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oz., 75 cents must be paid; the foreign postage only being doubled for each oz. The American inland postage is given as 5 cents. It of course follows the rates before given, where the distance is less than, or over, 3,000 miles, or when the postage is prepaid.

Where the correspondence with the countries in the foregoing tables is from or to Oregon or California, the single-letter rate, to be collected by prepayment or on delivery, is to be in each instance 5 cents more than the amount given.

11. Postage by the New York, Southampton, and Bremen Line of Steamers.

The following are the rates of postage from and to any point in the United States, for mailable matter sent by this line to Europe; prepayment optional: — For all letters and packages not exceeding half an ounce in weight, 20 cts. For every additional half-ounce, or less than half-ounce,


20" On letters to the following countries and places, the foreign postage to the place of destination may be added to the United States postage, and the whole be prepaid; or the American postage alone may be prepaid; or the whole postage may be left unpaid, at the option of the sender, viz. :— 6 cents. Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Nothing. Nassau, .

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12 cents.

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12 "

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On letters to the following places on the Continent prepayment is op tional; but when prepaid, only the United States postage of 20 cents the single letter should be prepaid; the foreign portion being collected of the receiver, viz. Alexandria, Austria (empire and provinces), Baden, Båle, Bavaria, Cairo, Constantinople, Denmark, Greece, Norway, St. Petersburg or Cronstadt, Sweden, and the eastern parts of Italy.

On letters to Havre, or any place on the coast of France, to Germany, or any port on the Continent, where the United States steam-packets stop, the postage is 20 cents the single rate, to be prepaid when sent from, or collected when received in, the United States.

12. Postage to Mexico, South America, and the West Indies, from any Point in the United States.

On letters to Chagres, Panama, Havana (Cuba), and to the Britisa West

Indies, viz. Antigua, Barbadoes, Bahamas, Berbice, Cariacou, Demerara, Dominica, Essequibo, Grenada, Honduras, Jamaica, Montserrat, Nevis, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Tobago, Tortola, and Trinidad,

If distance from mailing office does not exceed 2,500 miles, exceed 2,500 miles,

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The postage is to be prepaid when sent from, or collected when received in, the United States.

On letters to the West India Islands (not British), to Mexico, or to places in the Gulf of Mexico, or on the Atlantic coast of South America, not in British possession, viz. Venezuela, Brazils, and Uruguay,

If distance from mailing office does not exceed 2,500 miles,

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The single postage to any part of the Argentine Republic from any point in the United States is (to be prepaid),

This postage is to be prepaid on letters sent from the United States. On letters received, the British postage being prepaid there, the United States postage only, of 10 or 2 cents, according to distance, is to be collected at the office of delivery. The same rule applies to the payment of postage to all countries on the southwest coast of America, viz. New Granada, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Chili; which postage is,

On letters sent, being United States and foreign postage,
On letters received, being United States postage only,

10 cents.


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13. Postage to and from the British North American Provinces (except Canada) from and to any Point in the United States.

On letters sent to New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, &c., when not over 3,000 miles from the line in the United States, Sent over 3,000 miles in the United States,

10 ""


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Prepayment is optional in either country, but all is to be prepaid or none. A mail is made up for the British Provinces, from New York and Boston, by the English steamers. The postage on a single letter thus sent is 5 cents, to be prepaid.

14. Postage to and from Canada and the United States.

To be charged in the United States:

On letters (half an ounce in weight) to or from Canada, for any
distance in the United States not exceeding 3,000 miles,
Any distance in the United States exceeding 3,000 miles,
To be charged in Canada : —

For any distance,

5 cents.




There is an additional rate for every half-ounce, or less than half-ounce, on all letters posted in the United States to be delivered in Canada, and vice versa. The above rates are combined, and may be prepaid or not, at the option of the sender; but less than the whole combined rate cannot be prepaid.

15. Newspaper and Pamphlet Postage to and from Foreign Countries, from and to any Point in the United States.

On each newspaper sent between Great Britain and Ireland and the United States, and on each newspaper sent between the United States and those places named as communicated with by the Bremen line of steamers, p. 194, and between the United States and Havana and the British West Indies, the postage is 2 cents; and on each newspaper sent between the United States and those places named in Tables 1, 2, and 3, on pp. 192, 193, the postage is 4 cents. The postage between all the above places is to be prepaid when sent from, or collected when received in, the United States. On each newspa sent from the United States to the West Indies (not British), to Mexico, or to places in the Gulf of Mexico, or on the Atlantic coast of South America not in British possession, the postage, to be prepaid, is 4 cents. On each newspaper received in the United States from those places it is 2 cents. On each newspaper sent from the United States to places on the southwest coast of Sou America, the postage, to be prepaid, is 8 cents; and on each newspaper received in the United States from those places it is 4 cents. The postage of newspapers to and from Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, &c., is the regular United States rate to and from the line, to be prepaid when sent, and collected when received.

On each periodical and pamphlet between Great Britain and the United States, the United States postage is 2 cents, if not over 2 ounces in weight, and 4 cents per ounce or fraction of an ounce over 2 ounces, always to be prepaid. An additional British postage of the same rate, when not exceeding 2 ounces, must be paid in England; but the third ounce raises the British charge to 6 pence, with 2 pence additional for each additional ounce. When sent to or received from foreign countries, without passing through the United Kingdom, they will be charged with the regular United States rates, to be prepaid when sent, and collected when received.

Newspapers and periodicals to foreign countries, and particularly to the Continent of Europe, must be sent in narrow bands, open at the sides or end; otherwise they are chargeable there with letter postage.


THE public lands belonging to the General Government are situated, — 1st. Within the limits of the United States, as defined by the treaty of 1783, and are embraced by the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and that part of Minesota east of the Mississippi River, all of which have been formed out of the Northwestern Territory, as conveyed with certain reservations to the United States by New York in 1781, by Virginia in 1784, by Massachusetts in 1785, and by Connecticut in 1786; also the lands within the boundaries of the States of Mississippi and Alabama north of 31° north latitude, as conveyed to the United States by Georgia in 1802. 2d. Within the Territories of Orleans and Louisiana, as acquired from France

by the treaty of 1803, including the portion of the States of Alabama and Mississippi south of 31°; the whole of Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, and that portion of Minesota west of the Mississippi River; the Indian Territory; the district called Nebraska; the Territory of Oregon, and the region lying between Oregon and Minesota, north of 42° and south of 49° north latitude. 3d. Within the State of Florida, as obtained from Spain by the treaty of 1819. 4th. In New Mexico and California, as acquired from Mexico by the treaty of 1848.

Within the limits recognized by these treaties and cessions, the public lands covered an estimated area of 1,584,000,000 acres. Exclusive of the lands in Oregon, California, New Mexico, Utah, the Indian and Nebraska Territories, the entire area of the public domain is stated, after a careful examination, to have been 424,103,750 acres. About one fourth of this, up to November 30, 1850, had been sold, and $ 135,339,092 received therefor. The aggregate outlay of every kind upon these lands to the same date, including cost of purchase, of surveying, and of selling, was $ 74,957,879, leaving as net profit to the government $60,381,213, or an annual average of nearly a million of dollars for the last fifty years. If there should be added to this, at the rate of $1.25 per acre, the value of the land granted for bounties, schools, internal improvements, &c., it would amount to nearly double the above sum. The average cost per acre to the government of acquiring title, &c. to the lands is 14.41 cents; of survey, 2.07 cents; of selling and managing, 5.32 cents; in all 21.80 cents; while it receives $1.25 per acre, or a net profit on each acre sold of $ 1.032.

The whole number of warrants for Mexican bounty land claims issued to November 1, 1851, is 80,781, of which 66,618 have been located, and 66,200 have been patented. The whole number of warrants issued under the general bounty-land law of September 28, 1850, up to November 1, 1851, is 54,201. Of these, 3,708 have been located and returned, and 1,950 patented. The following table shows the sales of public lands and the proceeds thereof from the year 1833 to 1850, inclusive. Full details of the present condition of the public lands, and of the various grants and donations thereof for purposes of education and of internal improvement, are given in the American Almanac for 1850, pp. 180 et seq.

Quantity of Public Land sold, and the Amount paid for it, in each Year, from 1833 to 1850, inclusive.

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Edw. Hitchcock, D.D., LL. D. 1821
Rev. J. Early,

Conn. T. D. Woolsey, D.D., LL. D.
John Williams, D. D.
McClintock, D. D.










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