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Preliminaries of Peace between France and Auftria.

HIS Majefty the Emperor, King of Hungary and Bohemia, &c. and the First Conful of the republic, in the naine of the French people, equally animated with the defire of putting a term to the evils of the war, by a prompt, juft, and folid peace, have agreed upon the following preliminary articles:

Art. 1. There fhall be peace, friendship, and good understanding between his Majefty the Emperor and King, and the French republic.

2. Until the conclufion of a definitive treaty, the armies, both in Italy and Germany, fhall refpectively remain in the pofition in which they are, without extending their pofitions more to the fouth of Italy. On his fide, his Imperial Majefty engages to concentrate all the forces he may have, in the ftates of the Pope, in the fortrefs of Ancona; to put an end to the extraordinary levy which is making in Tufcany; and to prevent all debarkation of the enemies of the French republic at Leghorn, or any other point of the coafts.

3. The treaty of Campo Formio fhall be taken as the bafis of the definitive pacification, excepting however the changes become neceffary.

4. His Imperial Majefty does not oppofe the French republic keeping the limits of the Rhine, fuch as they were agreed upon at Raftadt, i. e. the left bank of the Rhine, from the fpot where the Rhine leaves the territory of Switzerland, to the point where it enters the territory of the Batavian republic; and engages moreover to cede to the French republic the fovereignty and property of Frickthal, and all that belongs to the House of Auftria between Zurzach and Bafle.

5. The French republic is not understood to keep Caffel, Kehl, Ehrenbreitstein, and Duffeldorff. Thefe places will be razed, on condition that there fhall not be raised on the right bank of the Rhine, and for the diftance of three miles, any fortifications, either in ftone-work or in earth.

6. The indemnities which his Imperial Majefty the Emperor and King is to have in Germany, in virtue of the secret articles of the treaty of Campo Formio, fhall be taken in Italy; and therefore it fhall be referved until the definitive treaty, to agree on the pofition and the quota of the faid indemnities: nevertheless it hall be eftablished as the bafis, that his Imperial Majesty the Emperor and King thall poffefs, befides the country which had been granted to him in Italy by the treaty of Campo Formio, an equivaTent to the poffeffion of the archbishopric of Salzbourg, the river of the Inn and the Sabra, and the Tyrol, comprising the town of Wafferbourg, on the left bank of the Inn, within a circuit of


3000 toifes, and the Frickthal, which he cedes to the French republic.

7. The ratifications of the prefent preliminary articles fhall be exchanged at Vienna before August 15.

8. Immediately after the exchange of the ratifications, the negotiations for a definitive peace fhall continue; both fides fhall agree upon a place for negotiation; the plenipotentiaries fhall be there in twenty days at the lateft, after the exchange.

9. His Majefty the Emperor and King, and the First Conful of the French republic, reciprocally engage on their word of honour to keep the prefent articles fecret till ratification.

10. The powers of M. de St. Julien being contained in a letter from the Emperor to the First Conful, the full powers, inveited with the ufual formalities, thall be exchanged with the ratification. of the prefent preliminaries, which fhall not bind the refpective governments till after the ratification.

We, the undersigned, have agreed upon and figned the present preliminaries at Paris, the 8th of July 1800.




Proclamation published at Vienna.

HE conduct of the inhabitants of this Imperial city has been at all times equally firm and generous; nor have they ever in the most disastrous times of the laft or prefent century, ever forfeited this character. All Europe was a witnefs to the noble refolution of the brave Auftrians at the memorable crifis in the year 1797.

The impreffion which the fudden change in the fortune of war has made on all minds, is the natural confequence of the unchangeable fidelity and affection of the people of Austria towards their beloved fovereign and is in fact a part of the zeal with which they will make every effort to fupport the measures which the ftate fhall adopt to procure a fafe and honourable peace, which is the heart-felt with of our moft gracious Emperor.

It cannot have efcaped the public notice, that certain mean and evil-minded perfons, lurking in obfcurity, endeavour to exaggerate the misfortunes of the Imperial arinies, and to fabricate pretended conditions of peace, in order to thake the refolution of the public, and deprive it of that firmnefs which it manifefted three years ago, equally to the glory and advantage of the Auftrian monarchy. The office of the undersigned renders it his duty to warn the public against liftening to the artful infinuations of these defigning men. Firmnefs and unanimity can alone conduct us to an eligible pacification. These are virtues which muft extort the cfteem and

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admiration even of the enemy; while defpondency and relaxation of our efforts can only lead him to defpife a people who for fo many centuries has enjoyed the glory of true heroifm.

The unremitted endeavours of the Emperor have been conftantly directed to the welfare of his good people. His neverfailing courage before the battles of Amberg and Wurtzburg, and before the negotiations at Leoben, has warded off from us still greater dangers. The blood of his fubjects he has ever been anxious to fpare, and all his actions are a pledge to us that he will never refuse conditions of peace which can be accepted, if they fhould be (as it is falfely pretended they have been) actually offered him by our enemies.

Ever faithful to his principles and his love for the people entrusted to his care by Providence, he will neglect no favourable opportunity which may open the way to an equitable and honourable peace, in order to heal the wounds of war, and feek his only happiness in the increafing profperity of his faithful people.

For the absent Minister of Police,

Vienna, July 10, 1800.


Order impofing a Contribution on Lucca.'

Head-quarters, Milan, July 13. MASSENA, general in chief, informed by the official reports of the French military authorities that the city and country of Lucca have infulted the republic, its government, and principal citizens, by fome public acts; confidering that justice demands punishment of fuch irregularities, and that the preffing interest of the army requires, that the country, as well as the city of Lucca, fhould contribute to its wants; decrees

1. There is impofed a contribution of a million, French specie, on the country and city of Lucca.

2. Five hundred thousand livres fhall be paid within five days after the notification of the prefent decree to the provifional government of that country. The other 500,000 in the following decade.

3. The commiffary in chief is charged with the execution of this decree. He fhall nominate, in confequence, a commiffary at war, who shall be charged to receive the faid contribution.

4. The generals commanding the country and city of Lucca fhall grant the affiftance of the armed force for the execution of the prefent order, whenever they fhall be required fo to do by the commiffary at war appointed by the commiffary in chief.





Maffena, General in Chief, to the Inhabitants of Piedmont.

Piedmontele People,

Head-quarters, Milan, July 13.

AM informed that in fome provinces of Piedmont there is a manifestation of infurrectional movements; that there even exist fome armed collective bodies. What can be the object of fuch movements? They threaten the public tranquillity and the fafety of the army. Is this the price which the French government ought to receive for the generous conduct which it has obferved towards Piedmont? And fhall agitators deceive themselves with refpect to the moderate ufe which it makes of its ftrength and its victories? Piedmontese people! animated with the fame spirit of peace and justice that actuates my government, I with only for your happiness and tranquillity, but do not treat as an illusion the baneful confequences of the rebellion to which these proceedings lead. You will bring down death upon your heads, defolation among your families, and the devastation of your properties. It is then, in the name of your existence, of that of your wives, of your children, and in the name of your deareft interefts, that I fummon you to return to order. Do not shut your ears to my voice when it speaks to you the words of peace! Do not compel me to make preparation of force! The moment when you fhall oblige me to march the French columns against you will be that of exemplary punishment. Enjoy, inhabitants of the towns and country, enjoy in the bofom of your families the tranquillity which the powerful protection of the French army affures you, and fear to turn against you the arms made for your defence, and to provoke the heroes who bring friendship to the people of all nations, but who have never been insulted or affaffinated without fignal vengeance. This proclamation fhall be addreffed to the provisional government of Piedmont, and to the general commanding there, that they may each, in their proper place, give it the greatest pub. licity. It fhall be printed in the two languages, published and posted throughout all Piedmont.



Articles contained in a Proclamation published by General Guenand the 13th July, and confirmed by the Ordinance of the Duke of Parma. 1.EVERY individual feized with arms in his hand, at the head of disturbers, shall be shot upon the spot.

2. Dagger-canes are prohibited for ever from this moment. Such perfons as fhall poffefs them fhall be feized and conducted to the Caftle.

3. Every

3. Every perfon feized in a tumultuary movement, fhall be conducted to the fort of the town, to be tried by a military commiffion. 4. Every person who fhall require provisions by force, under the ordinary price, fhall be delivered to a military commiffion.

5. Every person who thall indulge himself in feditious difcourfes in public places, fhall be feized and carried before a military commiffion.

6. Black and white coloured cockades, being figns of rallying, are forbidden to every one not military, under pain of imprison


7. Finally, every perfon charged with having contributed by words or actions to an infurrection of the people, fhall be regarded as chief of a party, and profecuted as fuch.

Subftance of the Addrefs of the First Conful to the provifional Government of Lombardy.


T is pretended that the French government has views of aggrandizement in Italy. People do not confider that France contains thirty millions of republicans, and natural frontiers of defence. Any aggrandizement beyond these bounds would be her weakness. She has no need of you, and I wish that you should have no need of France. For the prefent, the Italian republic will be formed of the states of Liguria, Piedmont, and the Cifalpine.

Address of the First Conful, on the 14th July, in the Champ de 'Mars*.


HE colours prefented to the government, in the view of the inhabitants of this immenfe capital, evince the genius of the generals in chiefs, Moreau, Maffena, and Berthier; the military talents of their lieutenant-generals, and the bravery of the French foldiers.

On returning to camp, tell the foldiers that, by the period of the ift Vendemiaire (23d Sept.), when we shall have to celebrate the anniversary of the republic, the French people expect either the proclamation of peace, or, fhould the enemy oppofe infurmountable obftacles to it, the prefentation of new standards, the fruit of new victories.

*The Confuls repaired on the above day to the above place, where the concourfe of citizens was immenfe. The Minister of War prefented to the Confuls feveral officers carrying the ftandards taken from the enemy, who delivered appropriate addreffes. The Chief Conful made a short reply, of which the above is an extract.



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