Slike strani

The fquadron and the convoy failed the fame day at three in the afternoon, and fteered to the N. N. W.

The lofs of the British is eftimated at 1200 men killed and The Spaniards


Jost 240.

Among the former is a general.

The Spaniards, both officers and foldiers, have covered themfelves with glory, and the British with fhame.

Among the traits of bravery which diftinguish this day, the following is remarked:

Sixteen of enemy's foldiers had taken poft behind a rock, from whence the Spaniards, inferior in number, could not dislodge them; a foldier of the regiment of Afturias advanced alone, twenty paces from the enemy, feized his musket with both hands, and ufing the butt end, forced them to quit their post.

General Moreno has made known this action to the King, who, without doubt, will recompenfe the gallant foldier.

If the King of Spain has yet the department of Ferrol, he owes it to the brave Generals Moreno and Donadieu, as well as to the intrepidity of the foldiers who fought under their orders. He owes them that gratitude which they have fo well deferved.


Conformable to the original,

PANART, Lieutenant. J. CAFFARELLI, Maritime Prefect of Breft.

Head-quarters at Soden, near Frankfort, 10 Fructidor (Aug. 28), Order of the Day in the Batavian Army.

THE army is informed, that the Emperor having refused to fubfcribe to the conditions of the preliminaries of peace which had been figned by his plenipotentiary at Paris, the government is under the neceffity of continuing the war. The armistice is in confequence broken off, and it will cease to have effect the 20th inftant (September 7), at one in the afternoon.

The general officers and chiefs of corps will profit by this interval to pafs the troops in review, and to difpofe every thing in fuch a manner that they may be able to march and fight as soon as they fhall receive orders.

Proclamation of the Prince Bishop of Wurtzburg, published on the 30th Auguft, previous to his quitting his Refidence on the 4th of Sept.


HE approach of a French army forces us for some time to quit our refidence, to prevent our faithful fubjects, in cafe we should be taken prifoner, from being obliged to purchafe our liberty with heavy expenfes. By publishing this refolution, fo


oppreffive to our fatherly heart, we add, for their confolation, that our vicegerent, the government of the country, and the magistrates of our refidence, will watch over their welfare. As for the reft, we truft to the loyal citizens of our refidence, that they will behave as faithful, noble, and good, as they did on a fimilar occafion in 1796, and that they will equally deferve the general applause of their own and other countries, and gain the approbation of their fovereign.



Proclamation of General Brune on his fucceeding General Massena in the Command of the Army of Italy.

BRETHREN in arms, government gives me a fresh proof of its confidence by placing me at the head of an undaunted army, whofe heroic bravery has decided the fplendid fate of France. In taking the place of the invincible Maffena, it gives me pleasure to predict to you either a speedy peace, or fresh triumphs. The example of thofe who preceded me, your undaunted perfeverance, which the whole world admires, your late victories, the remembrance of the glorious deeds of the hero who directs our powers, and fo many other pledges of a happy futurity, will, I doubt not, feal the welfare of our country, whether we merely show ourselves prepared for fresh victories, or whether we discharge once more the cannon of victory, if forced to it by our brave but imprudent enemies.-Live the republic!



Head-quarters at Milan, August 7. Brune, Counsellor of State, General in Chief, to the Army of Italy. COMRADES, our enemies ftill wish for war. The national

generofity had fufpended your triumphs. You have rested on your arms in expectation of peace; this expectation is fruftrated; the country, indignant at the treatment which it has received, calls for new battles. I call upon your glory and your courage to make your enemies fpeedily repent of not having accepted the moderate propofitions of our government. In vain would we grant them peace; it is their wish to destroy the republic and its army. The providence of Bonaparte has been rapid and juft; he difcovered the object of the procraftinations, and that peace must be conquered by new victories.

At thefe ideas of new triumphs I fee your arms lifted up, and brandifhed in your generous hands: I hear the cry of battle refound in all your ranks: in a fhort time the enemy will learn that



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humanity alone 'could have fufpended your efforts; but this very humanity impofes upon us new facrifices, and glory will cover them with immortal trophies.

Brave warriors, it is ufelefs for me to recommend to you to confider what is due to the people among whom you are going to penetrate. You will not forget that liberty is their hope, and that a conduct regulated by difcipline can alone induce them to favour our arms.

To the People of the Cifalpine Republic.

Cifalpine People,

HOSTILITIES are going to recommence; the enemy can only be induced by new victories to confent to your independence and liberty. Your children are among the French troops.

Convinced of your fidelity and zeal, the Great Nation has af fociated your fate to its own. It will defend your rights, and will not fuffer them to be violated. A lafting profperity will be the recompenfe of your perfeverance and of your facrifices.

To the Ligurian People.

YOUR enemies and ours have calculated upon the procrafti nation of their meafures. Is it poffible that they can have calcu Jated upon our unwillingness to act? They reject peace. Well, let the iffue be tried in the field of battle. Unhappy thofe who provoke thefe new calamities!


LONG covered by a buckler of glory, and recently confirmed. in conftancy by the most terrible of fcourges, I repofe, with fecurity, on your conftancy, and on your attachment. I know the fnates which are laid in your territory, and the feds of dif cord which it is wifhed to plant in your councils; but You will keep yourfelves ftrongly united, and you will teach the inhabitants of your vallies that religion condemns every thing which is fone in its name to flir up trife.

The re-establishment of your commerce and of your greatness depends on peace. We fhall confecrate our new battles to conquer a folid and honourable peace; that is to fay, to the most just and moft generous of all ends.


To the People of Piedmont.

THOSE who lately have invaded our territory, wifhed to transform your country into a province of their dominions. The pride of your hearts, and the independence of your arms, already felt indignant at the idea of new humiliations. The memorable day of Marengo changed at once your deftiny. The government of your country is reftored into your hands; peace would finally eftablish your liberty, but your enemies reject it at this price.

Thus then the theatre of battles is re-opened for the liberty of the people of Italy. Your first battalions are ready; haften to raise new ones. I am perfuaded, that they will be worthy of you, and of the French army, whofe glory they are about to partake.

Piedmontefe, extinguish, I conjure you, that fpirit of intertine commotion which would end in the degradation of a brave and generous people. Let thofe mifled mountaineers, who think that they are doing fervice to religion and their country, by deftroying both, be fet right by good citizens. If they perfift in. diforder, abandon them to all the rigour of the laws.

Let harmony, firmnefs, and juftice, direct all your thoughts and all your refolutions, and foon victory will enable you to reap all the bleffings of peace.



Extract from the official Note tranfmitted by Lord Whitworth to the Count de Bernstorff.

August 21, 1800.

THE English Minifter fupports the principles which he had eftablished in his firft note, and fays, that if the principle be once admitted, that a Danish frigate may legally guarantee from all fearch fix merchant-fhips, it follows naturally that that fame power, or any other power whatever, may, by means of the fmalleft fhip of war, extend the fame protection to all the commerce of the enemy in all parts of the world; it will only be neceffary to find in the whole circle of the universe a single neutral state, however inconfiderable it may be, well difpofed enough towards our enemies to lend them its flag, and to cover all their commerce, without running the leaft rifk; for when examination can no longer take place, fraud fears no difcovery. In the note which the Count de Bernstorff has juft tranfmitted, the undersigned perceives with pain, that, far from withing to fa

tisfy the juft demand of the King his mafter, the Danish government ftill perfifts in fupporting, not only the principle upon which it founds its aggrellion, but alfo the right of defending it by means of arms. In this ftate of things, the underfigned has no other alternative than to perform ftrictly his duty, by infifting anew on the fatisfaction which the King his mafter requires, and by declaring to M. de Bernftorff, that, in fpite of his fincere defire to be the inftrument of the reconciliation of the two courts, he fhall be obliged to leave Copenhagen with all the English miffion in the fpace of a week, reckoning from the day of the figning of this note, unlefs, in the interval, the Danish government thall adopt counfels more conformable to the interefts of the two countries, and, above all, to thofe of Denmark, with whom his Majefty has conftantly defired, and still defires, to live in terms of friendship and alliance. The underfigned, therefore, has the honour to repeat to the Count de Bernftorff, that he is enjoined to quit Copenhagen with the King's million in a week, unlefs a fatisfactory reply be given before the expiration of that term.

He requests the Count de Bernftorff to accept the affurances of his moft diftinguifhed confideration.

Extract from the Reply of M. de Bernstorff.

August 26.

IF Lord Whitworth thinks to deftroy the force of the arguments developed in that note (note to Mr. Merry of the 19th April) by the reflection, that, by the right of guaranteeing from fearch merchantmen under the convoy of a thip of war, the leaft powerful neutral state would acquire the faculty of covering with impunity, with its flag, an illicit commerce--the underfigned entreats him to obferve, that the government which should degrade itself to the point of lending its flag to fuch a fraud, would by that conduct pafs the bounds of neutrality, and would in confequence authorize the belligerent power, to the preju dice of which the fraud had been committed, to adopt meafures which ordinary circumftances would not admit. The ftate which neglects its duties expofes itfelf, without doubt, to the rifk of lofing its rights; but the fufpicion of degrading conduct would be as injurious to the government which thould not deferve it, as it would be little honourable to the government which fhould advance it without foundation; but this caufe cannot exist between Denmark and Great Britain. The English government is not ignorant, without doubt, that the Danish officers who command convoys are perfonally refpofible that the cargoes of the fhips belonging to thofe convoys do not contain ar

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