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Addreffes to the First Conful after his Return from the Army in Italy. ON being prefented, the Prefident of the Conservative Senate ad

dreffed the Chief Conful as follows:

"Citizen Chief Conful,

"We come to exprefs to you how cordially we fhare the general joy at the new triumphs with which you have aftonished Europe. It is particularly natural for those who are invested with the confervation of the conftitution, to feel the importance of these great


"Every one of us, Citizen Conful, is proud to be the guardian of that conftitution, when you fo glorioufly fecure to the French people the high deftinies which they have merited by fo much valour, fo many efforts and facrifices.

"You have fulfilled your promife, to render victory unnecessary by peace, or to command peace by victory.

"We recollect with pleasure that our country is indebted to you for its fafety; that the republic owes to you its confolidation, and the people that happiness and profperity which in one day you fhall have established, after ten years of the most stormy revolution that ever took place."

Citizen Jard Pauvilliers, Prefident of the Tribunate, addreffed the Chief Conful as follows:

"The members of the Tribunate take the earliest opportunity to mingle their expreffions of joy with the acclamations of public rejoicing, on the immortal campaign you have performed, and on your happy return.

"Permit us to join the testimonies of our admiration of the exploits of the brave men who have fo gloriously executed what your genius had planned.

"The first part of the wifh of the Tribunate is fulfilled. It is the prefage of the accomplishment of the fecond*. You are returned conqueror; you are about to be the pacificator of Europe, and the benefactor of mankind, as you are the glory of the French nation."

At one the prefect of the department, the fecretary-general, the counfel of the prefecture, the twelve mayors of Paris, and their adjuncts, repaired in proceffion, and in grand costume, to the confular palace, where, on being prefented by the Minifter of the Interior, the Prefect fpoke as follows:

Before the departure of the Chief Conful the Tribunate had expressed the formal wifh, That the Chief Conful might return a conqueror and acificator."


"General Conful,

In the hiftory of the world we find that the most celebrated victories, fplendid calamities for the conquerors, were always attended with protracted mifery to the vanquished. The cotemporaries of the conqueror turned from him, and the most remote posterity will weep his blood-ftained laurels.

"It belongs to you, General Conful, to create a new kind of glory; to render your triumphs dear to furrounding nations; to combine their unfading remembrance with the bleffings of ages; to give them as an example to the heroes, who, like you, fhall be called to defend the independence and the happiness of their country.

"It is for peace that you have never ceased to fight and to conquer; it was for peace that you have twice conquered Italy. It was given to you to rally all parties at home; abroad, to triumph over the greatest captains; to be at once conqueror and pacificator, and at a period of life when men love glory for its own fake, to fupport it only for the happiness of your age.

"With what pride does France hear even her enemies, in fome measure, taking credit for their defeat, and indulging the hopes of a speedy peace by the interefting expreffion of their admiration and esteem, and by withes for the welfare of the conqueror!

"Enjoy, General Conful, enjoy the adoption of all Europe; you do not belong only to France. There are men of whom the whole world has a right to be proud.

"Yet, happy beyond all cities, Paris in future is to have the honour of poffeffing you. Certain of your return, fo anxiously defired, her walls re-echo with public joy; and we, magiftrates, witnesses of her happiness, organs of her gratitude, if we are unable to offer you laurels worthy of your glory,, can at least present you wishes worthy of your affection."

"Every one of our fellow-citizens bleffes with us the chief magiftrate of the republic, who, for the accomplishment of its glorious deftinies, is about to give peace to Europe, and to restore France to the univerfe.".

Subftance of the alleged Plan of a Royalift Confpiracy at Paris. THE counsellors of state, Chaptal, Champagney, and Emery, appointed to inquire into the royalift confpiracy, mention the following circumftances in their report:

The royalist committee which directed the confpiracy refided at Paris, from whence it correfponded with England and the interior of the republic. The perfons who compofed it were Hide the elder, known in the correfpondence under the name of Paul Berri Dubois, a well-known character, who directs every thing,

and has the entire confidence of princes; and Frand, who performed journies from Paris to London. This committee was organized before the 18th Brumaire. At this period Hide and Frand were at London, arranging the plan for an attack against the Directory. The 18th Brumaire fufpended thefe meafures but they were afterwards refumed. Hide organized the confpiracy at Paris, under affurances of afliftance from the English minifter. He bribed the journalists, he entered into a correfpondence with Pichegru and Lan, he deceived the English government with regard to the flate of France, and reprefented the inhabitants as eager for the restoration of monarchy; he preffed the Count d'Artois to put himself at the head of the infurgents of the Weft; he laid plans for getting poffeffion of Breft, and he organized a fmall army at Paris, the command of which he intrufted to the Chevalier de Joubert. The correspondence with England became more frequent. Vauxnoir and Dandreville went to the British government to prefs the adoption and enfure the execution of the plans determined on. The royalifts returned in crowds, from the idea that Bonaparte withed to reftore royalty.-The committee voted all its attention to the following objects: 1. To push the war of the Weft with activity. 2. To feed it by difembarkations. 3. To place Pichegru at the head of the royalists of the Weft. 4. To get poffeffion of Breft according to the preconcerted fcheme. 5. To bring over the Count d'Artois and the Duke de Berry. 6. To feduce the military; to deceive the people; and to render Bonaparte odious by journals, by proclamations, and by hand-bills. 7. To rob the treafury. 8. To promife peace the moment royalty fhould be restored, and to affure the purchafers of national domains of their fafety. 9. To organize a Imall army in Paris, under the command of Joubert.

At the moment the prince landed, they were to have diforganized the police, affaflinated Bonaparte and his colleagues, and to have difpatched couriers to every part of the republic with the intelligence that royalty was restored, and that the people were intoxicated with joy. The agents of the committee, however, who were at London, experienced delays on the part of the Englifh minifter, the army of the Weft talked of peace, the republican army became ftronger and ftronger every day, and the chiefs of the infurgents laid down their arms. Thus vanished the hopes of a fet of brigands and affaffins, ferocious enemies of their country, and bafe deceivers of foreign nations, as to the state and difpofitions of France.

Hide defrayed the expenfes of the confpirators, which amounted to 100 louis-d'ors a month. This money was fupplied by the English minifter, who employed an agent to tranfact bufinefs for him, under the name of Alexander the Great! All those concerned in the plot affumed falfe names in their correfpondence :


they embezzled the public money to a very great amount: they forged paffports, and thus facilitated the journies of their agents to foreign countries, and through different parts of the republic.Duperron was to have raised infurrection in Paris; and the confufion was to have been rendered general' by others excited in the country. Twelve thousand men were to have been collected at the diftance of ten leagues from Breft. Forged orders were to have been sent to the commander at Breft, to march all the troops from the town, to oppofe a threatened invasion of the enemy at a distance; and the royalist army was then to have taken poffeffion of the fortifications. The telegraphs were to have been destroyed, and the port immediately opened to the English fleet. Proclamations would then have iffued in the name of the king, and three millions of copies of these distributed among the people. Monfieur at the head of 12,000 Ruffians was to have landed as foon as poffible, and to have confolidated thefe advantages by concentrating the different commands by fea and by land in his own perfon.

Tranflation of a circular Letter from the Admiralty to all the Officers commanding Veffels belonging to his Britannic Majefty.

WHEREAS, in confequence of the communication which we

have made to the Right Hon. Henry Dundas, one of his Majefty's fecretaries of ftate, of a letter which the Board of Tranfport has received from Citizen Otto, commiffioner for the exchange of French prifoners, to inform it, that the minifter of the French marine had announced by circular letters, in all the ports of France, that in future the English fishermen fhould not be taken by any French fhip of war, unless they should be armed, or discovered to have made fignals of communication; Mr. Dundas has notified to us the intention of the King, that the orders which had been given to the commanders of his Majefty's fhips, to take French and Dutch fishermen, and their veffels, fhould be revoked for the prefent, and that the faid officers fhould be enjoined to treat the faid French and Dutch fishermen in the fame manner as before the publication of the faid orders. In confequence, we require you to conform to the intentions of his Majesty.

(A true copy.)

The Commiffioner of the French Government
for the Exchange of Prifoners,


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A of the Confulate.

The First Conful to the Minister of Justice.

THE Confuls have received, Citizen Minifter, the laft report of the commiffion of emigrants, with which they are by no means fatisfied. The particular office which you had charged with the duty of preparing the report of the commiffion, has fhown an example of partiality. The commiffion proposes to erafe the names of fome emigrants, who not long fince were in arms against the republic; the government is therefore obliged to order a new report. Difinifs the Citizen Le Page; he has thown himfelf to be unworthy of your confidence. Prefent to the go. vernment, in the courfe of the next decade, a new plan for the formation of your offices. Retain there none of those who were members of the firft office; they poffefs not the public confidence. Let your office, in particular, be filled by men who are juft, fteady, and of tried integrity. Let them underitand, that the intentions of the government are, not to fhut the door against the applications of fuch individuals as may have been victims to the incoherency of the laws refpecting emigration; but to be ever inexorable with refpect to those who have thown themselves to be the enemies of their country. It belongs to you to watch over the execution of the laws. Do not prefent, for the fignature of the First Conful, any act which they condemn.


Minifter of Police.


Copy of a Letter from the Minister of General Police to the Prefect of the Police.

I DIRECT you, Citizen Prefect, to fee removed from the walls of Paris the placards of a pretended profpectus of the College of Navarre.

If the fanaticifm of an intolerant fect be permitted to corrupt the fource of public opinion, and to excite in the hearts of our young citizens dangerous ferments and religious diffenfions, in vain would the government endeavour to bring back all parties to concord: time itself could not establish that internal peace which the bleffings of our republican inftitutions thould fecure to us, and in future generations men would ftill continue to destroy each other in the name of Heaven.

The police ought to direct the public opinion with more propriety, and conftantly lead it back to the maxims avowed by rea fon and philofophy.


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