Poznoantièna utrjena naselbina Tonovcov grad pri Kobaridu / Late antique fortified settlement Tonovcov Grad near Kobarid: Naselbinski ostanki in interpretacija / Settlement remains and interpretationZaložba ZRC, 1. jan. 2011 - 304 strani This monograph presents the results of archaeological investigations of the Late Antique fortified hilltop settlement Tonovcov grad near Kobarid. This settlement is one of the best preserved Late Antique settlements in Slovenia and the southeastern Alpine area.In the first chapters, the geographical position and the research history are presented. Following are the overview of archaeological sites in the Soča River valley and the road network in Late Antiquity. |
Predgovor Foreword | 7 |
1 Uvod Introduction | 9 |
2 Terenski izvid Field report | 65 |
3 Stavbni razvoj in kronologija Building development and chronology | 163 |
4 Primerjave Comparisons | 215 |
5 Vloga in pomen The role and importance | 257 |
52 Tonovcov grad v poznoantični poselitveni sliki Tonovcov grad in the broader Late Antique settlement pattern | 273 |
6 Sklep Conclusion | 289 |
295 | |
Pogosti izrazi in povedi
5th century added ajdovski gradec alongside approximately assumed bank baptisterij bedrock building built cenotaph central churches Ciglenečki cistern cisterne clay cm thick coins complex corner covered dated discovered early east ecclesiastical entrance especially excavation area Figs finds first fortified found glaser glej pogl glej Tonovcov grad grave Hrušica important interior kamnov keramika Kobarid large Late Antique late roman later layer level likely main church malte mogoče mortar floor Most na Soči nadiža najdbe narteks narthex naselbine nave north območju Osmuk osrednje cerkve period placed planum plast plaster position positioned Posočje pottery poznoantične faze prehistoric prekrivala presbytery preserved pribl remains represented research researched rifnik road rock route ruins ruševina Scale second see chapter see Tonovcov grad settlement side similar skalno osnovo skeleton small Soča soil south church space stavbe stones surface three threshold time tonovcov grad Tonovcovem gradu used valley vzhodnoalpskem wall walls were west zidom zidov zidu