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conducted with great ability by Lieutenant Hennah, who, notwithstanding a heavy fire from the fhore on all fides, bravely boarded the corvette, and having fet fire to her, fhe foon after blew up. He fpeaks in high terms of commendation of thofe under his orders; and I admire the fpirit that pervaded all the officers and men employed upon this occafion: no prifoners were taken, and the conduct of Captain Ogilvy in the guidance and management of the Magicienne, by drawing the fire of the batteries from the boats, contributed to the fervice being effected with very little lofs. I am, &c.

The Earl of St. Vincent, K. B. &c.


A Lift of Men killed and wounded in taking the Veffel named below.
One killed belonging to the Suwarrow.

Seven wounded belonging to the Captain.

Lift of Veffels.

A fhip corvette: deftroyed by the boats of the fquadron.

A merchant-fhip: taken by the Magicienne's boat under Lieutenant Rodney, and afterwards burnt.

A merchant-vefiel: taken by the Nile cutter, and afterwards burnt.

From the LONDON GAZETTE, December 6, 1800.

Almiralty Office, December 6.

Copy of a Letter from Lieutenant Bond, commanding his Majefty's Schooner the Netley, to Evan Nepean, Efq.; dated at Lisbon, the 11th November.

I HAVE the honour to forward, for the inspection of the Lords Commiffioners of the Admiralty, copies of two letters which I have written to Captain Halfted, of his Majefty's fhip Phoenix;


And have the honour to be, &c.


Netley, in the Tagus, November 9. AFTER receiving your orders to put myself under your command, I failed hence on the 5th of September with a convoy for Oporto, at which place they arrived fafe on the 11th following.

I have the pleasure to acquaint you, that in his Majefty's schooner we captured, on the 28th of the fame month, the Spanish privateer Noftra Senora del Carmen la Confianza, of two guns and 26 men; and that, on the 16th ult. we retook the brig Mary, from Dublin, and the Lial Invicta Vianna, a Portuguese government lugger, of seven guns, both which had been captured the preceding day by a French privateer of 14 guns, the latter after an action of half an hour.

As the Mary had, on the 14th, been cut from her anchorage under the fort of Saint John's by a Spanish row-boat, the governor of Vianna thought it neceffary to intercept her, and accordingly fent the lugger on that fervice, when both fell into the hands of the French: the crew of the Netley have in confequence given up, free of falvage, the Lial Invicta Vianna to the order of his Excellency M. Pedro de Millo.

I have the honour to be, &c.


Sir, Netley, River Tagus, November 18. IN addition to my letter of yesterday's date which I had the pleasure of riting, I beg leave to acquaint you, that on my arrival off the Rock of ifbon, on the 7th inftant, information was given of a Spanish privateer hooner lurking in the neighbourhood; and that the Newfoundland onvoy being difperfed, were daily approaching the Tagus; at night a lot boat acquainted me of the recent capture of a brig loaded with falt th, which induced me to close with the fhore in the hope of interceptog her: fhe had been taken eighteen hours before, during light winds, fight of a remnant of the convoy then in the offing. The privateer nd her prize, the Hunter of Greenock, were difcovered by us in the ark at anchor; while the boat was difpatched to the brig, we run the ther on board, dropped our anchor, and, without mifchief or firing, ook poffeffion of her, though they were at quarters. She is called the St. Miguel, alias Alertta, of nine guns, eighteens and fixes, and 65 men, ad been off the ftocks about two months, and failed from the river Pontevedra; we all three anchored within St. Julien's the fame day. I have the honour to be, &c.


From the LONDON GAZETTE, December 16, 1800.

Amberg, November 30, Five o' Clock, P. M. IN advancing towards Portfaal, a few fmall detachments only of the enemy, of the divifion of Collaud, were met with between Ratisbon and Kelhaim, who were probably already on their march to Landshut. Colonel Walmoden furrounded the village of Lengenfeld, near Portfaal, and carried off the garrifon which was left there, confifting of feven of ficers, 200 cavalry and infantry, and 60 horfes: Colonel Walmoden found the garrifon of Kelhaim, which confifted of a few hundred men, retiring. The lofs of the Austrians in this march has been very inconfiderable. Captain Scheibler, of the Houlans de Meerveldt, pofted with a detachment of 60 horfe near Freystadt, attacked in the morning of the 29th, at Pleinfeld, the 7th regiment of French cuiraffiers, of 300 men, during its march, put it into diforder, and made two officers and feven men prifoners: the colonel of the regiment was wounded, and two officers were killed. The lofs of the enemy has been 20 killed and wounded. Captain Scheibler, who was flightly wounded in the arm, had two men killed and two made prifoners. Pleinfeld is evacuated by the enemy, and none have paffed through it fince the laft column, which paffed through on the 29th.

Extract of a Letter from his Royal Highness the Archduke John, to the Council of War at Vienna; dated Haun, December 1.

ACCORDING to the intention which I yefterday communicated to the council of war, I advanced this morning, before daybreak, with three columns, in order to attack the enemy. We found them advantageously pofted on a rifing ground; and they defended themselves with the greatest obftinacy. Our attacks were repeatedly repulfed at length, however, our brave troops remained victorious, after ten hours refiftance on the part of the enemy, who difputed the ground inch by inch, but who were compelled to abandon to us (in as far as I am at prefent informed) fix pieces of cannon and 800 prifoners.


Our out-pofts are near Haag. From what I have been able to collect from the prisoners, the number of troops that opposed us amounted to three divifions.

Those who have particularly distinguished themselves on this occafion, are the regiment of Lacy, which had three staff officers wounded; those of Weizey and Benioffscky huffars, the 60th regiment of infantry, the 3d battalions of Peterwardeiner and the Gradifkaner, the frontier huflars, and the artillery.

Major-general Loppert, who commanded the vanguard, and Captain Junger of Weizey huffars, at the head of his fquadron, attacked and carried one of the enemy's batteries. Field-marfhal Lieutenant Klenau mentions his having paffed the Danube, pushed on as far as Arbach, made feveral prifoners, and invefted Straubing and Ratisbon. Majorgeneral Mufery took at Landshut a company of French grenadiers and three officers. Our lofs in wounded is not inconfiderable. I fhall fend a detailed account of it, as well as of the whole affair, as foon as circumftances enable me to do fo.

From the LONDON GAZETTE, December 20, 1800.

Downing Street, December 20.

DISPATCHES, of which the following are extract and copies, have been received from William Wickham, Efq. by the Right Hon. Lord Grenville, his Majefty's principal Secretary of State for the foreign department.

Extract of a Letter from William Wickham, Efq. to the Right Hon. Lord Grenville; dated Head-quarters, Amfing, 30th November.

ON the 28th, after I had written my difpatch from Eggenfenden, the head-quarters were removed to Maffing on the Rodt.

The head-quarters were laft night at Neumark, and arrived here this day about twelve o'clock: the roads being ftill in a most dreadful state, a great part of the army is ftill behind.

On the Archduke's arrival here, he found the enemy in force on the heights immediately in front of the town.

The tête de pont of Wafferbourg was attacked yesterday, and the enemy repulfed with fome lofs, after having entered the abbatis in front of the work.

My Lord,

Head-quarters, Haag, 2d December. I HAVE the honour to fend your Lordfhip the enclofed copy of a report I have this day received from his Serene Highness the Prince of Condé, containing an account of the attack which the enemy made vel terday on a part of his Serene Highness's corps, commanded by the Duke of Enghien, in front of Roffenheim.

I have the honour to be, &c.

To the Right Hon. Lord Grenville, &c.


Account of the Action at Roffenheim, on the 1ft of December.

QUR advanced pofts, on the left fide of the Inn, were attacked this day at noon; their right had been abfolutely uncovered for three days

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aft, and the enemy were already on the banks on that fide of the river he advanced pofts, commanded by the Duke d'Enghien, were engaged pwards of four hours, difputing the ground inch by inch: the whole orps was not affembled on the right fide of the Inn before five o'clock. A pretty ftrong column of the enemy having marched out of the town, t was allowed to advance till within the proper diftance, when the Prince of Condé ordered all the batteries to fire upon it at once: this fire, well lirected and well fuftained, compelled the colump to retreat into the town mmediately. Lieutenant-colonel De Sartige, of the engineers, protected by the fire of the artillery, broke down the bridge, but in fuch a manner is that it could promptly be re-established, if, as it is hoped, it should be jeceffary.

Our lofs is very small; that of the enemy must have been more confiderable. An artillery-man was wounded by the fide of the Duke d'Angoulême. No officers are known as yet to have been wounded, except Mr. de Vafsé, adjutant to the Duke d'Angoulême, and the Engineer De Caftre.

My Lord,

Head-quarters, Haag, 2d December. The march of General Kienmayer towards the Ifer, and the direction which the whole army had firft taken towards Landshut, having drawn a confiderable part of General Moreau's force towards Aerding, the heights between Ampfing and Haag had been occupied by one fingle divifion under General Ney.

In the courfe of laft night, however, General Moreau had reinforced his pofition with two more divifions, and had taken the command of the whole himself.

Yesterday at daybreak the heights were attacked. After an obftinate refiftance on the part of the enemy, they were carried in fucceffion as far as the hill on the fide of Ramfau, where the troops were obliged to halt, from exceffive fatigue, about fix in the evening.

In the night General Moreau abandoned this place, and retired to his old pofition at Hohenlinden and Aerding.

The whole ground from Ampfing to Ramfau was particularly favourable to the enemy, and confifted in heights covered with thick woods, and interfected by deep marthy vallies, where the Auftrian cavalry could not poffibly act.

The Auftrians took 800 prifoners and two pieces of cannon: the cannon were taken with four others, by the huffars of Vecfey, who distinguished themselves very much during the whole of the affair, throwing themselves into the woods in places where it was thought impoffible for cavalry to have penetrated. The other four pieces of cannon were retaken by a charge of the enemy's grenadiers, there not having been time to fend a fufficient force to fupport the huffars.

The lofs of the Auftrians is computed to be near 1500 men in killed, wounded, and prifoners. General Moreau is faid by the prisoners to have received a mufket-ball through his cloak.

The Archduke was on horfeback twelve hours, and flept in a hovel on the heights.

Right Hon. Lord Grenville.



Almiralty Office, December 20.

Letter from Captain Lukin, of his Majesty's Ship Thames, to Earl St. Vin

My Lord,. Thames, Plymouth Sound, 13th December. I HAVE the honour to acquaint your Lordship with the arrival his Majefty's fhip I command at this anchorage; and of her having on the 30th of last month, captured, fifteen leagues from the tower Corduan, after a chafe of fix hours, a French brig privateer called L'Acti. of 14 fix-pounders, two long brafs twelves, and 137 men. particular fine new veffel, coppered, and had been out only one day on her firft cruife. I learn from the prifoners that only two English veffes have been carried into any of the French or Spanish ports within the three months: that one of them was carried into Rochelle, the other in Patage. I conclude Captain Hotham will have acquainted you of our having captured on the 29th of October laft, at night, a fchooner letter of marque, from Guadaloupe to Bourdeaux, laden with coffee, &c. having chafed her, in company with the Immortalité, all day.

Admiral the Earl St. Vincent, K. B.

I am, &c.

Admiralty Office, December 20.


Letter from the Honourable Captain Paget, of his Majefty's Ship Brillian, to Earl St. Vincent.

My Lord,

Brilliant, at Sea, November 20. I HAVE the honour to inform your Lordship, that on the 18th inft. the St. Jago Spanish fchooner privateer, of 10 guns and 60 men, was captured by his Majefty's fhip Brilliant, under my command.

I have the honour to be, &c.


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From the LONDON GAZETTE, December 23, 1800.
Admiralty Office, December 22.

Copy of a Letter from Vice-admiral Lutwidge, Commander in Chief of hi Majefty's Ships and Peffels in the Downs, to Mr. Nepean; dated on board the Overyfel, December 20.

I DESIRE you will pleafe to lay before the Lords Commiflioners of the Admiralty the enclofed letter from Lieutenant Wells, commanding his Majefty's hired cutter the Lord Duncan, giving me an account of his having captured the French cutter privateer L'Eclair, commanded by Jacquiere Touflaint le Terrier, carrying three guns and 20 men, having been out two days from Cherbourg, without taking any thing.

1 am, &c.


His Majefty's hired Cutter Lord Duncan, Down, 20th December.

Sir, I BEG leave to acquaint you of my having feen the convoy fafe into St. Helen's, agreeably to your directions; and that on my return (Thuri day the 18th inftant), being off Shoreham in a thick fog, I fell in with


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