true sense of the word. Inmuch more afterward to the spontaneous struction is required to be given in the support of their friends. Indeed, in all English, Latin, and Greek languages; in parts of the country, grammar-schools, and writing, arithmetic, and music; in the art some of these the very best, may be found of speaking; also in practical geometry, which owe their existence purely to indi- logic; and any other of the liberal arts, vidual or associated efforts. Such is the sciences, or languages, as opportunity and "Burr Seminary," in the town of Man- ability may from time to time admit, and chester, in the State of Vermont, which the trustees shall direct. As the educaoriginated in a legacy of 10,000 dollars, left tion of suitable young men for the minisby a gentleman of the name of Joseph try was a leading consideration with the Burr,* for the education of poor and pious founders, so has the institution been, in this young men for the ministry. By the terms respect, abundantly blessed. Many such * Mr. Burr had been for many years a resident at youths have here pursued their preparatoManchester, in Vermont. By patient industry and ry studies; and in 1808, availing themupright dealings, he acquired a fortune estimated at selves of a provision contained in the plan 150,000 dollars at the time of his death. A large marked out by the founders, the trustees part of this sum he bequeathed to the American Bible Society, American Board of Commissioners for ingrafted on the institution, or, rather, esForeign Missions, American Home Missionary Soci- tablished in the same village, and under the ety, and American Education Society, besides ensame direction, a Theological Seminary, dowing a professorship in one college, and contribu- which has become one of the most distinting largely to the same object in another. And in addition to all this, by the above bequest of 10,000 guished of the kind in the United States, and dollars he founded the Seminary that bears his name. I will call for more ample notice hereafter.



A large proportion of the grammarschools and academies in the United States, whether incorporated or not, are under the direction and instruction of min- IN the census of the United States for isters of the Gospel of different evangeli- 1840, the number of universities and colcal denominations. These ministers, in leges is put down at 173, and that of stusome cases, devote their whole time to the dents at 16,233. This, however, includes work of academical instruction; in other not only the Theological, Medical, and Law cases, they have also the charge of a schools, but several other institutions imchurch or congregation, and as they have properly called colleges. A more accuto perform the double duties of pastor and rate list makes the colleges amount to head of a grammar-school, they have usu- 103, and the students to 9607. But even ally an assistant teacher in the latter. The this estimate includes several institutions, teachers in these academies are often pi- which, though incorporated as colleges, are ous young men, of small pecuniary re- scarcely so far organized as to be entitled sources, who, after completing their stud- to the name. In some cases, too, the stuies at college, betake themselves to this dents in the preparatory departments are employment for a few years, in order to reckoned along with the under-graduates, find the means of supporting themselves properly so called, that is, the students in while attending a theological school. But the four regular classes of seniors, juniors, whether ministers of the Gospel, or grad-sophomores, and freshmen, into which the uates fresh from college, such teachers students of our colleges are divided. generally communicate instruction of a decidedly religious character. The Scriptures are daily read; the school is usually opened and closed with prayer; and in many cases, a Bible-class, comprising all the pupils, meets on the Sabbath afternoon, or morning, for the study of the Sacred Volume. Thus, by the favour of God resting on these institutions, and making them effectual to the converting of many of the youths that attend them, they prove blessings to the Church of Christ, as well as to the State.

It would be absurd to compare the colleges of America with the great universities of Europe. The course of studies is widely different. For while sufficiently comprehensive in almost all the colleges that deserve that name, it is not to be compared, in general, as respects depth and extent of investigation in particular branches, with that of the older universities of Europe. But, upon the whole, the education to be had at one of our colleges better capacitates a man for the work that is likely to await him in America than would that which the universities of Europe could give him, if one may be allowed to judge from experience.

I may add, that within the last ten or twenty years, a great many excellent institutions for the education of young ladies have sprung up in different parts of the In almost all instances, the colleges in United States, through associated or indi- the United States have been founded by vidual efforts. The course of instruction religious men. The common course in esat these is excellent and extensive, embra- tablishing them is as follows: A company cing all branches of valuable knowledge is organized, a subscription list opened, proper for the sex. Upon many of these, and certain men of influence in the neighalso, God has caused his blessing to de- bourhood consent to act as trustees. A scend, and has brought not a few of the charter is then asked from the Legislature young persons attending them to the of the state within which the projected inknowledge of Himself. They are gener-stitution is to be placed, and a grant in ally conducted by ladies; but the teachers in some cases are gentlemen, clergymen especially, assisted by pious ladies. In no other country, probably, has the higher education of females made greater progress than in the United States during the last few years. The Christian community there begins to feel that mothers have, in a great measure, the formation of the national character in their hands.

According to the census of 1840, the Grammar-schools and Academies for both sexes in the United States amounted to 3242, attended by 164,159 pupils.

aid of the funds at the same time solicited. The charter is obtained, and with it a few thousand dollars, perhaps, by way of assistance. What else is required for the purchase of a site, erecting buildings, providing a library, apparatus, &c., &c., must be made up by those interested in the project. Thus have vast sums been raised, particularly during the last twenty years, for founding colleges in all parts of the country, especially in the West. A great portion of these sums have been subscribed by persons in the neighbourhood, and more directly interested in the success of the undertakings subscribed for; but in many cases, money to a large amount has been obtained from the churches along the Atlantic coast.

Sixty-two of the 103 colleges in the


them with the outpourings of his Spirit. | Not that this religious instruction is intended to proselytize from one Protestant and evangelical church to another. In that respect, a Presbyterian father might with all safety commit his son to an Episcopalian, Methodist, or Lutheran college. Here I speak from facts that I myself have known. Several of the most distinguished dignitaries of the Episcopal Church were educated at Princeton College, New-Jersey, a Presbyterian institution, and founded by Presbyterians. Some of them received their first religious convictions there, and yet, I believe, they can testify that no officebearer of that college ever attempted to bring them over to the Presbyterian Church. Any advice of that kind, on the contrary, would have been that they should join the church in which they were born, that is, the Episcopal.*

pence, or a peck of corn, while larger gifts were made by the magistrates and wealthier citizens. It was for a long time the. only college in New-England, and in its halls the great men of the country were educated. For a century and a half it was a precious fountain of living waters for the Church of God. But, alas! for the last half century, or nearly so, it has been in the hands of men who hold "another gospel" than that held by its pious founders.*

The second college founded in the United States was that of William and Mary, at Williamsburg, in Virginia, in 1693. The third was Yale College above mentioned, founded in 1700. The fourth was Princeton College, New-Jersey, founded in 1746. The University of Pennsylvania dates from 1755; Columbia College, in New-York, from 1754; Brown University, from 1764; Rutgers and Dartmouth Colleges, from 1770. These were all that were founded previously to the Revolution.


As none of the universities but that of Harvard, situated in the town of Cambridge, not far from Boston, have all the four faculties of literature, law, medicine, and theology, with that exception they ought rather to be called colleges. The SUNDAY-SCHOOLS.-AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL theology at Harvard is Unitarian. Several of the other universities have faculties of medicine attached to them. On the other

hand, Yale College, at New-Haven, in Connecticut, ought rather to be called a university, for it has all the four faculties, and is attended by far more students than go to Harvard.


ONE of the most efficient, as well as thesimplest instruments of doing good, is the Sunday-school; an institution, the history of which is too well known to require any detail in this work. Mr. Robert Raikes, of Gloucester, in England, towards the I may add, that Harvard University was close of the last century, established the the first literary institution established in first that was ever conducted upon anythe United States. It was founded in 1638, thing like the plan now generally pursued, eight years after Massachusetts Bay, and and the excellence of which has been proeighteen after Plymouth was first colo-ved by long experience. nized; so that there were not many more The first attempt to introduce Sundaythan 5000 settlers at the time in all New-schools into the United States was made England. Hardly had the forests been cleared away for the streets of their settlements, when they began to project a college or university. And yet these were the Puritans now so much vilified and slandered! Great were the efforts made by those exiles to attain their object. The General Court granted for the erection of a proper edifice a sum equal to a year's rate of the whole colony. John Harvard, who had come to the New World only to die, bequeathed to the college half his estate, and all his library. Plymouth and Connecticut often sent their little offerings, as did the eastern towns within the boundaries of the present State of Maine. The rent of a ferry was made over to it. All the families in the Puritan settlements each gave once a donation of at least twelve

by the Methodists in 1790, but from some cause or other it failed. A society was soon after formed at Philadelphia, with the late Bishop White at its head, and a few schools were established for the benefit of the poor, taught by persons who received a certain compensation for their trouble. Early in the present century, schools began to be established in various places under voluntary and gratuitous teachers, and gradually becoming better known and appreciated, the number was found very considerable in 1816. Associations for promoting them more extensively began then to be formed in Philadelphia, New-York, and other cities, and the publication of spelling and hymn books, scriptural catechisms, &c., for the children was commenced. Some persons also did much to advance this good work by their indi

The Rev. Dr. M'Ilvaine, the distinguished Bishop of Ohio, and the no less excellent, though per-vidual efforts.† haps less known assistant Bishop of Virginia, the Rev. Dr. Johns, were both educated and converted at Princeton College. The late Bishop Hobart, of NewYork, was educated in that institution, and was for some time a tutor there.

* A voluminous and interesting history of this university, by its present president, Josiah Quincy, LL.D., has lately been published.

† Among whom may be mentioned the late Divie

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