1784] HIS FUNERAL 559 CLUB as were then in town; and was also honoured with the presence of several of the Reverend Chapter of Westminster. Mr. Burke, Sir Joseph Banks, Mr. Windham, Mr. Langton, Sir Charles Bunbury, and Mr. Colman, bore his pall. His school-fellow, Dr. Taylor, performed the mournful office of reading the burial service. I trust, I shall not be accused of affectation, when I declare, that I find myself unable to express all that I felt upon the loss of such a 'Guide, Philosopher, and Friend.' I shall, therefore, not say one word of my own, but adopt those of an eminent friend, which he uttered with an abrupt felicity, superior to all studied compositions:- 'He has made a chasm, which not only nothing can fill up, but which nothing has a tendency to fill up. Johnson is dead. Let us go to the next best:-there is nobody; no man can be said to put you in mind of Johnson.' Authors, attacks on, 240, 417, 468. INDEX Abel Drugger, 298. Abercrombie, James, 198. Aberdeen, 184, 362. Allen, Edmund, the printer, 129, Althorp, Lord (second earl Spen- America and Americans, 233, 353, Ancestry, 185, 225. Ashbourne, Johnson and Boswell visit it, 284-6, 326-55; men- Astley, the equestrian, 431. 'Athol porridge', 450. Auchinleck, 125, 341. Auchinleck, Lord, 318, 474. Bacon, Francis, 50, 186, 350, 514. Balloon, account of a, 543, 545. Baretti, Joseph, 154, 171, 198, Barretier, Philip, Life by John- Barrington, Hon. Daines, 292, Barry, James, 499, 507. Bathurst, Dr., 43, 52. Bathurst, Lord Chancellor, 329. 534, 535; his Hermit, 486. Beauty, of women, 470. Betty Broom, 506. Blackstone, Sir William, 18, 421. Blenheim Park, Johnson visits it, Blue-stocking Clubs, 462. Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, first Books, abundance of modern, 403; Booksellers, 75, 245, 322, 468. Boswell, Sir Alexander, Baronet, Boswell's eldest son, 318. Boswell, Dr., 115, 289. Boswell, James. Chief Events and 4 Paoli's constant guest in Lon His letters to Johnson, 155, 229, Johnson's letters to Boswell, 155, Boswell, Mrs. (the author's wife), Boswell, Veronica (Boswell's eld- Brighthelmstone (Brighton), 159, 475. Bristol, Boswell and Johnson's Brocklesby, Dr., 481, 503, 507, Brown, Launcelot (Capability), Brown, Tom, author of a spelling- Browne, Sir Thomas, 50. 559. Bunyan, John, 214. INDEX 494, 553, 559; Letter on the Burke, Richard, junior (Edmund Burney, Dr. Charles, 71, 77, 80, Burney, Dr. Charles (jun.), 549. blay), 499, 513. Bute, third Earl of, 88, 89, 314, Butler, Samuel, Hudibras, 300. Cadell, Thomas, 323. Cambridge, R. O., 251, 253, 364. Campbell, Dr. John, 233, 263, 363. 246. Campbell, Mungo, 347. Cant, clearing the mind of, 498. Careless, Mrs. Johnson's first love, 275-6. Carte, Thomas, History of Eng- Carter, Miss Elizabeth, (Mrs.), Catherine II, 514. Cave, Edward, 28-9, 56, 191, 554. Charlemont, first Earl of, 121, 212, 412, 450. Chastity, 154. 563 Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of, 328, 423, 535; Plan of the Chichester, 476. Children, 297; method of rearing 262. China, wall of, 372-3. 242, 343, 505. lus), 45, 169. Claret, for boys, 419, 451. Clive, Lord, 404, 428. Clive, Mrs., the actress, 437, 505. Cobham, Lord 410. Cock-Lane Ghost, 103, 372. Collins, William, 70. Colman, George, the elder, 132, 234, 395, 439, 441, 559. Colson, Rev. J., 25. 170; its great end, 211. Commerce, 202, 249. Condescension, 436. |