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infantry, artillery, and cavalry. Great part of this force is armed, and measures are taken to arm the whole. An improve ment in the organization and discipline of the militia, is one of the great objects which claims the unremitted attention of Congress.

"The regular force amounts nearly to the number required by law, and is stationed along the Atlantic and inland fron tiers.

"Of the naval force, it has been necessary to maintain strong squadrons in the Mediterranean, and in the Gulf of Mexico.

"From several of the Indian tribes inhabiting the country bordering on Lake Erie, purchases have been made of lands, on conditions very favourable to the United States; and, as it is presumed, not less so to the tribes themselves. By these purchases, the ludian title, with moderate reservation, has been extinguished in the whole of the land within the limits of the State of Ohio, and to a great part of that in the Michigan territory, and of the State of Indiana. From the Cherokee tribe a tract has been purchased in the State of Georgia, and an arrangement made, by which, in exchange for lands beyond the Mississippi, a great part, if not the whole of the land belonging to that tribe, eastward of that river, in the States of North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee, and in the Alabama territory, will soon be acquired. By these acquisitions, and others, that may reasonably be expected soon to follow, we shall be enabled to extend our settlements from the inhabited parts of the State of Ohio, along Lake Erie, into the Michigan territory, and to connect our settlements by degrees, through the State of Indiana and the Illinois to that of Missouri. A similar and equally advantageous effect will soon be produced to the South, through the whole extent of the States and territory which border on the waters emptying into the Mississippi and the Mobile. In this progress, which the rights of nature demand, and nothing can prevent, marking a growth rapid and gigantic, it is our duty to make new efforts, for the preservation, improvement, and civilization of the native inhabitants. The hunter state can exist only in the vast uncultivated desert. It yields to the more dense and compact form, the greater force of civilized population; and of right it ought to yield, for the earth was given to mankind to support the greatest number of which it is capable, and no tribe or people have a right to withhold from the wants of others more than is necessary for their own support and comfort. It is gratifying to know, that the reservations of land made by the Treaties with the tribes on Lake Erie were made with a view to individual ownership among them, and to the cultivation of the soil by all, and that an annual stipend has been pledged to supply, their other wants. It will merit the consideration of

Congress, whether other provision, not stipulated by the Treaty, ought to be made for these tribes, and for the advancement of the liberal and humane policy of the United States towards all the tribes within our limits, and more particularly for their improvement in the art of civilized life.


Among the advantages incident to these purchases, and to those which have preceded, the security which may thereby be afforded to our inland frontiers, peculiarly important. With a strong barrier, consisting of our own people, thus planted on the Lakes, the Mississippi, and the Mobile, with the protection to be derived from the regular force, Indian hostilities, if they do not altogether cease, will henceforth lose their terror. Fortifications in those quarters, to any extent, will not be necessary, and the expense attending them may be saved. A people accustomed to the use of fire-arms only, as the Indian tribes are, will shun even moderate works, which are defended by cannon. Great for tifications will, therefore, be requisite oply, in future along the coast, and at some points in the interior, connected with it. On these will the safety of our towns, and the commerce of our great rivers, from the Bay of Fundy to the Mississippi, depend. On these, therefore, should the utmost attention, skill, and labour, be bestowed.

"A considerable and rapid augmentation in the value of all the public lands, proceeding from these and other obvious causes, may henceforward be expected. The difficulties attending early emigrations will be dissipated even in the most remote parts. Several new States have been admitted into our Union, the west and south, and territorial Governments, happily or ganized, established over every other portion in which there is vacant land for sale. In terminating Indian hostilities, as must soon be done, in a formidable shape at least, the emigration, which has heretofore been great, will probably increase; and the demand for land, and the augmentation in its value, be in like proportion. The great increase of our population throughout the Union, will alone produce an important effect, and in no quarter will it be so sensibly felt as in those in contemplation. The public lands are a public stock, which ought to be disposed of to the best advantage for the nation. The nation should therefore derive the profit proceeding from the continual rise in their value. Every encouragement should be given to the emigrants.consistent with a fair competition between them, but that competition should operate, in the first sale, to the advantage of the nation rather than individuals. Great capitalists will derive all the benefit incident to their superior wealth, under any mode of sale which may be adopted. But if, looking forward to the rise in the value of the public lands, they should have the oppor

tunity of amassing, at a low price, vast bodies in their hands, the profit will accrue to them and not to the public. They would also have the power, in that degree, to controul the emigration and settlement in such manner as their opinion of their respective interests might dictate. I submit this subject to the consideration of Congress, that such further provision may be made in the sale of the public lands, with a view to the public interest, should any be deemed expedient, as in their judgment may be best adapted to the object.

rely, that if it appears to their satisfaction that the power is necessary, it will always be granted. In this case I am happy to observe that experience has afforded the most ample proofs of its utility, and that the benign spirit of conciliation (and harmony which now manifests itself throughout our Union, promises to such a recommendation the most prompt and favourable result, I think proper to suggest, also, in case this measure is adopted, that it be recommended to the States to include in the amendment sought, a right of Congress to institute, likewise, seminaries of learning, for the all-important purpose of diffusing knowledge among our fellow citizens throughout the United States.

When we consider the vast extent of territory within the United States, the great amount and value of its productions, the connection of its parts, and other circum stances, on which their prosperity and hap pines depend, we cannot fail to entertain a high sense of the advantages to be derived from the facility which may be afforded in the intercourse between them, by means of good roads and canals. Never did a country of such vast extent offer equal inducements to improvements of this kind, nor ever were consequences of such magnitude involved in them. As this subject was acted on by Congrew at the last session, and there may be a disposition to revive it at the present, I bave brought it into view, for the purpose of communicating my sentiments on a very important circumstance connected with it, with that freedom and candour which a regard for the public interest, and a proper respect for Congress, require. A difference of opinion has existed, from the first formation of our Constitution to the present time, among our most enlightened and virtuous citizens, respecting the right of Congress to establish such a system of improvement. Taking into view the trust with which I am now honoured, it would be improper, after what has passed, that this discussion should be revived, with an uncertainty of my opinion respecting the right. Disregarding early impressions, I have bestowed on the subject all the deliberation which its great importance, and a just sense of my duty, required; and the result is a settled conviction in my mind, that Congress do not possess the right. It is not contained in any of the specified powers granted to Congress; nor can I consider it incidental to, or a necessary mean, viewed on the most liberal scale, for carrying into effect any of the powers which are specifically granted. In communicating this result, I cannot resist the obligation which I feel to suggest to Congress the propriety of recommending to the States the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution, which shall give to Congress the right in question. In cases of doubtful construction, especially of such vital interest, it comports with the nature and origin of our institutions, and will contribute much to preserve them, to apply to our constituents for an explicit grant of the power. We may confidently

Our manufactories will require the continued attention of Congress. The capital employed in them is considerable, and the knowledge acquired in the machinery and fabric of all the most useful manufactures is of great value. Their preservation, which depends on due encourage. ment, is counected with the high interests of the nation.

Although the progress of the public buildings, has been as favourable as circumstances have permitted, it is to be regretted that the capitol is not yet in a state to receive you. There is good cause to presume that the two wings, the only parts as yet commenced, will be prepared for that pur pose at the next Session. The time seems now to have arrived when this subject may be deemed worthy the attention of Congress, on a scale adequate to national purposes. The completion of the middle building will be necessary to the convenient accommodation of Congress, of the Committees, and various offices belonging to it. 'It is evident that the other public buildings are altogether insufficient for the accommodation of the several Executive Departments, some of whom are much crowded, and even subjected to the necessity of obtaining it in private buildings, at some distance from the head of the Department, and with inconvenience to the management of the public business. Most natious have taken an interest and a pride in the improvement and ornament of their metropo and none were more conspicuous in that respect than the ancient Republics. The policy which dictated the establishment of a permanent residence for the National Government, and the spirit in which it was commenced, and has been prosecuted, shew that such improvement was thought worthy the attention of this nation. Its central position, between the northern and southern extremes of our Union, and its approach to the west, at the head of a navigable river, which interlocks with the western waters, prove the wisdom of the Councils which established it. Nothing appears to be more reasonable and proper, than that convenient accommodations should


be provided, on a well-digested plan, for the heads of the several Departments, and for the Attorney-General; and it is believed that the public ground in the city, applied to those objects, will be found amply sufficient. I submit this subject to the consideration of Congress, that such further provision may be made in it as to them may seem proper.


"In contemplating the happy situation of the United States, our attention is drawn, with peculiar interest, to the surviving offsers and soldiers of our revolutionary army, who so eminently contributed, by their services, to lay its foundation. Most of those very meritorious citizens have paid the debt of nature, and gone to repose. is believed that among the survivors there are some not provided for by existing laws, who are reduced to indigence, and even to real distress. These men have a claim on the gratitude of their country, and it will da honour to their country to provide for them. The lapse of a few years more, and the opportunity will be for ever lost: indeed, so long, already has been the interval that the number to be benefitted by any provision which may be made, will not be great.

"It appearing in a satisfactory manner that the revenue arising from imports and tonnage, and from the sale of the public lands, will be fully adequate to the support of the Civil Government, of the present Military and Naval Establishment, including the annual augmentation of the latter, to the extent provided for; to the payment of the interests on the public debt, and to the extinguishment of it at the times authorised, without the aid of the Internal Taxes; I consider it my duty to recommend to Congress their repeal. To impose Taxes when the public exigencies require them, is an obligation of the most sacred character, especially with a free people; the faithful fulfilment of it is among the highest proofs of their virtue, and capacity for selfgovernment. To dispense with Taxes, when it may be done with perfect safety, is equally the duty of their Representatives. In this instance, we have the satisfaction to know, that they were imposed when the demand was imperious, and have been sustained with exemplary fidelity. I have to add, that however gratifying it may be to me, regarding the prosperous and happy condition of our country, to recommend the repeal of these Taxes at this time, I shall Devertheless be attentive to events, and, should any future emergency occur, be not less prompt to suggest such measures and burdens as may then be requisite and proper. Washington, Dec. 2, 1817.

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THE KING'S HEALTH, Windsor Castle, Jan. 3. His Majesty has passed the last month in a very tranquil manner, and in a good

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On Sunday, January 4, the remains of Mr. Robert Palmer of Drury-lane Theatre, was conveyed to the church yard of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, where they were deposited in a vault under the church.

His body was inclosed in a leaden coffin. The outer case was, by his own desire, made of heart of English oak, dove-tailed, without a single nail in it, and was very highly polished-On the brea-t-plate, of brass lackered, but without a single ornament, was engraved, and picked out in black, the following simple inscription ROBERT PALMER,

Died December 25, 1817,

Aged 61 Years."

The lid of the oaken coffin was screwed down with eight uncommonly long screws, with gilt ornamental heads rising about half an inch above the top. The handles were of brass gilt, and a little ornamented.

The mourning coaches attending contained the following persons:

In the first two coaches were the relatives and friends of the deceased →the principal mourners

Mr. Walter Lewer, Mr. S. Willat, Mr. Asperne, Mr. H. Lewer, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Frowns, and Mr. 11. Lambert.

The first coach after the immediate mourners contained

Mr. Kean, Mr. Powell, Mr. S. Pealey, and Mr. Hughes.

Second coach

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On the Anniversary of the Birth-Day of

H. R. II. the Duke of Sussex. Tuesday, Jan. 27th, being the AnniverBary of the Birth of the Duke of Sussex, a grand dinner was given at Freemasons' Hall by the Fraternity, of which his Royal Highness is the revered Grand Master. The gallery was crowded with Ladies; as it was merely an assembly of Masons, not a Masony Lodge, and that the day was devoted to the expression of their gratitude

aad attachment to the Illustrious Prince for the harmony and splendour which Masonry has acquired under his able and kind direc tion. The Right Hon. Sir John Doyle,

G. C. B. and Provincial Grand Master of the Isles in the Coannel, was requested by the Board of Stewards to take the Chair; and upon no previous occasion was the high conviviality of a numerous party sustained with more spirit than by this distinguished Brother. The happy address and eloquence with which he ushered in the several toasts, produced bursts of acclamation, and every fast was followed by an appropriate glee, performed by a number of the most eminent • vocalists, who are all Members of the Fraterzity. This department of the day's plezure was under the superintendance of Sir George Smart, whose taste in the selection of the pieces was highly approved. To Mr. Attwood, the company were also obliged for an exquisite glee, composed by him, the harmony of which was delightful, and admirably performed by Mr. Hawes, Mr. Clark, Mr. Terrail, Mr. Evans, &c. &c. was performed a second time by the universal desire of the company. The words were as follow:

Round some fair tree th' ambitious wood

bine grows,

And breathes her sweets on the supporting bunghs;

So sweet the song, th' ambitious song should be,

O! pardon mine, that hopes support from thee;

Thee, Sussex, born o'er senates to preside,
Their dignity to raise, their councils guide,
Deep to discern, and widely to survey,
And kingdoms fates, without ambition

Of distant virtues nice extremes to blend, The Crown's asserier, and the People's friend :

Nor dust thou scorn, amid sublimer views,
To listen to the labours of the Muse;
Tuy miles protect ber, while thy talents

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Though late we mourn'd! and Britain's Genius weeps

O'er the lov'd Tomb, where youthful Virtue sleeps,

(Sweet Rose of Promise! whose existence flew

E'en in the bud of hope-while hope was new),

Let resignation dry the tears we shed--Grief, unrestrained, does but insult the dead:

Turn, then, and leave the mournful cypress wreathe,

And let our hearts their grateful tribute breathe.

Hail! to the day that gave a Sussex birth, Hail! virtue, goodness, hail! to princely


Lo! in thy train the Holy Handmaids seen, FAITH, HOPE, and CHARITY, with look


JUSTICE and TEMPERANCE shall with thee abide,

And meek-eyed PEACE be ever at thy side. Illustrious SUSSEX! here no venal lyre Shall mock the theme thy greatness should inspire;

Science and Friendship shall their homage pay,

And grateful pour the tributary lay. Thy name shall oft to Heaven in prayer ascend

The poor man's hope-thy fav'rite country's friend.

Thine be the incense of the Widow's praiseThine be the blessing lisping Orphans raise. Oh! sweeter far such tribute to the great, Than all the pomp and pageantry of state: This must forsake them at the dreary Tomb, Those like the flowers of Paradise shall

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And loosened tongues in faultering sounds declare

How much they owe to thy benignant care. All-all unite to hail AUGUSTUS' birth, And spread his merits o'er the spacie

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Lift high the goblet-raise the sparkling and entertainment of the Ladies. After the


Whilst cheerful sentiment exalts the soul.
Hail great descendant of a royal line!
May years of health and happiness be thine.
May every blessing here be freely given,
And closing life he but the verge of Heaven.
Then may the world's Great Architect look

And grant thee, SUSSEX-an Immortal

In a room adjoining the gallery, a supply of English and foreign fruits, a variety of excellent ices, with confectionary and various wines, were provided for the refreshment of the Ladies; at which several of the Stewards attended with their wands of office, and their splendid Masonic orders and decorations, to wait upon the Ladies,

After this excellent tea and coffee were served up. The Stewards deserve the highest praise for their attentions to the comfort

Chair was quitted in the Hall, the Royal Duke, with several of the distinguished characters, retired to the room set apart for the Ladies, and partook of tea and coffee with them. Music was then resumed there, by the same professional Gentlemen who had gratified the company in the Hall. Some most delightful glees were sang, with which the Duke and every one present appeared much gratified. Mr. Evans sung the song, "Tarry awhile with me, my love," in which he eminently excels.

The Royal Duke's Birth-day was celebrated in a large room in the same house, by the Regiment of Royal North Britons, at which the Highland Pipers attended, and played during the entertainment in their Highland uniforms.

A numerous band of wind instruments attended in the Hall, and played frequently during the evening.

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MAY 17. At Madras, George William

Saunders, Esq. of the Civil Service, to Miss Marshall, niece to Colonel Marshall, Secretary to the Hon. Governor.

DEC. 23. At Yarmouth, the Rev. Thomas Sayers, A. M. of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, to Maria, daughter of the late Thomas Burton, Esq. of Bracondale Hill, Norwich.

30. The Rev. Richard Turner, Minister of Great Yarmouth, to Miss Parish of the same place.

JAN. 1, 1818. At Lyme, by the Rev. Mich. Babbs, Benjamin Cleave, Esq. of Coombs, near Crediton, m Devonshire, to Miss Cornish, of Hay, near Lyme, in Dorsetshire.

James Hugo Greenwell, Esq. of Bentinckstreet, St. Mary-le-boue, to Bridget, eldest daughter of Mr. Lloyd, of Harley-street, and grand daughter of the late John Salmon, Esq. of Holcombe, Somersetshire.

5. Mr. Jacob Valentine, jun, son of the famed Hebrew Bard, to Miss Levy, of Rathbone-place, at Meeks's Great Rooms, Brewer-street, Golden-square. Amongst the company were, Sir George Cockburn and his nephew, Lady G. Gordon, and Lady Franklin.

When the bridegroom had signed an obliga tion, which compels him to protect the bride during his life, and her father and brother had bound themselves to protect her after his death, the happy couple next repaired to the middle of the room, under a rich canopy, borne by four near relations, where, amidst the chaunting of the prayers, the bride and bridegroom were each presented with a glass of wine. After this, however, the former broke her glass under her feet, in remembrance of the destruction of Jerusalem. An excellent dinner was then served up, and dancing continued till one o'clock.

16. Pierre Felix Viennot, Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, to Sylvia, daughter of the late Robert Shaw, Esq. of Dublin.

17. At St. James's Church, Major Keane, 7th Hussars, to Anne, third daughter, and also John Grove, M. D. of Salisbury, to Jean Helen, fourth daughter of Sir Wm. Fraser, Bart. Bedford-square.

21. At Christ Church, Spitalfields, by the Rev. Samuel Hemming, D. D. the Rev. John Hemining, of Kimbolton, A. M. F. W. S. to Mary, daughter of the late John Symonds, of Kidderminster, Esq.

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