Slike strani

municipal agents, and all the civil functionaries of his diftrict. He fhall correfpond directly with the extraordinary committee.

6. The prefent impofts fhall be maintained, as already eftablifhed, for the 8th year. The committee fhall, in future, be at liberty to create new ones with the formal confent of the Confulto.

7. All the public functionaries are bound to remain at their poft, and to continue their fervices under the authority of the provifional government, until it fhall be otherwife ordered. BONAPARTE.


The Commander in Chief of Lombardy to the Milanefe.
Milan, 28th Prairial, June 17.

T the fame time that the battles of Montebello and Marengo
gave rife to the convention which was figned yesterday, the
caftle of Placentia, preffed on all fides, capitulated, and the 1200
men, who formed the garrifon, furrendered prifoners of war.

[Here follow the articles of the capitulation, which are in the ufual terms. The garrifon were to march out with the honours of war, and to be allowed to retain their baggage, &c.]

Order by Moreau, impofing a Contribution on the States of the Circle of Franconia.

THE Commander in Chief requires the ftates of the circle of

Franconia, occupied by the French army, to pay to the receiver-general of the army the fum of fix millions of livres as a war contribution. The payment of the above fum to be made in one month from this day; one third every ten days. The fums already paid during the prefent campaign, in confequence of requifitions already made by the Commander in Chief, or his lieutenant-general, Thall be deducted from the above fum. Accepted bills of exchange upon France, Switzerland, Holland, Frankfort, and Hamburgh, are to be received in payment of this contribution, but only in the proportion of one third. The above-mentioned delay is the utmoft that will be granted; and the Commander in Chief declares, that if the inhabitants of Franconia do not pay this contribution regularly every ten days, recourfe will be had to military execution, the taking of holtages; and the members of the government fhall be perfonally refponfible for any delay that takes place.

The commiffary-general is charged with the execution of this order; and the generals are to affift him with their troops if neceffary.

Head quarters at Augsburgh, the 19th June.



E 2


Speech of Benjamin Conftant in the Tribunate, 22d June. TRIBUNES, I join my homage to that which your committee

has fo justly rendered to the immortal army of Italy. I join my forrow to that affecting regret which it has expreffed on the lofs of the intrepid and modest Deffaix; but I urge the neceffity of manifefting, with fill more force, the national gratitude, the univerfal gratitude of all the friends of humanity, for the deliverance of those Italian patriots, the deplorable remains of the vengeance of royalty, feudal power, and priesthood. After two years of a fhameful profcription, crufhed by every fpecies of tyranny, the butt of every fpecies of perfecution, they come from their dungeons, to prove, as it were, to republicans, that their cause is never defperate, and that miracles arife when miracles are necellary for their deliverance. Happy prefage for thofe prifoners of Ireland, whom a timid fenate have given up to England, in violation of the rights of nations, and the French uniform, but whom the Egis of liberty and the fortune of liberty will no doubt protect. Certainly I wish to celebrate this grand act of justice, this duty of fraternity, this republican payment, this debt of the French people, difcharged by the first magistrate of the republic at the head of our defenders. Glory then to that magnanimous army which has croffed the mountains, vanquished the elements, and overthrown the last enemies whom an exhaufted coalition had at great expenfe collected against France! Glory to those republican proclamations which have made refound in our ears the language of liberty, equality, of the fovereignty of the people; a language worthy of heroes, but which fome impious voices would drown in vain clamour! Health to thofe honourable victims of the foundest cause, profcribed illuftrious, whom the deftiny of the republic calls from the depth of dungeons to teach us memorable leffons!

The Note of Benjamin Conftant in the Moniteur.

Some have thought that by this phrafe I afferted the independence of Ireland, and that I thought France would lavish her blood and treasure to obtain it. They will fee, on reading my fpeech, how unfounded is fuch an interpretation. Every thing that can weaken England appears to me, no doubt, at this moment, delirable for my country. Every thing that can fecure the independence of nations, appears to me to be useful to liberty; but I did not wish to touch upon this important queftion. I wifhed only to raife my voice for the life of the two officers in the fervice of France, delivered up to England contrary to the right of nations, and with respect to the carrying off of whom my cenfors have forgotten that the First Conful has manifefted the moft lively indignation. Read the letter of the First Conful to the fenate of Hamburgh. I thought that in the midft of fongs of liberty, Humanity fhould raife her voice in behalf of unfortunate republicans; and as I feel a profound conviction that in doing fo I have only done my duty, I find no difficulty in confoling myfelf under a cenfure" which I have often braved, and will continue to brave.


My colleagues, the army of Italy has conquered peace, for I cannot fuppofe new infults will be offered to a nation always invincible. At the approach of this wifhed-for peace, the clouds which flitted on our horizon are going to vanish. At its approach, this rear-guard of the republican army, the purchasers of national domains are filled with confidence: they begin to feel fecure that their properties will be in future facred and indefeasible. Peace will fecure the private rights of citizens: peace will confolidate the reprefentative fyftem, and the rights of the people. Peace, bringing with it the indifpenfable liberty of the prefs, will restore to reafon its native force, to the enlightened man the hope of being useful to its glorious independence.

Ancient Europe, then regenerated, will be proud of poffeffing in its bofom the moft perfect of free governments, and France will be able to present to her youthful rival beyond the feas, the formidable affociation of 30,000,000 of citizens; of 600,000 heroes, and of names confecrated to national veneration, like those of Franklin and Washington in America. I move that mention be made in the meffage of the national fatisfaction on the deliverance of the Italian patriots.

[The Tribunate adopted the propofition, and ordered the above speech to be printed.]

The Commiffary of the Auftrian Government published the following Notification on the 25th June, at Ancona.

HIS Imperial Majefty, ever animated with thofe generous fentiments which have induced him to spare no facrifices to rescue the territories of the Holy See, has refolved to reflore the illuftrious Pontiff, Pius VII. to the full poffeflion of his authority; he therefore hereby gives notice to all the magistrates and officers, established under the Auftrian civil commiffion, that they are henceforth to act according to the orders they fhall receive from his Holinefs.



Proclamation at Jaffa, relative to the Affaffination of General Kleber, published by the Grand Vizier, 28th June.

The Grand Vizier and Generaliffimo of the Sublime Porte, to the Officers and Soldiers of the French Army in Egypt.


AN affaffination has been committed upon the perfon of your Commander in Chief, and by the most atrocious of impoftures it is imputed to the Ottomans, under the pretext that the



affaffin was a Muffulman and a Janiffary. But what interest have we in fuch a crime? Of what utility can the death of Kleber be to us? His place is filled by another general, as that general's would be by a third. The existence of one individual more or lefs cannot influence the lot of Egypt. But Kleber had as many enemies in France as in Egypt. He had given his opinion againit the invasion of this province, and the majority of the thinking part of his troops had adopted it. Others faw him with pain at the head of the army: they dreaded his return to France, and the reports he would make there: they found it was useful to deftroy him, and convenient to accufe the Sublime Porte.

Frenchmen! fuffer not yourselves to be feduced by a calumny as impudent as abfurd. It is among your countrymen that you muft fearch for the true authors of the affaffination of your general. It is upon them you are to take vengeance for his death, if you lament his lofs.

Article relative to the English Expedition to the French Coaft. The Mayor of the Commune of Ifle d'Yeu to the Sub-prefect of Des Sables.


Ifle d'Yeu, July 1.

N the 26th of last month there appeared in our road an Englifh fquadron, compofed of a fhip of the line and two frigates. As foon as they were at anchor, a flag of truce was sent from the Commodore's thip, and landed two officers, who, having been introduced to the commune-house by the commandant of the national guard, delivered to the mayor a letter, which is fubjoined. You will fee that its object is an injunction to the magistrates to furnish to the fquadron the quantity of cattle pointed out, with water and other refreshments. The magiftrates acquiefced with this demand. The English General demanded fifty oxen; but upon a reprefentation of the fmall number of these upon the island for labour, he took only thirty, and 100 fheep. The whole were paid for. This morning the enemy, the number of whom was yesterday evening increased by three fhips of the line, under the orders of Admiral Warren, fet fail, and they are at this moment out of fight, fteering for Belleifle.

Order fent to the Mayor, c. by the Flag of Truce.

You are ordered to furnish to the thips of his Britannic Majesty at this anchorage, water, and fuch live stock as they require, at a price that fhall be agreed on between the parties.

Given under my hand on board his Britannic Majefty's ship Canada, in the road of Ifle d'Yeu, June 27. (Signed)



You are further ordered to fhut up all houfes where wine or fpirits are fold, to prevent the accidents which may refult from drunkennefs. DE COURCY, Captain of the Canada.


Letters relative to the Want of a British Agent for Prisoners at Amfterdam.



EING a paffenger in the Dolphin packet, taken fome time ago by the French, juftice obliges me to return my fincere thanks to Sir Robert Barclay, whofe friendly exertions to ferve all the paffengers muft ever leave the warmeft impreffion of gratitude on their minds.

Enclosed I send you a copy of a letter from the French conful at Amfterdam, in reply to one that Sir Robert wrote to him in behalf of the captain and crew of the Dolphin; which letter throws fome light on the fituation of our countrymen, prifoners. there.

The greatest humanity, friendlinefs, and attention to the unfortunate, was difplayed in the conduct of Sir Robert Barclay, to whom I think it but juft thus publicly to return my fincere thanks. I am, Sir, your obedient fervant,

London, Thursday evening, Aug. 21.


Amfterdam, 14 Messidor (July 3).

I received the letter with which you honoured me yesterday, refpecting the Dolphin packet-boat, taken on the 10th Meffidor, in the North Sea, by the privateer the Bonaparte of Dieppe, commanded by Captain Pollet, and on board of which you were a paffenger.

You requeft me, if it coincided with my duty, to release the packet-boat and crew, and you pledge your word of honour that an equal number of French prifoners, detained in Britain, shall be fet at liberty in exchange.

I must own that fuch an arrangement would prove equally advantageous to the feamen of both nations, whom the chances of war have deprived of their liberty; and you are well aware that, in the neutral ports, the confuls or commiffaries of the belligerent powers are authorized, reciprocally, to deliver up to each other, upon granting their refpective receipts for the fame, fuch prifoners as may be brought into their diftrict. There would, therefore, be no difficulty in my acceding to your request of setting your countrymen at liberty, if the British government had in Batavia any agent appointed to receive the British prisoners carried

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