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[The fame minifter orders that all emigrants, permitted to refide in Paris, fhall, within three days from the publication of that order, register themselves at the police office.]

The following Letter has been written from Mittau to M. Thau venay, Minifter of Louis XVIII. by Monfieur De St. Priest, in the Name of the King of France, his Sovereign.


IT is with great mortification I learn by your laft, that many Frenchmen, whom honour had prompted to emigrate, have propofed returning into France, and that feveral have already arrived there: this conduct very fenfibly affects his Majefty, who finds it difficult to believe that any French gentleman could take the refolution of fubmitting to the government eftablished in France, by men covered with the blood of their king and their country


If it be not too late, endeavour, Sir, to make them fenfible that, by adopting this measure, they will efface ten years of glory, and that through their adherence to the prefent government they will forfeit the right of the recovery of their eftates upon the return of his Majefty into France. Imprefs it upon them alfo, that it is the clergy and the nobility that conftitute a monarchy; and that if these parties quit the country, the throne becomes null-and that they can only hope to return to France under honourable leaders, covered with glory, by the numerous facrifices made for their lawful fovereign.

We prefume, Sir, you will prevail upon them to remain in the path of honour, by which they will afford us new proofs of their zeal for the good caufe.

I have the honour to be, Sir,

Your very humble fervant,

ST. PRIEST, Secretary of State to the King of France.

Acts of the Government.

Paris, 29th Meffidor (July 18).

Bonaparte, Chief Conful of the Republic, to the Confervative Senate. Senators,

FOR two years has the garrifon of Malta ftruggled with the greatest privations. In taking an oath to the focial compact, the foldiers of the garrifon of Malta have fworn to hold out to


The authenticity of this letter has been questioned.



the very laft ounce of bread, and to bury themfelves in the ruins of that impregnable fortrefs. The Chief Conful conceives that he cannot give a greater proof of the fatisfaction of the French people, and of the intereft which they take in the brave garrifon of Malta, than that of propofing General Vaubois, who commands there, for a place in the Confervative Senate.

For this reafon, and in conformity to the 15th and 16th articles of the Conftitutional A&t, the Chief Conful prefents General Vaubois as a candidate for a place in the Confervative Senate. BONAPARTE.



the Chief Conful.


The Secretary of State, H. B. MARET.

Pofition of the French Army in Italy, and political Obfervations, from the Moniteur of the 20th of July.

THE Valteline is occupied by the left of the divifion of General Moncey, who has his head-quarters at Brescia. The right of the army extends by means of a chain of posts to Lucca, Maffa di Carara, La Romana, and the fhores of the Adriatic, Genoa, and all the territory of that republic; Piedmont, and all its fortreffes; the Cifalpine, and all its fortreffes, to the Mincio; and La Foffe-Maeftra, are occupied by the French army.

The General of Artillery, Lacombe St. Michel, croffes Piedmont with 2000 horfes, with all the military and perfonal baggage of the army.

All the detachments which compofed the army of referve, and who, from the bofom of France, travelled by forced marches into Italy, have rejoined the army.

The army and the republic enjoy in Italy, at this moment, the moft aufpicious profpects. On the other hand, General Moreau concentres all his forces in Bavaria, and 30,000 French and Batavians, under the orders of General Augereau, with a park confifting of 80 pieces of artillery, are defiling through Mayence and Duffeldorf.

The advanced guard of the second army of referve, which united at Dijon, defiles already through Switzerland. Numerous convoys of artillery and cavalry go daily from Paris to Dijon. Many battalions of volunteers, among whom are feveral young men of the departments of the Weft, march to reinforce this army.

The French have four armies, all on foreign territory, all uniting to compel the partifans of the English in the cabinet of Vienna to yield to the withes of the officers and foldiers both of the French and Auftrian armies, who equally defire a termination to

a war

a war without end or object, which caufes oceans of blood to flow for the amusement of the

The French government does not wish to make the respective fituations of the two countries the bafis of peace; for that would be to deprefs one power; whereas, according to the fituation of Europe, the intereft of the republic, well understood, would be not too much to deprefs Auftria.

The English cover the fea with their tranfports. They have at Minorca an army ready to debark at any point, well paid and provided; at Quiberon, on board their fhips, an invading army, which must have coft them much; another on the fide of England which threatens Batavia, but which does not prevent the French from drawing 30,000 men from thence, and numerous reinforce ments from the Weft for the army of referve: fo little to be dreaded are thefe invaders. All the attempts of England to rekindle the civil war in France have been on the inftant communicated to the French government by thofe perfons who were be fore partifans against it, but who now rally round their government. They know that all the evils of France fpring from the intrigues and ambition of the : and all these intrigues, together with the money which foments them, advance the national profperity.

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The refult of the immenfe expenfes that England is at in keeping at Minorca a hovering army, has been to put it in the power of the French government to detach against the Emperor 30,000 men from Batavia, and one half of the army of the Weft. In truth, the Emperor has in England a very ufeful ally.

There is not a military man in France but wishes that fome one wing of this celebrated army of England would debark, whe ther in the South, the Weft, or the North.

Notification fent to the Magiftrates of Franckfort upon their Refufal to pay the Contribution impofed by the French on that City,



HEREBY inform you that, in confequence of the order with which you are well acquainted, I have received it in command to fend into your city four battalions of infantry and four fquadrons of cavalry, which muft remain there until your fenate fhall judge proper to raise the contribution required., I request you to have in readiness fuitable quarters for the troops.

I have the honour to be,

Under the Walls of Franckfort,

22d July, 8th Year.


I 2


General Orders.

Milan, July 22. THE army is informed that an armistice for all the armies of the republic has been concluded with the Imperial armies. One of the articles eftablifhed for the armies of the Rhine and of Italy, is a line of communication from the Lake of Constance to the Lake of Como, by the roads of Coire, Tuis, Splughen, and Chiavenna. Hoftilities are not to be commenced until twelve days previous notice has been given.

Copy of the Notice fent by Rear admiral Sir Richard Bickerton to the Confuls of neutral Nations at Cadiz.



His Britannic Majesty's Ship Swiftfure, off
Cadiz, July 22.

HAVE this moment received your letter of the 15th instant, and in reply beg leave to refer you to Lord Keith's letter of the 5th of December 1799, in which you will obferve that the confuls of all the nations in amity with Great Britain have been duly informed of the blockade of Cadiz, and that any veffel attempting to enter or fail from that port would be detained, and proceeded against according to law. I am directed, as far as poffible, to enforce the blockade; and I cannot allow any laden veffel to depart from Cadiz, unless she has a pass from the commander in chief of his Britannic Majefty's fleet in the Mediterranean; but neutral veffels without cargoes will not be molefted, the Profper, American fhip, excepted, which entered Cadiz after being warned not to do fo, and was cleared out for Algiers. It is very poffible feveral veffels may have escaped our cruifers, and got into Cadiz, but fome of his Britannic Majefty's fhips have always been off the port. Veffels departing from Cadiz in ballaft are to endeavour to speak any British man of war they may fall in with in the neighbourhood."

I have the honour to be, Gentlemen,
Your most obedient humble fervant,

R. BICKERTON, Rear-adıniral.

To the refpective neutral Confuls

refident at Cadiz.


Letter from the Chief Conful Bonaparte, to the extraordinary Committee of Government of the Ligurian Government.

Paris, July 22.

HAVE received, citizens, your letter of the 7th of July, I have read it with that intereft which I feel in the Ligurian nation. The French people will never forget the proofs of attachment they have received from the people of Genoa. Inform them that they may depend on our special protection.

Your minifter at Paris, Citizen Bocardi, a man of merit, whom I efteem, will communicate to you what I have mentioned respecting the future deftiny of Liguria: but I cannot too often repeat to you to use your influence to prevail with your countrymen to facrifice their private refentments to the public good. You have just escaped from a dangerous crifis. Such is the effect of mifery upon mankind, that it adds a new malignity to every bad paffion; it inflames their animofities, and embitters the paffions, which produce difcord, the greatest of all public calamities.

I willingly employed my influence to place at the head of the government thofe men in whom the Ligurian people repofed fo much confidence after the convention of Montebello. How interefting was the fpectacle exhibited by your republic, particularly the capital! The love of equality and the love of religion combined, produced the utmost harmony among the citizens. Your tranquillity was not interrupted, because factions did not exift. Was it not factions that always ruined the republics of Italy? Was it not factions that deftroyed the liberty of Florence, of Pifa, and the celebrated republics of Lombardy? Let there be no longer in Genoa either Guelfs or Gibelines; let there only be good Genocfe.

May I hear then that your golden days are again restored, that all your factions are at an end, and blended in the nation: then you will be worthy of your ancestors, and you will enjoy that profperity which has rendered the Genoefe name celebrated in the hiftory of Europe,

Entertain no apprehenfions refpecting your future liberty and independence, and repofe the moft unlimited confidence in the Great Nation, of which I am the organ.





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