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Proclamation of his Imperial Majefly, upon the Rupture of the Armiftice. From the Vienna Court Gazette of Sept. 6.

HIS Imperial Apoftolic Majefty, equally convinced of and

moved by the calamities of war, has omitted no means in his power to procure a folid and durable peace for his kingdoms. and provinces, and all his faithful vaffals and fubjects; and, by the recent measures he has taken, has fufficiently proved his with for peace; yet has the French government, unexpectedly, and without fufficient caufe, declared the armistice at an end which had been concluded with that view.

Though, from the repeated pacific affurances of the French government, it is ftill to be hoped that the renewal of hoftilities may be avoided, his Majefty has, nevertheless, refolved to give an incontrovertible proof to his own fubjects and to all Europe, how much he has their welfare and protection at heart, by repairing in perfon with his royal brother the Archduke John to his army in Germany. His Majefty, at the fame time, remains unalterably difpofed to accept, with pleasure, any reasonable propofitions and conditions of peace, and earneftly wishes that he may foon have it in his power to announce to his faithful people a termination of the calamities of war.

His Majefty has been pleafed to promote the Field-marshallieutenant Baron Lauer to be general of artillery, and Fieldmarshal-lieutenant Count Bellegarde to be general of cavalry; and the Major-generals the Prince of Schwarzenberg and Count Meerveldt, to be field-marfhal-lieutenants.

Extract of a circular Letter addressed by the Executive Council to
the national Prefects.
Berne, Sept. 7.
ANIMATED by the pureft love for its country and liberty,

the Executive Council has given a proof of its devotion, by taking into its hands the helm of the ftate a; a moment when the bonds of focial organization feem tending to approaching diffolution.

The Executive Council has made a fuccin&t table of the prefent state of Helvetia, and pointed out the means which the public functionaries muft adopt to ameliorate it.

In perfect harmony with the Legiflature (it fays), the Executive Council has for its object, to prepare the eftablishment of a new constitution upon the bafis of a reafonable republican unity, and of a representative fyftem wifely calculated. Seduced by the exaggerated and falfe interpretation of principles the most fimple and true; accustomed, as may be faid, to violate them


conftantly, while wishing to apply them, the country has yielded to feveral baneful ideas, againit which it must now oppofe itfelf with refolution and energy. No canton, or diftrict of a canton, muft any longer fee in its own will the will of the whole, and in itself the entire mafs of the nation. No commune must any longer fuppofe, that the reprefentative fyftem confifts in its reckoning one of its citizens in the number of the first functionaries of the republic. No commune, no individual, muit themfelves in future be perfuaded that liberty and equality carry with them exemption from payment of their debts, by permitting them to enich themfelves at the expenfe of their neighbours, or difpenfe with their contributing to the wants of the ftate. But at the fame time that it is necellary to oppofe itself on this fide to the progrefs of evil, it will not be lefs neceflary to labour on the other, to deftroy all thofe delufive hopes of a return to the old order, or, at leaft, to one refembling it, which have filled fo many heads, and the fource of which is not purer than that of demagogical dreams. It will not be lefs neceffary to oppofe with energy the pernicious effect of thefe illufions, circulated by perfonal intereft or humbled pride, and calculated only to fpread distrust and alarm, at the fame time that they excite refinance to the action of government. All party fpirit fhould difappear, and must disappear in fact, if no affociation or political perfecutions be fuffered; if all the functionaries of the republic unite to refift them. Thefe functionaries are the friends of the focial body, and upon them repofes the hope of all good citizens. Hitherto thefe functionaries have been deprived of all public esteem, and the law with refpect to them has remained without force. They muft, in future, procure for themfelves that cofideration of which they ftand in need by a great decorum in their conduct, by the dignity and juftice of their actions. Let thofe for whom thefe conditions would be too hard refign their places: but, alfo, let the perfon who fhall in future fuffer himfelf publicly to infult thofe in the fervice of the republie, receive the punishment he defervés.

Amy of Batavia.

Head quarters at Hæchet, 9th Sept. The Commander in Chief Augereau to the Inhabitants of the Countries of the Empire at War with France.

THE French government has done every thing in its power to reflore peace to your unhappy countries; England has endeavoured to rekindle the war, and your princes have again trafficked for your blood, War is refolved upon; and it is

with fword in hand that we must obtain peace. Peaceable inhae bitants, it will not be without the greatest concern that the French foldiers, and thofe of the republics in alliance with France, will water your country with your tears. Return to your habitations, cultivate your fields, and repofe in peace under your paternal roofs. Get rid of thofe inftruments of death which are fatal to yourselves alone; refift thofe who would drive you upon the precipices which open before the enemies of the republic; and do not liften to the falfehoods and calumnies of its enemies. Humanity has for fome time affixed, the feal of reprobation upon them. They accufe us of all crimes, because all crimes are familiar to them. France is fighting for her liberty, for her independence, and for her glory: her caufe is just before God and man, and fhe will triumph. It is the will of the republic that her armies refpect the laws, the customs, and the religion of the people with whom the carries on war, Thofe who tell you the contrary, lie in their own confcience, and endeavour to deceive you. Come into our ranks, and you will fee with what care we prevent thofe diforders which render war fo deftructive, fo oppreffive, and fo terrible.

It is ordered,

ift, That all the levies of the inhabitants of the electorate of Mentz, of Wurtzburg, and of Fulda, fhall be invited to lay down their arms, and return to their habitations.

2d, They fhall be specially protected by the French armies, and their tranquillity fhall not be troubled under any pretext. 3d, All thofe inhabitants who fhall depofits their arms with the French army, fhall receive a receipt for the fame, on the production of which they fhall receive twelve livres for every mufket and bayonet in good condition, and five livres for every fabre-the horfes fhall be paid for according to a valuation.

4th, In order to carry the preceding article into execution, the chief officers of the ftaff fhall appoint perfons to value the arms and the horses, and the treafurer of the extraordinary funds of the army fhall pay the money upon the production of the receipt. 5th, All the generals of the army fhall preserve the most exact difcipline. Religious worship, property, and perfonal safety, fhall be inviolably respected.

6th, The prefent proclamation fhall be tranflated into Ger man, printed in both languages, and stuck up wherever it may be neceffary.




Copy of a Letter from the Duke of Portland to the Town-clerk of Nottingham.


Whitehall, Sept. 10.

I HAVE received your letter of 6th inftant, together with the

feveral enclosures to which it refers, on the fubject of the riotous proceedings which have disturbed the peace of the town of Nottingham and its neighbourhood. I learn, with great fatisfaction, that the populace is beginning to teftify a difpofition to pay due obedience to the laws, and I truft I fhall foon be able to congratulate the corporation and the respectable part of the inhabitants of Nottingham, upon the restoration of tranquillity and good order. It cannot have escaped their observation that wherever any reduction in the price of a commodity has been effected by intimidation, it has never been of any duration; and, befides, by throwing things out of their natural and orderly courfe, it almoft neceffarily happens that the evil, instead of being remedied, returns with increased violence. According to the beft information I have been able to procure, and as far as my experience extends, I am fatisfied, that whenever a scarcity of provifions exifts, or is feriously to be apprehended, the only means which can tend effectually to obviate it, and to prevent the grain from rifing to an exceffive price, confift in holding out full fecurity and indemnification to all farmers and other lawful dealers, who fhall bring their corn, or other commodities, regularly to market, and in giving early notice of a determined refolution to fupprefs at once, and by force, if it fhall unhappily be neceffary, every attempt to impede, by open acts of violence, or by intimidation, the regular business of the markets. I therefore moft earnestly recommend this fubject to the most serious attention and confideration of the magiftrates, and defire to fuggeft to them the propriety of framing and publishing such additional refolutions as may be judged moft conducive to the restoration of the confidence which is neceffary to difpofe the farmers and others concerned in the fupply of the various articles of provifion, to bring their commodities regularly to market.

I am, &c.

Mr. G. Coldham, Town-elerk.



Orders Jued by General Barbon, interim Commander of the right Wing of the Army of Batavia*.

ift, THAT the French military fhall fuffer to pafs and repafs merchants, as well as their merchandife, going to or returning from the fair of Frankfort, if they are provided with formal pallports.

2d, The pallports granted by the magiftrates of Frankfort fhall be held fufficient.

3d, The paffage of all arms and ammunition is forbidden.

4th, Merchants fhall not attempt to pafs the advanced posts, except from fix o'clock in the morning till five o'clock in the evening.

Regulations for effecting the Co-operation required in the Proclamation publifhed by the Emperor previous to his Departure from Vienna on the 6th of September.

THE co-operation called on may be effected in three different ways, viz.

1. By voluntary contributions in money, which will be received in the office of government; a receipt given to the patriotic donor, and the amount of the contributions given by him. published in the Vienna Gazette.

2. By furnishing firelocks, particularly fuch as are calculated for fharp-fhooters, of which the volunteers are principally to 'confift.

3. By entering into the corps of fharp-fhooters immediately. to be formed, and in which huntfmen, and all perfons verfed in firing at a mark, will be particularly welcome. All thofe, therefore, who are defirous of proving their love to their fovereign and country, by perfonal fervice, are defired to apply to the office of the chief commiffary of the country, where every thing will be arranged for their reception. They are afterwards to be divided into three claffes, viz.

1. Thofe entering in perfon, and equipping and maintaining themselves at their own expenfe.

2. Those who are furnithed, equipped, and maintained, by others; for which purpofe particularly the nobility and rich inhabitants of the metropolis are called upon with respect to their fervants-and,

These orders were iffued in the end of Auguft, previous to the fair of Frankfort, in confequence of a correfpondence entered into between the fenate of that city and General Barbon.



3. Thofe

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