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$1.00 PLUS $1.00 EQUALS $2.00

But one annual membership plus another annual membership for the same person does not equal a Magazine membership. We are receiving many letters from persons who took out two annual memberships during the Christmas Drive and expect to receive the RED CROSS MAGAZINE thereby. We are sorry but it cannot be done.

If you joined the Red Cross during the Christmas Drive as an annual member and wish to have your membership raised to the Magazine class, you may do so by handing an additional dollar for that purpose immediately to the secretary or treasurer of your local branch or chapter. Please do not send the money to us. It is necessary for the Chapter records that the additional dollar be sent through it. Your name will be forwarded to us and you will receive twelve issues of the Magazine beginning with the one current when your name reaches the Magazine office.


The value of this Magazine to the Red Cross membership in keeping the members informed, interested and enthusiastic concerning Red Cross work is obvious. It is your magazine and is endeavoring to tell by pictures, stories and articles how your money is being spent and how your bandages and surgical dressings are stopping wounds and fighting death.

Annual members of the American Red Cross may become Magazine members and receive the RED CROSS MAGAZINE for one year by paying an additional dollar to their local Chapter or Branch within three months after the original dollar was paid.

May we suggest that you call this opportunity to the attention of your annual members if you have not already done so. The Superior, Wisconsin Chapter, for example, has inserted the following notice in a daily paper:

Red Cross Magazine for 1918

This splendid publication should be in every home. All members of the Red Cross are entitled to receive it for one year on payment of One Dollar ($1.00) in addition to their annual dues and presentation of their membership card at this office.


Such a notice, together with a circular or personal canvass should produce excellent results. results. There ought to be one Magazine member in every family. If you will try to put one there, we will try to keep the whole family so interested that you will be able to get more work out of them.


There have been received at the office of the RED CROSS MAGAZINE hundreds of thousands of names of magazine members, and some people who have contributed $2.00 or more at various places are occasionally put on the list more than once. In this way they have received more than one copy of the RED CROSS MAGAZINE. As fast as possible these duplicates have been removed from our stencils. We shall be grateful to any reader who will fill out the accompanying blank and return it to us, indicating where a duplicate copy has been sent. We are anxious that every magazine member of the Red Cross shall have and read the magazine and trust that it may keep them in touch with this great movement; but we do not wish to waste a single copy. We ask the coöperation of all the readers to eliminate all waste.

THE RED CROSS MAGAZINE, Garden City, New York.

I have received duplicate copies of the RED CROSS MAGAZINE addressed as follows, which you have my permission to take off the list:

[blocks in formation]



This is a special message to the friends and patrons of The Red Cross Magazine. It contains some important information. It bears a free offer, which every reader of this journal is invited to take advantage of. It will not appear again in this or any other magazine.

GERMICIDAL SOAP is a pure vegetable-oil product and contains the wellknown antiseptic mercuric iodide. It is a germicide, disinfectant, deodorant, sterilizer and cleanser-all in one. It is employed by physicians, surgeons, dentists, dermatologists, chiropodists, masseurs, nurses, barbers, hairdressers. It is made by the world's largest producers of medicinal products. Fifty years' experience in manufacturing pharmacy is behind this soap.


GERMICIDAL SOAP is used to destroy disease-producing GERMICIDAL SOAP


-to cleanse wounds, bruises, cuts, scratches, abrasions, ulcers (to prevent infection);

-for the treatment of minor skin diseases: ringworm, acne (pimples), barber's itch, etc.;

-to control the itching of prickly heat, eczema and other
skin disorders;

-to disinfect the hands after contact with contagious disease;
-to destroy perspiration odors: of feet, armpits, etc.;
-to cleanse the hair and scalp (as a shampoo); to remove
and prevent dandruff;

-to wash and sterilize bed-linen, handkerchiefs and nap

kins used in the sickroom;

-to cleanse cuspidors, bedpans and other utensils;

-to kill body-lice (cooties); to kill lice and fleas on household pets; -for bathing tender, aching, perspiring feet; for the bath and as a general detergent.

ERMICIDAL SOAP should be in every home, in every bathroom, in every medicine-chest. It should be in every soldier's kit: send it to the boys in the camps and on the firing-lines. All druggists sell GERMICIDAL SOAP.

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The subscription rate is two dollars a year. Memberships in the Red Cross amounting to two dollars or more include subscription to the magazine. ALL PROFITS FROM THE MAGAZINE GO TO THE RED CROSS.

Changes in address should be sent to Garden City. Please allow six weeks for the change to become effective.
Entered as second class matter at the Post Office, Garden City, N. Y., and Chicago, Ill., under the act of March 3, 1879.
Copyright, 1918, by the American National Red Cross. Issued monthly by the American National Red Cross.

[blocks in formation]

Rubber's Part in Our Year of War

America has been at war exactly one year.

During that time rubber's part has been one of increasing importance.

As the largest rubber manufacturer in the world, the United States Rubber Company is bearing a proportionate share in the task of equipping America's forces.

Hundreds of thousands of rubber ponchos, arctics, boots and hats are making life livable for our men in the trenches and aboard ship,

-all of that high quality typified by the seal of the United States Rubber Company.

United States Tires are doing their bit on munition and supply trucks, ambulances, motorcycles and aeroplanes,

-meeting conditions at the fighting front with the remarkable resistance to wear that characterizes them everywhere. United States Truck Tires have stood and are standing the test that war alone can give.

Give your commercial car advantage of tires that have proved their out-and-out dependability under any and all conditions.

For use at home or abroad, in war service or industrial work, United States Tires-either passenger or commercial car types-will give you the utmost in service.


Please mention the Red Cross Magazine when you ask about these goods

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