Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts

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Stran 44 - Collection of Interest, East Bank Levee District Collection of Produce Tax, Buras Levee District Collection of Produce Tax, Grand Prairie Levee District Collection of Produce Tax, Atchafaiaya Levee District Collection of Produce Tax, Fifth Louisiana Levee District.
Stran 38 - Collection of Mill Tax, North Bossier Levee District Collection of Mill Tax, East Bank Levee District Collection of Acreage Tax, Lake Borgne Levee District Collection of Acreage Tax, Buras Levee District Collection of Acreage Tax, Grand Prairie Levee District Collection of Acreage Tax, Pontchartrain Levee District Collection of Acreage Tax, Laf ourche Levee District Collection of Acreage Tax, Fifth Louisiana Levee District.
Stran 78 - For the purpose of offering rewards by the Governor for fugitives from justice and for detective work, if necessary, for the year ending June .'!Uth, 1917, Five Hundred Dollars ". $ 500.00 For the year ending June 30th.
Stran 38 - District Collection of Mill Tax, Bossier Levee District Collection of Mill Tax, North Bossier Levee District . . , Collection of Mill Tax, East Bank Levee District...
Stran 87 - Louisiana State University or Seminary Fund bonds cancelled Less retired by Board of Liquidation Feb. 10 and April 16, 1894, and Nov. 15, 1895. and Jan. 21, 1897...
Stran 44 - Mill Tax, Red River, Atchafalaya and Bayou Bœuf Levee District Collection of...
Stran 80 - ... in time of emergency, and for general sanitary work. prevention and control of contagious diseases, etc., and for maintenance of the chemical laboratory work now being carried on by the Board, for the year ending June 30, 1918, Thirty Thousand Dollars ...... $30,000.00 OUT OF CURRENT SCHOOL FUND.
Stran 90 - ... each, aggregating 416,000.00 17,552 bonds, aggregating the sum of $11,799,500.00 Leaving in the hands of Hon. LeDoux E. Smith, State Treasurer, at the ciose of this report the foliowing bonds...
Stran viii - For amounts borrowed by the Governor as authorized by the Board of Liquidation!
Stran 90 - ... 2 of 1874, which will be exchanged whenever presented, In former reports of this Board are to be found the number and denomination of bonds engraved and printed under this net, and of the destruction of the plates by the American.

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