CLUB as were then in town; and was also honoured with the presence of several of the Reverend Chapter of Westminster. Mr. Burke, Sir Joseph Banks, Mr. Windham, Mr. Langton, Sir Charles Bunbury, and Mr. Colman, bore his pall. His school-fellow, Dr. Taylor, performed the mournful office of reading the burial service.
I trust, I shall not be accused of affectation, when I declare, that I find myself unable to express all that I felt upon the loss of such a 'Guide, Philosopher, and Friend.' I shall, therefore, not say one word of my own, but adopt those of an eminent friend, which he uttered with an abrupt felicity, superior to all studied compositions:-'He has made a chasm, which not only nothing can fill up, but which nothing has a tendency to fill up. Johnson is dead. Let us go to the next best:-there is nobody; no man can be said to put you in mind of Johnson.'
Abel Drugger, 298. Abercrombie, James, 198. Aberdeen, 184, 362.
235-6, 239, 246.
Acting, 343, 344.
Authors, attacks on, 240, 417, 468. Avarice, 311.
Bacon, Francis, 50, 186, 350, 514. Ballads, 200.
Balloon, account of a, 543, 545. Banks, Sir Joseph, 132, 559. Barber, Francis, Johnson's negro servant, 52-4, 56, 84-5, 138, 156, 184, 250, 256, 355, 415, 518, 552, 557.
Baretti, Joseph, 154, 171, 198, 258-9, 271, 288, 336, 416. Barnard, Rev. Dr., dean of Derry, afterwards Bishop of Killaloe, 232, 317, 459, 465.
Barretier, Philip, Life by John- son, 35.
Barrington, Hon. Daines, 292, 507.
Barry, James, 499, 507. Bartolozzi, Francis, 324. Bath, 302-3.
Bathurst, Dr., 43, 52.
Bathurst, Lord Chancellor, 329. Baxter, Rev. Richard, 220, 485. Bayle, his Dictionary, 110. Beattie, Dr. James, 182-3, 460. 534, 535; his Hermit, 486. Beauclerk Hon. Topham, 59-61, 209, 260, 412, 438, 445, 450; death, 434; dinners and suppers at his house, 212, 237, 423-5; Johnson's affection for him, 439, 460, 483; Johnson's alter- cations with, 375-6, 421-2. Beauclerk, Lady Diana, wife of Topham Beauclerk, 214, 239. Beauty, of women, 470.
Bedlam, Johnson visits it, 255. Bellamy, Mrs., the actress, 79. Bentley, Dr., 16, 442, 443, 496. Berkeley, Bishop, 130.
Auchinleck, Lord, 318, 474.
Betty Broom, 506.
Bickerstaff, Isaac, 165-6.
Binning, Lord, 194, 402.
Biography, 1-3, 110, 149, 187, 270, 312, 333, 547.
Blackstone, Sir William, 18, 421. Blair, Rev. Dr. Hugh, 96. Blaney, Mrs. Elizabeth, 545. Blank verse, 111.
Blenheim Park, Johnson visits it, 271.
Blue-stocking Clubs, 462. Boccage, Mme. du, 259. Boileau, 30.
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, first Viscount, 408, 410; Johnson's criticisms on, 67, 80. Bolingbroke, Lady, 397. Bon-mots, 397.
Books, abundance of modern, 403; death, leaving one's books at, 391; getting boys to have en- tertainment from them, 422; knowledge of the world through books, 27; looking over their backs in a library, 253; not read willingly, 497; seldom read when given away, 209; variety of them to be kept about a man, 349. Booksellers, 75, 245, 322, 468. Boscawen, Hon. Mrs., 402, 458. Boscovich, Père, 179, 261
Bosville, Mrs., 188.
Boswell, Sir Alexander, Baronet, Boswell's eldest son, 318. Boswell, Dr., 115, 289.
Chief Events and
Works: 1760, first visit to London, 91-2; 1762, second visit to London, 92; gets to know Johnson, 94; visits Lon- don, 138-43; visits London and Oxford, 152-5; Account of Cor- sica, 140; 1769, visits London, 151, 320; first visit to Streat- ham, 159-76; attends the Stratford Jubilee, 162; 1772, visits London, 184-97; 1773, visits London, 199-226; elected a member of the Literary Club, 214; tour to the Hebrides, 226; 1775, visits London, 232-57; visits Wilton and Mamhead in Devonshire, 255; visits Lon- don, 263-6, 287-315; becomes
Paoli's constant guest in Lon don, 298; visits Oxford, Bir- mingham, Lichfield, and Ash- bourne with Johnson, 266-87; visits Bath, 302-4; introduces Wilkes to Johnson, 307; meets Johnson at Ashbourne, 326-55; 1778, visits London, 355-413: attacked violently by Johnson, 406; 1779, visits London (in the spring), 416-26; visits London (in the autumn), 427- 32; 1781, visits London, 447- 66; visits Southill with John- son, 466-70; 1782, death of his father, 474; 1783, visits Lon- don, 476-500; visits London, 511-39; visits Oxford with Johnson, 517-26; Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, 257, 333, 348, 494.
His letters to Johnson, 155, 229, 322, 425, 548. Johnson's letters to Boswell, 155,
182, 198, 226, 257-8, 321-2, 326, 415, 425, 447, 540. Boswell, Mrs. (the author's wife), 257, 318, 322, 325, 415, 474, 500, 548.
Boswell, Veronica (Boswell's eld- est daughter), 318, 416.
Boufflers, Comtesse de, 177, 260. Brandy, the drink for heroes, 419, 451.
Brighthelmstone (Brighton), 159,
Bristol, Boswell and Johnson's visit, 303.
Brocklesby, Dr., 481, 503, 507. 536, 538, 542, 551, 552, 555. 556.
Brown, Launcelot (Capability). 271, 428.
Brown, Tom, author of a spelling- book, 8.
Browne, Sir Thomas, 50.
Brutes, their future life, 153. Budgell, Eustace, 209.
Bulkeley, Mrs., 203.
Bull-dog, Dr. Taylor's, 347. Bunbury, Sir Charles, 132, 234. 559.
Bunyan, John, 214.
Burke, Edmund, 131, 214, 222,
315, 370, 390, 396, 445, 449, 450
494, 553, 559; Letter on the Affairs of America, 345; his bon- mots, 397; his universal knowl- edge, 318, 442, 444, 478, 513; his appreciation and criticisms of Johnson, 528; Johnson's opinions of him, 181, 193, 271, 418, 444, 453.
Burke, Richard, junior (Edmund Burke's son), 132, 497, 545. Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salis- bury, 349.
Burney, Dr. Charles, 71, 77, 80, 97, 261, 458, 471, 504, 548; his anecdotes of Johnson, 261-3, 471.
Burney, Dr. Charles (jun.), 549. Burney, Frances (Mme. D'Ar- blay), 499, 513. Burney, Mrs., 492.
Burton, Robert, 179, 268.
Bute, third Earl of, 88, 89, 314, 427, 466, 469.
Butler, Samuel, Hudibras, 300. Butter, Dr., 286, 333, 337, 464, 551.
Carte, Thomas, History of Eng- land, 245.
Carter, Miss Elizabeth, (Mrs.), 339, 458.
Catherine II, 514.
Cave, Edward, 28-9, 56, 191, 554. Chambers, Catherine, 150. Chambers, Sir Robert, 151, 224-5. Chamier, Andrew, 131, 365. Charlemont, first Earl of, 121, 212, 412, 450. Charles I, 478. Charles II, 59, 117, 149, 243. Charles XII, of Sweden, 371. Charlotte, Queen, 211.
Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of, 31, 197.
Chatsworth, Boswell visits it, 355; Johnson visits it, 542-5. Chatterton, Thomas, 303. Chesterfield, fourth Earl of, 200, 328, 423, 535; Plan of the Dictionary, addressed to, 41, 62; seeks to flatter Johnson, 62-3; Johnson's severe reply, 63-4; 470; Letters, 304; Miscellane- ous Works, 411. Chichester, 476.
Children, 297; method of rearing them, 173; prematurely wise, 262.
China, wall of, 372-3. Cholmondeley, Mrs., 179, 367, 394. Christianity, dictates of, 379; differences chiefly in forms; 102, 184, 347; evidences for it, 102, 121, 139, 142, 347; immor- tality its great doctrine, 347. Church of England, 126, 243. Churchill, Charles, 103, 107. Cibber, Colley, 100, 150, 169, 235, 242, 343, 505. Cibber, Theophilus,
Lives of the Poets, 42.
Cibber, Mrs. (wife of Theophi- lus), 45, 169.
Claret, for boys, 419, 451.
Clarke, Rev. Dr. Samuel, 16, 442.
Clergy, the, 386, 450.
Clive, Lord, 404, 428.
Clive, Mrs., the actress, 437, 505. Cobb, Mrs., 280.
Cobham, Lord 410.
Cock-Lane Ghost, 103, 372.
Coke, Lord, 186.
Collins, William, 70.
Colman, George, the elder, 132, 234, 395, 439, 441, 559. Colson, Rev. J., 25.
Comedy, distinguished from farce, 170; its great end, 211. Commerce, 202, 249. Community of goods, 219. Composition, fine passages to be
struck out, 213; man writing from his own mind, 245.
Comus, Johnson's Prologue to, 51.
Condescension, 436.
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