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into the ports of that country, and to give a proper receipt for the fame, and have them comprised in the exchange.

On my arrival in this city, fome months back, I took the earliest opportunity of getting informed whether there was here or at the Hague any perfon appointed in the capacity alluded to. I learnt there was none; and to that circumftance is to be imputed the protracted detention of fifty or fixty British prifoners, whom it has not hitherto been in my power to get exchanged. I do not pretend, nor am I anxious to know whether the British will think proper to appoint fuch an agent; or whether, in cafe fuch an agent were appointed, he would be received by the Batavian government, as I wish to keep within the limits of my own powers.

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As to the packet-boat itself, which you imagine may be ranfomed, and for the ranfom of which you offer your fecurity, I have the honour to obferve to you, that the mode of proceeding which I am obliged to adopt, and which is pointed out to me by the French laws, is to attend to the sentence of our courts in fuch cafes; and, if they declare the prefent capture a lawful prize, it will immediately be exposed to public fale.

I have done every thing in my power to recover and restore to you the two parcels which you claim as yours; but was last night affured by the captain, that, notwithstanding his moft diligent inquiries, he could come to no knowledge of them; nor does there appear to be any doubt of his alacrity to oblige you, when we confider the fcrupulous exactnefs with which he returned you your private property, and, agreeably to your earneft request, that of the other paffengers.

I have the honour to falute you moft respectfully, and to affure you of my higheft confideration.


Sir Robert Barclay, Sc. Sf.


Army of the Eaft.-Menou, provifional General in Chief, to Citizen Bonaparte, First Conful of the Republic.

Head-quarters at Cairo, 14th Meffidor (July 3). CITIZEN Conful, a horrible event, of which there are few

examples in hiftory, has provifionally raised me to the command of the army of the East. General Kleber was affaffinated on the 25th of last month (June 14). A wretch, fent by the Aga of the Janiffaries of the Ottoman army, gave the General in Chief four ftabs with a poniard, while he was walking with Citizen. Protain, the architect, on the terrace which looks from the garden of the head-quarters into the fquare of Efbekier. Citizen Protain, in endeavouring to defend the General, received himself

fix wounds. The first wound which Kleber received was mortal. He fell-Protain ftill lives. The General, who was giving orders for repairing the head-quarters and the 'garden*, had no aide-de-camp with him, nor any individual of the corps of guides: he had defired to be alone: he was found expiring. The affaffin, who was difcovered in the midft of a heap of ruins, being brought to the head-quarters, confelfed that he was folicited to commit this crime by the Aga of the Janiffaries of the Ottoman army, commanded by the Grand Vizier in perfon. This Vizier, unable to vanquish the French in open warfare, has fought to avenge himfelf by the dagger, a weapon which belongs only to cowards. The affaffin is, named. Soleyman el Alepi. He came from Aleppo, and had arrived at Cairo, after croffing the Defert on a dromedary. He took up his lodging at the grand mofque Eleafer, whence he proceeded every day to watch a favourable opportunity for committing his crime. He had intrufted his fecret to four petty cheiks of the law, who wifhed to diffuade him from his project; but who, not having denounced him, have been arrefted, in confequence of the depofitions of the affaffin, condemned to death, and executed on the 28th of laft month (June 17). I appointed to conduct the trial, a commiffion ad hoc. The commiffion, after conducting the trial with the utmost folemnity, thought it proper to follow the cuftoms of Egypt in the application of the punishment. They condemned the affaffin to be impaled, after having had his right hand burnt; and three of the guilty cheiks, to be beheaded, and their bodies burnt. The fourth, not having been arrefted, was outlawed. I annex, Citizen Conful, the different papers relative to the trial.

At prefent, Citizen Conful, it would be proper to make you acquainted with the events, almoft incredible, that have occurred in Egypt; but I must first have the honour of informing you, that General Kleber's papers not being yet in order, I can only inform you of thofe events by a fimple reference to the date of the tranfactions. When circumftances are more favourable, I fhall fend you the details; but it is fo neceffary that you fhould know our fituation, that I am determined to addrefs to you the following fimple journal:

Date of the Events which have occurred in Egypt from the Treaty of myfc10 to El-Arisch, inclufive.

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1. Treaty concluded at El-Arifch, on the 5th Pluviose, and ratified by the General in Chief on the 8th of the fame month, at the camp of Salahich, youdoi

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42. Conferences of Sebille Hallem, near Matharich.


continued from the 22d of Ventofe to the 27th of the fame month.

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The head-quarters had been damaged by cannon-fhot during the frege. VOL. X.


3. The

3. The letter of Lord Keith printed and announced to the army on the 27th, with the proclamation of the General in Chief Kleber.

4. The rupture officially notified to the Vizier on the 28th of Ventofe.

5. The battle of Matharich, or Heliopolis, gained on the 27th Ventofe, over the army of the Grand Vizier, 60,000 strong-20 pieces of cannon taken.

6. The Aid-de-Camp Beaudot fent on a parley during the action, was maltreated, and detained a prifoner, contrary to the rights of nations.

7. Infurrection of Cairo on the 29th, fix hours after the departure of the army. It was fomented by fome Ofmanlis, who had introduced themselves into Cairo after the convention of ElArifch.

8. Arrival of Nafif Pacha in this city on the 30th. He had efcaped from the defeated army, and, making a great detour, entered Cairo by the gate Bab-el-Nafs, called the Gate of Victories.

9. Arrival of the French army at Balbys on the 30th. The enemy, conftantly purfued, kept flying before it.

10. Surrender of the fort of Balbys on the ift of Germinal -600 Turks prifoners of war-eight pieces of cannon taken. 11. The affair of Coreid on the 2d Germinal.

12. Arrival of the army at Salahich on the 3d. Taking of 12 pieces of cannon belonging to the Grand Vizier's camp, and an immenfe quantity of baggage abandoned by the enemy in his precipitate retreat acrofs the Defert, which he ftrewed with dead bodies. The number of men that perithed from Salahich to Gaza is estimated at 18,000-Departure of the General in Chief, Kleber, on the fame day for Cairo.

13. His arrival at Cairo on the 6th Germinal.

14. Firft capitulation of Cairo agreed to on the 14th Germinal. The Turks refufe to leave the place, and continue to fight. 15. Arrival of Ofman Bey el Ofcar, and an officer of Nafif Pacha, on the 29th Germinal, on a parley.-A mine dug by the French, blew up a large houfe, in which there were between 4 and 500 Ofmanlis.

16. Definitive capitulation for the evacuation of Cairo by the Turks, agreed to on the 1ft Floreal (April 21).

17. On the 2d, Adjutant-general René, and Citizen Tioch, officer of the staff, fent hoftages for the execution of the capitu lation, and exchanged in the fquare of Efbekier, against Ofman Bey el Ofcar and the Kiaya of Nafif Pacha, The Turks and the Ofmanlis infult them in the city, and they are obliged to take refuge in a mofque, where Elfy Bey, who was intrufted to


guard them, defended them against the attempts of the furious. multitude.

18. Departure of the Turks, to the number of 5000, on the 5th Floreal.

19. Aifaffination of General Kleber on the 25th Prairial (June 14).

20. Execution of the affaffin and his accomplices, on the 28th of Prairial (June 17).

Peace was concluded with Mourad Bey during the fiege of Cairo. The province of Girge and Affuan were ceded to him. He enjoys them under the title of Prince Governor for the French republic. It should be remarked, that during the battle of Heliopolis, Mourad Bey kept conftantly on a height near the field of battle. He had faid that he would make no movement, and he kept his word. The tails of feveral Pachas have been taken at Matharich, Balbys, and Salahich. After the battle of Heliopolis the troops marched to retake Damietta, which had been given up to the Turks in confequence of the convention. Twelve hundred Ofmanlis were killed there. The remainder fled by the Lake of Menzale and the Defert.

Prefent Situation of the French Army.

Ten millions have been impofed upon the city of Cairo to punish the revolt; all the arrears due to the army have been paid, and for the future their pay will be fecured. The fortifications of Cairo are completing; twelve forts furround the city at prefent; in fifteen days the whole will be completed; the arches of the grand aqueduct have been stopped, fo that it is now impoffible to pass from the bank of the river to the citadel; on the other fide, the ramparts of the city are raifed, and all the space between Fort Camin behind the head-quarters to Boulac is to be enclosed by a wall. The fortifications of Salahich are much increased; they will be finished before three weeks. Lesbe, near Damietta, is finished, and towers are building on the different paffes that go from the fea to the Lake Menzale. The fort of Burlos will foon be finished, that of Rofetta is completed; Aboukir is entirely repaired; they are working with diligence at Alexandria. Our artillery is in the best condition, the works in the arfenal of Gizeh are in the greateft activity. I have established a depot of 500 horfes at Gizeh, and alfo a park of reserve of 500 camels; many thousand Greeks have enrolled themselves in our fervice, and alfo 500 Cophts and Syrians. Seventy Turkish and Greek veffels have, fince the rupture, of which they were ignorant, entered the ports of Alexandria and Damietta; they came after the evacuation; they have been retained as prifoners; the merchandise which they brought has ferved to pay the troops. A caravan

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A caravan of 10,000 flaves and 15,000 camels is arrived from Darfurth and the Niger: it is at Syouth, which we have kept in our treaty with Mourad Bey. A caravan from Tor, and another from Yambo, are arrived here by Suez. I have given, and fhall continue to give them, every fupport for the encouragement of commerce, which I wish to re-establish, and to endeavour to fupply Arabia by way of Suez. I am organizing there a caravan, which will leave this every fifteen days; another caravan, com ing from Tazanna, from Beled and Gezid, in fifty days, is alfo arrived at Cairo. The Inftitute is going to refume its fittings. The Grand Vizier is at Jaffa with about 7 or 8000 men; he has 2000 at Gaza, and 1000 at El-Arifch; Catieh is deftroyed. If he fhould be able to recruit his army, and thall again attempt to 'pafs the Defert, we will go to receive him at Salahich; the troops are determined to beat him. The Captain Pacha is with twenty-four fail before Alexandria, Rofetta, and Damietta; they "cruife from one port to the other: we reckon in this fquadron eight Turkish fhips of the line and two English; every where we are prepared, the army will combat till they die happy if we can preferve to the republic a great colony, of which you have been the founder. I cannot fend you the names of thofe who have diftinguished themfelves, I may fay they are the whole army. I fhall not enter into thefe details until the papers of General Kleber are arranged. I fhall confine myfelf to request of you, Citizen Conful, to confirm the promotions that have been made; thefe are the generals of divifion, generals of brigade, and all the fubordinate ranks, Many brave men have been killed and many wounded; they are all worthy of your attention. You know my refpect and devotion: both the one and the other are unbounded. ABD. J. MENOU.

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Abd. J. Menou, General of Divifion, Commander in Chief, for the Interim, of the Army of the Eaft, to the Army,

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Head-quarters at Cairo, 26 Prairial, June 19, 28th Year of the French Republic. SOLDIERS, a horrible attack has cut off a General whom you loved and efteemed; an enemy who is entitled only to the contempt and indignation of the whole world, an enemy who was unable to conquer the French commanded by the brave Kleber, has had the cowardice to fend an affaffin to him. I denounce to you, I denounce to the whole world, the Grand Vizier, the chief of that army which you have routed in the plains of Matharich and Heliopolis; it is he who, in concert with his Aga of Janiffa ries, has put a poniard into the hand of a man named Soleyman el Alepi, who leaving Gaza thirty-two days ago, has, yesterday,


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