Annual Announcement of Courses of Instruction

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The University Press, 1926

Druge izdaje - Prikaži vse

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Stran 166 - January 1, 1948 ... the Sherman Act ... the Clayton Act, and the . . . Federal Trade Commission Act . . . shall be applicable to the business of insurance to the extent that such business is not regulated by State law.
Stran 191 - The primary object of establishing units of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps is to qualify students for appointment in the Officers' Reserve Corps of the United States Army. Students who complete the advanced course, and who participate in such summer camps as the Secretary of War may prescribe, are eligible upon graduation for appointment and commission by the President...
Stran 73 - CHARLES DERLETH, JR., CE, Professor of Civil Engineering and Dean of the College of Civil Engineering (Chairman of the Department).
Stran 26 - LIPMAN Plant physiology, including plant nutrition and plant growth, with special reference to the influence of environmental factors as requirements for and determinants of plant development. Lectures and demonstrations. Not open to students in the College of Agriculture, nor to those who have had any course in college botany.
Stran 271 - The primary object of the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps is to provide systematic instruction and training at civil institutions which will qualify selected students of such institutions for appointment as officers in the Naval Reserve. The Naval Reserve Officers...
Stran 194 - Training Corps is to provide systematic military training at civil educational institutions for the purpose of qualifying selected students of such institutions for appointment as reserve officers in the military forces of the United States; the Reserve Officers' Training Corps is therefore an important agency in making effective the plan for national defence. Although the primary object of the Reserve Officers...
Stran 6 - ... major or as a prerequisite therefor, will, for students offering a major or combination major in that department at graduation but for no others, be treated as if it were in the Letters and Science List of Courses. Upper division courses in hygiene will be accepted at graduation as on the Letters and Science List of Courses for students completing the Curriculum in Public Health (see p. 31) and courses in optometry will be so accepted for students completing the Curriculum in Optometry. LETTERS...
Stran 95 - PETERSON Organization and administration of the California School system, as given in the School Law of the State and as interpreted by the rulings of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Attorney General. 151. Administration of the School Health Program. (2) II. MF, 1. Mr. POWELL Organization and administration of school health work; public health aspects of school hygiene in relation to school physician, nurse, principal, and teachers.

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