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after the date of this capitulation, but they shall be sent fafe back to France.

Anfw. Refufed.

XV. The commander in chief, and the other generals, fhall be embarked with their aides-de-camp, and the officers attached to their fuite, without being feparated.

Anfw. Granted.

XVI. The prifoners made during the fiege, including the crews of the William Tell and the Diana, fhall be confidered as part of the garrifon; and the, fame regulation to extend to the crew of La Juftice, if fhe fhould be taken before fhe reaches any of the ports of the republic.

Anfw. The crew of the William Tell is already exchanged, and that of the Diana will be taken to Minorca, in order to be exchanged immediately.

XVII. All the property which belongs to the republic fhall not be fubject to reprifal of any fort, under any pretext whatfoever.

Anfw. Granted.

XVIII. If any difficulty fhall arife upon the conditions of this capitulation, they fhall be interpreted in the most favourable manner for the garrison.

Anfw. Granted, according to juftice.

Executed at Malta on the 5th Sept. 1800.

(Signed) VAUBOIS, General of Divifion. Rear-admiral VILLENEUVE.

PIGOT, Major-general.

Captain MARTIN,

Commander of the Ships of his Britannic Majefty and those of his Allies, before Malta*.

Protection granted by General Augereau to the County of Naffau, dated Head-quarters at Aschaffenburgh, 24th Sept.

AUGEREAU, general in chief, confidering the interceffion of his Majesty the King of Pruffia for the country and poffeffions of the Prince of Naffau in Germany, and the exhaufted ftate of the faid country by the calamities of a long war, as well by the prudent conduct of its government in withdrawing its contingent from the army of the Empire, and not taking any

The above copy is extracted from the Moniteur, in which paper it ficst appeared. Another copy was afterwards published in the London Gazette. The only difference between thefe two copies is, that the one inferted in the London Gazette flates, that the garrifon was not to ferve against Great Britain or her allies until regularly exchanged.


part in the war fince the renewal of hoftilities after the negotiation of Raftadt; and, moreover, confidering that at this moment it is in negotiation with the French government for a defenfive treaty of peace

Orders, that the country of Naffau and its dependencies fhall be regarded as neutral; and that, in confequence, there cannot, under any pretence whatever, be levied nor exacted any kind of contribution, whether in money, in provifions, or any kind of warlike fupplies. This referves, however, to the General in Chief, in cafe that the neceffities or exigencies of the war require it, the power of making pafs or of quartering troops in the faid country and its dependencies. All general officers, and all civil and military agents of the French army, are forbidden to contravene the above-mentioned decree.


General in Chief.

Letter from Lieutenant-general Dupont, commanding the right Wing of the Army of Italy, to Major-general Count Brigide, Commandant of Ferrara.


Head-quarters at Gaftalia, Sept. 24.

AM informed, M. General, that bands of Ferrarefe infur gents fpread themfelves in the territory of Bologna, and have committed exceffes there. I am alfo told, that Austrians are mixed with these robbers.

I apprize the regency of Ferrara, that I fhall make it refponfible for fuch events. The honour of the two armies does not allow that they should be renewed on the territories occupied by them. I will ftill lefs allow the Auftrians to take part with the infurgents, and violate the armistice.

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Lieutenant-General Dupont to the Regency of Ferrara.

Head-quarters at Gafalla, Sept. 24•

SOME brigands, affembled in the Ferrarefe, affaffinate and pillage on the territory of Bologna. If you do not repress thefe dreadful exceffes, I fhall think you commit them yourfelves, and fhall make you refponfible. The property you pol fefs in the department of Rheno will be fequeftered, and a terrible chastisement fhall be the reward of thofe who encourage thefe robberies.

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Arreté of the 2d Vendemiaire, Sept. 24.

BONAPARTE, Chief Conful of the republic, decrees as fol


1. Citizen Clarke, general of divifion, is appointed commandant extraordinary of Luneville, and of all the department of La Meurthe.

2. In all public affairs concerning this district, he shall correfpond directly with government.

.3. Measures fhall be taken that a correfpondence may be carried on with Luneville by means of the telegraph.

4. General Clarke fhall repair immediately to Luneville, and take the neceffary steps for the holding of a congrefs.

5. The Minister of War is charged with the execution of the prefent decree.


The Chief Conful,
By the Chief Conful,


H. B. MARET, The Secretary of State.

Political Obfervations on England.Extracted from the Moniteur of

the 27th Sept.

W AR is conftantly confidered as deftructive of the prosperity of empires. The people dread it as fatal to their happiness; the rich apprehend its effects with regard to their fortunes; the poor look upon it as ruinous to their industry; and governments behold it with anxiety, as their power may be impaired by its confequences.

It is confidently maintained that it is peace which is at present formidable to the cabinet of St. James's; it is afferted that the miffortunes of war are reviewed by it as an inexhauftible mine, which it is its duty to continue to work without pity and without remorfe, for its own profit alone, at the expense of the calamities of the continent, the colonies, and the world.

How many painful and terrible truths might be opposed to so cruel a fyftem of politics! We fhall confine ourselves to fome reflections.

The fource of the riches and credit of England does not lie within that ifland.

However highly its territorial revenues, the produce of its induftry, and the fruits of its commerce, may be exaggerated, it is evident that the refources of the country are fupplied from foreign parts, and that it is with the gold of another hemisphere it pays for the crimes and the calamities of this.

Every one admits that in the present war England has become, by her naval power, the miftrefs of the feas. The French republic has acquired by land a power, which the combined exertions

of Europe have been incapable of refifting: the only use to which her government is defirous of converting it, the only advantage which it ftill pretends to derive from it, is the attainment of a peace, lafting and folid; of a treaty which justice and the general intereft of Europe are to guarantee.

The cabinet of St. James's, on the contrary, wishes to make use of its fucceffes for the purpose of confolidating its uncontrolled dominion, and expends a little gold in Europe, with the fole view of poffefling itself of all the gold of America and Afia.

The French republic contends for the prefervation of her liberty. England contends for the fecurity of her domination.

Were the kings of Europe convinced by the dictates of a true fyftem of politics, that it is time to fpurn at the deftructive weight which England withes to impofe upon their degraded thrones ; were their real interefts better understood than thofe which are now held forth in the cafe of Auftria as the most preffing, and they fhould fucceed in forming a league against the ufurpation, the invafion, and the maritime defpotifm of England; and should fuch a confederacy fay, "Let us break to pieces the fceptre of this Rome of the ocean!" what could fhe do?

She derives indeed confidence from her fleets; but fleets do not conftitute the preponderating arm in the conteft of empire against empire. Ships are not alone fufficient to enable a Лtate to give laws to the universe.

Let the ports of the continent of Europe be fhut against the English; let them be indignantly repelled from every part of the earth on that element where they have been folicitous of acting the tyrants; let them be denied in every quarter the means of repairing the ravages of tempefts and the decays of time; let there be an end to the imprudence of attacking them by fea with unequal ftrength; let them fpend their force in keeping ftations, and in carrying on fruitless blockades; 'let them be deprived of the opportunity of compelling, by the threat of punishment, the feamen of their enemies or of their allies from ferving on board their fquadrons, and from converting their prifoners into recruits or victims; and let the powers of Europe have the courage to undergo for fome months, fome years, if it be neceffary, privations, in order to avoid the difgrace of being the tributaries of their commerce! It will then be feen that profperity founded upon fleets and ships has never yet been permanent.

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Succeffes obtained by fea partake of the inconftancy of that cle


Seafaring nations have in all times clofed their career, by fubmitting to the powers of the land.

Never yet, it is attefted by reafon and hiftory, has a maritime power triumphed over a continental power.


The English, after gaining battles on the French territory, as the Carthaginians did on that of Italy, have been obliged to employ, as the means of their fafety by flight, the fhips which were armed for their triumphs.

And did the powers of Europe, not fatisfied with a common league for the defence of the continent, agree to form a navy equal to contend with that of England, then certainly the miferies of humanity would be more cruel and affecting, but the authors of them would be more rigorously punished.

How many fhips already at fea, or ready for fea, might be collected against England! how many might be built and equipped against the new Carthage!

The Perfians were vanquished by the fhips of Athens, conftructed-in a hurry by Themiftocles.

Rome was not miftrefs of a fingle veffel, when a galley was hipwrecked on the coaft of Italy, and served as a model.

Philip the Second lorded it on the ocean by the affiftance of the gold of Mexico, as George the Third rules the two feas by the means of the riches of India. Philip attacked England; a few weak fhips were aided by refiftlefs ftorms, and the Spanish Armada was destroyed.

Louis the Fourteenth wifhed to have a navy, and he created


The Czar Peter learned the art of fhip-building in the ports of Europe, and Ruffia maintains a rank among the maritime powers. The formation of a navy is a meafure more expenfive than difficult. It abounds more in danger than obftacles.

Le: England then dread, left the fhould behold a confederacy of the powers of Europe, not only to banish her from their fhores, but even repulfe or destroy her fleets by more numerous fquadrons! Indignation and intereft are powerful motives; and if the cabinet of St. James's do not adopt another fyftem of conduct, wif dom and humanity itfelf may convert into irreconcilable enemies,' its allies, convinced of their former follies.

Proclamation of Touffaint Louverture, General in Chief of the Army of St. Domingo, to all the Citizens of the Department of the South. Citizens, Brothers, and Friends,

TRUTH has at length pierced the clouds of falfehood which

have fo long bedimmed your eyes; and notwithstanding the efforts of the enemies of your happinefs, the caufe of juftice at length prevails over that of iniquity. Were there any among you fill fo incredulous and blind as to doubt the criminality of Rigaud and the purity of my intentions, it would be fufficient for me to remind them of the paft, in order to banith their incredulity, and VOL. X.



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