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priests in the territory, and now there are eight, and arrangements are now in progress to double the number.

"At Monroe, on the river Rusie, thirty-five miles from Detroit, he found a large and neatly finished church. The resident pastor, Rev. Mr. Smith, has spared neither time nor means to improve the cause of religion at this place. They have converted the old chapel into an academy for young ladies, and placed the institution under the direction of four Sisters qualified to conduct it respectably, not less by their virtues than by their mental acquirements. Conversions to the Catholic faith are frequent in this congregation. The Rev. visitor met the presbytery, every individual of whom was a convert from the errors of Protestantism to the Catholic faith; even the Rev. Pastor himself, who had renounced Quakerism to rank himself among the Catholic priesthood. This gentleman has it in contemplation to erect a college in Monroe, and from his zeal and persevering industry we entertain little doubt but that in a short time he will accomplish his laudable intention. From Monroe the Very Rev. gentleman returned to Cincinnati in good health and spirits, after several months' absence. After his arrival the Right Rev. Bishop sent the Rev. Mr. Carrabin to aid Mr. Badin in the mission of St. Joseph.

"During the mission of Mr. Rézé the Right Rev. Bishop made the visit of another part of his extensive diocese. In the county of Guernsey he remained several days, attended by the Rev. Mr. Miles, during which he received several converts into the Church, and administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to twenty-five. At Zanesville he proceeded to Mount Vernon, confirmed those who had been prepared, and received ten converts into the Church. His next station was St. Joseph's, the residence of the Dominican Fathers, Perry Co. Here he confirmed ninety-two. From thence he proceeded to Lancaster, where he confirmed sixteen. During his visit the Rev. Father Miles preached in the Presbyterian meeting-house at Mount Vernon, and in a Methodist meeting-house in Newark. The Bishop returned to Cincinnati in good health a few weeks after the arrival of Dr. Rézé."


(From the Catholic Press, Oct. 30, 1830.)

"Mr. Editor: . . . I send you such information as I have received at present concerning the establishment of religion in Paterson, N. J., in the hope, however, that other correspondents who may feel interested in your desire of publishing such communications may appropriate their mite also for the instruction of your readers.

"Three or four families were all who at first resided in Paterson; these were occasionally visited by the Rev. Anthony Kohlman, Pastor of New York. As the town increased, so the Catholics increased in 1821, to the number of about one hundred. They were then regularly attended by the Rev. Richard Bulger, a very worthy and zealous clergyman. About this time a lot of ground was presented for the erection of a church by the kindness of Mr. Colt, on which a small church was raised of about 20×35 feet. It need not be said that prejudice was then a great obstacle to Catholicity. The following anecdote sufficiently exemplifies this. As the Rev. Mr. Bulger was one day journeying to that place in the depth of winter, with a pack under his arm containing the necessary articles for the celebration of Mass, a wagon drove up in which was a man and his wife. Having kindly requested the stranger to take a seat with them, they moved quietly on. They had not gone far, however, before inquiry was made as to the person of the stranger. No sooner had the good man learned the professional character of Mr. Bulger, than he informed his wife in Dutch that he was a Catholic Priest! 'Out with him, out with him!' exclaimed the terrified woman, 'put him out!' Out stepped the humble missioner and, with his pack under his arm, trudged peacefully on. On another occasion the Rev. Mr. Bulger narrowly escaped with his life. Being at his lodgings one night in Paterson, a ruffian had the audacity to throw a stone at him through the window, which, however, he happily escaped. A pamphlet which was written on the occasion sufficiently proves the vile intent of the perpetrator. Americans of all denominations have,

many of them, most amiable and endearing qualities, no doubt; but then, from the constant repetition of slanderous as well as fabulous tales about Catholics, those feelings of charity and Christian worth which should smile equally upon the Jew and the Samaritan are in many instances dried up. The Rev. Mr. Bulger attended also to the spiritual wants of the Catholics residing at Newburg, Washingtonville, Goshen, and Ramapo, N. Y. In all parts of his mission this zealous clergyman preached with great energy and effect, and conversions frequently attended his preaching, for to the truths which he announced he united a life of most edifying conduct and exemplary piety. In 1825 there were more than five hundred Catholics in Paterson, and I presume their numbers have increased since.

Seventeen miles west of Paterson, at Mocassin, there is a highland ridge in Bergen Co., where there are at present more than one hundred Catholics, descendants of one common stock, Mr. Meriam, who is yet living. He came from Germany to this country before the Revolution and settled with his little family at Queen Charlotte's in the northern part of New Jersey. He has lived to see his descendants to the fifth generation, who unite a zeal for liberty with a firm attachment to the holy Catholic faith of their ancestors. They were for many years attended by Catholic clergymen from Philadelphia, among whom they frequently mention the Rev. Mr. Farmer, whose memory among them is recollected with benediction. When a bishop was sent from the Holy See to New York, the Jerseys were divided according to the old division line (which runs from Easton, Pa., to Little Egg Harbor) between the dioceses of New York and Philadelphia; so that Mocassin, falling within the district of Paterson, was frequently visited by the Rev. Mr. Bulger, and it is pleasing to state that a church has been lately erected in this last-mentioned town.


(It would be interesting reading if some one on the ground would write the history of the first Mr. Meriam.)




PHILIP and Dego Dequa, two Spanish-American negro slaves dwelling in New York, petitioned Governor Thomas Dongan, February 25, 1684, for freedom, and in the appeal professed a belief in the "Roman Catholique Religion": "We your poore peticioners are free born subjects to our King and have been brought up in the wayes of Christianity and in the Roman Catholique Religion which we still stand by and continue in the same and hopeing thereby in and through ye meritt of our Blessed Saviour to obtain life everlasting not doubting that ye loving God is on our side and every good Christian would lend their helping hand to assist ye poor peticioners." (Unpublished English Manuscripts, State Library, Albany, N. Y., Vol. XXXI., p. 121, time of Gov. Dongan.) According to his own statement Philip was made a prisoner by Capt. Wells in the capture of Panama, January 19, 1671, by the famous Jamaican buccaneer Henry Morgan. Dego was taken, 1673, from a Spanish vessel, Caraleda, by Capt. Paine, a Frenchman, and both Philip and Dego were sold as slaves in Jamaica to Capts. Fossett and Swimmer. They remained in Jamaica until 1681 and 1683, when they were both sent to New York City in the ships of Capts. Dumans and Coker. Philip was purchased in 1681 by David Yoakhams of New York, for "ye some of Thirty-five pounds," and Dego in 1683 was sold to Jacobus Van Courtlandt, merchant, in the city of New York. In 1672 or 1673 the Spanish government sent a bishop with a vessel to Jamaica, W. I., to ransom its subjects held there in bondage. Philip and Dego were sent by their masters thirty miles into the interior of Jamaica, and the other Spanish prisoners were liberated and

transported to Carthagena, U. S. Colombia, South America. (Dongan Manuscripts, Vol. XXXI., p. 121.) The New York State papers give no clue as to the final disposition of Philip and Dego, but as Governor Dongan, during his administration, exerted his influence to the utmost for the redemption of all Spanish-American prisoners, we have reason to hope that Philip and Dego were eventually released, and returned to their homes in Panama. The position taken by our great Catholic Governor in endeavoring to abolish negro slavery was even more pronounced in the case of the Indian slaves brought from Campeachy and Vera Cruz, Mexico, to New York City. On Tuesday, October 11, 1687, it was resolved by the Governor and Council that "all the Christian Indyans and children of Christian parents brought from the towns of Campeachy and Vera Cruz, Mexico, and sold as slaves in this province shall be free." (Council Minutes, Province New York, 1683-1688, Vol. V., p. 210.)

On July 30, 1688, Dongan ordered that "all Indian Slaves within this Province, subjects to the King of Spain that can give an account of their Christian faith and say the Lord's prayer be fortwith sett at liberty and sent home at the first Conveniency and likewise them that shall hereafter come to this Province." (Council Minutes, New York, 1683-1688, Vol. V., p. 207.) October 7, 1687, the Governor proposes to the Council some means for the release of Spaniards and other free people held here as slaves, and forbids their masters either to sell or hide such persons pending appeals for liberty. No Governor in Colonial times did more for this class of captives, and the writer considers Dongan's efforts to emancipate the Spanish-American slave one of his greatest works, and the one which reflects the greatest credit on him as a citizen, statesman, and member of the Roman Catholic Church.


I. At a Council held at Ffort James in New York, 1683:

The Governor [Dongan]
Capt. A. Brockhalls

J. Spragg, Mr. Fflypsen,

Mr. S. V. Cortlandt.

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