Slike strani

Moreau, his order impofing a contribution on
the Circle of Franconia, 27-His answer
to the note of the minifters of feveral neutral
powers at Ratifbon, refpecting the contri-
butions impofed on that city, 87---His
order for the deftruction of the fortreffes
of Ulm, Ingolftadt, and Philipsburg, 98
His letter to Bonaparte, announcing
the conclufion of a new armistice, and the
ceffion of Ulm, &c. 132-His letter to the
Archduke John,confenting to a renewal of
the armistice on condition of the ceffion of
new places of fecurity, 133-His procla-
mation to the army, 134-His decree
for proceeding upon the demolition of the
fortreffes of Ulm, Ingolstadt, and Philipf-
burg, 284-His proclamation on the re-
fumption of hoftilities, 332

Morla, Thomas de, governor of Cadiz, his
letter to General Abercromby and Lord
Keith, 262-From the fame to the fame,


Naples, King of, his edict refpecting the
nobleffe, 17

Naffau, country of, protection granted to it
by General Augereau, 157.
Navarefe territory, decree uniting it with
the Cifalpine, 249

Nelfon, Lord, English admiral before Malta,
his fummons to the commander of that
garrifon to furrender, 324

Nepean, Evan, his letter to Lord Grenville,

Neutral powers of the North, obfervations

upon their maritime rights, 1--Cafe of
the Swedish convoy, captured by Com-
modore Lawford, 3-Decifion relative to
the American hip Pigou, 8-Letter
from the English chargé des affaires at the
court of Denmark, relative to the capture
of a Danish frigate by the English, 22--
French decree relative to neutral flags,
48--Sir Richard Bickerton's notice to
the confuls of neutral nations at Cadiz,
announcing the ftrict blockade of that
city, 60--Note from Lord Grenville to
the Danish minifter, refpecting the capture
of the Freya frigate, 70---Article pub-
lithed by the Danith conful at Hamburgh
refpecting the above capture, 79-Captain
Krabbe's account of the engagement, 83
-Note from Lord Whitworth to the
Danish minifter, relative to the rights of
neutral veffels failing under convoy, 95-
Aufwer of the Danith minifter to the
above, 96-Lord Whitworth's reply, 97
-Journal of the proceedings of Admir 1
Dick fon's fquadron, in fupport of Lord
Whitworth's demands from the Danith

government, 104-Of the Spanish mini-
fter, relative to a violation of the right of
neutral flags, alleged to have been com-
mitted by the English at Barcelona, 129-
To the Swedish minifter, on the fame
fubject, ibid.-Judgment of Sir William
Scott in the cafe of the Swedish convoy,
241--The Earl of Liverpool's difcourfe
on the rights of neutral flags, 263-Note
from the Swedish minifter to the Spanish
minifter, on the fubject of the complaint
made of a Swedish veffel being employed by
the English in an hoftile enterprife at Barce-
lona, 289-From the fame to the Pruffian
minifter, on the fame fubject, 330--Diplo
matic correfpondence relative to a Prussian
prize carried into Cuxhaven, 336--Note
from the Batavian minifter to the King of
Sweden, on the affair at Barcelona, 337
Note from Lord Grenville to the Danish
minifter, refpecting the capture of the
Freya frigate, 70-From the minifters of
feveral neutral powers, at Ratisbon, to
Moreau, respecting the contribution
impofed on that city, 86--From Lord
Whitworth to the Danish minifter, rela-
tive to the rights of neutral veffels failing
under convoy, 95-From Lord Grenville
to M. Otto, 172-From M. Otto to
Lord Grenville, 173-From the fame to
the fame, 177-From Lord Grenville to
M. Otto, 182--From M. Otto to Mr.
Nepean, ibid.--From Lord Grenville to
M. Otto, 184-From the fame to the
fame, ibid.--From M. Otto to Lord
Grenville, 191-From Lord Grenville to
M. Otto, 198--From M. Otto to Lord
Grenville, 206-From Lord Grenville to
M. Otto, 211-From the fame to the
fame, 212-From the fame to the fame,
213--Of M. Otto, 225-From Mr.
Hammond to M. Otto, 230-From Lord
Minto to Baron Thugut, 237-From
Thugut to the members of the diplomatic
body, announcing his removal, 255---
From Count Cobentzek to the fame, an-
nouncing his appointment to the place of
minifter, ibid.-From the Swedish to the
Spanish minifter, on the fubject of a
Swedish veffel being employed by the
English in an hoftile enterprise at Barce-
lona, 289-From the fame to the Pruf
fian minifter, on the fame fubject, 330

Of the Pruffian minister to the mini-
fters of his Imperial Majefty, relative to
the occupation of a place within the line
of demarcation, 331--Of the Batavian
minifter to the King of Sweden, on the
affair at Barcelona, 337

Notice in the Petersburgh gazette, expreffing
an apprehenfion of a rupture with Eng-
land, 124-On the departure of the Fm-
peror of Germany for the army, 125--
N 2

Ifued by the Chamber of Commerce to
Danish merchants and traders, 132—-Of
the rupture of the armistice, given by Au-
gereau, 296
Notification published by the commiffary of
the Auftrian government, announcing the
reitoration of the Pope, 29--Of Souham
to the magistrates of Frankfort, on their
refufal to pay the contribution imposed on
that city, 59-Of the chancery of the
Directorial Legation of Auftria, relative
to the great concourfe of foreigners at
Vienna, 100-Of General Kray, on his
refigning the command of the Imperial
army, 116-Of the removal of Baron
Thugut, 254

Nuremberg, city, political obfervations on
its rights, 88


Obfervations on the fate of the armies, from
the Moniteur, 58--Political, on France
and Auftria, 85-On the ftate of the city
of Nuremberg, 88--Political, on Eng-
land, from the French official paper, 159

Upon the negotiations with England,
313-Ditto, 321

Official communication of the Batavian Di-
rectory, announcing the figning of preli-
minaries of peace between France and
Auftria, 78

Order of Moreau, impofing a contribution
on Franconia, 27-Of Maffena, impofing
a contribution on Lucca, 44—Of the day,
in the Batavian army, announcing the
rupture of the armiftice in Germany, 92
-Of Moreau, for the deftruction of the
fortreffes of Ulm, Ingolstadt, and Philipf-
burg, 98-Of the French general, re-
fpecting merchants attending the fair of
Frankfort, 121-Of General Bonnet, ap-
pointing a force for the protection of Ra-
tifbon, 131-Of the day, in the Batavian
army, announcing the prolongation of the
armistice, on condition of the furrender of
three fortreffes, 133-Of Augereau, an.
nouncing the refumption of hoftilities,


Otto, Citizen, his correfpondence with Lord
Grenville, relative to the commencement
of negotiation's for peace with France, 165

His letter to Lord Grenville, ibid.-
From the fame to the same, 166—His
full powers, 167-His letter to Lord
Grenville, 173-His note to the fame,
ibid. His letter to the fame, 176-His
note to the fame, 177-His note to Mr.
Nepean, 182-His letter to Captain
George, ibid. His letter to Lord Gren-
ville, 184-His letter to the fame, 189-
His letter to the fame, 190-His letter to
the fame, 200-His letter to the fame,

205-His note to the famot, 206-B
letter to Mr. Hammond, 225-His zu.
ibid. His letter to Mr. Hammond, 231
-His letter to the fame, 232-
ter to the fame, 233


Parliamentary papers, 349-British Parfi
ment, ibid. His Majesty's fpeech on is
opening, ibid.Addrefs moved in the
Houfe of Lords by the Duke of Somerle,
and feconded by Lord Hobart, 351-
Ditto moved in the Houfe of Commons,


by Sir John Wrottefley, and feconded by
Mr. Dickenfon, ibid. Mr. Tierney's mo
tion for a call of the Houfe, to confider
the state of the nation, 353-Diplomatic
correspondence on the negotiation for peace
with France, prefented by Lord Grenville,
ibid. Lord Holland's motion for officid
papers that paffed between the French and
Auftrian governments, ibid.--His Ma
jefty's answer to the addrefs, ibid.-Mt.
Jones's motion for official papers rela-
tive to the infraction of the convention
of Egypt, 354-Mr. Sheridan's motion
for feveral official papers connected with
the correfpondence between Lord Gren
ville and M. Otto, ibid.—Mr. Tierney's
motion for a committee on the state of the
nation, 356-Mr. Robfon's motion for
the reduction of the cavalry, ibid.—Mr.
Sheridan's motion for peace, 357-Lord
Suffolk's motion for an account of the
force employed in the expedition to Hol-
land, ibid. Ditto for papers relative to
the convention in Egypt, ibid.-Ditto for
parol evidence on the fame fubject, ibid.-
Mr. Jones's motion for the difmiffal of
minifters, 358--Lord Holland's motion
for papers refpecting Egypt, ibid.-M.
Nicholl's motion for an addrefs to his
Majesty, recommending a negotiation for
peace, ibid.--Speech of the Speaker, of
the expiration of the feffion, 359-Speech
of his Majefty to both Houfes, on the
fame occafion, 360

Philipfburg, order of Moreau for the deftruc
tion of its fortifications, 98-Decree of
the fame for proceeding upon the above
order, 284
Piedmont, Maffena's letter, complaining of
infurrectional movements in that country,
45-General Jourdan's decree, appointing
a new government, 252
Piedmontefe republic, general orders of the
commander of the army of Italy affecting
it, 115

Plan of a royalift conspiracy at Paris, 53
Pope, Pius VII. notification announcing
his restoration, 29


Preliminaries of peace figned by Count St.
Julien at Paris, 42
Prifoners, British, in Ruffia, Mr. Shairp's
letter respecting them, 337
Proclamation of the provifional government
of Milan, 24-Of Bonaparte, reorganiz-
ing the Cifalpine republic, 25-Ditto, 26
Of the Grand Vizir, refpecting the
affaffination of General Kleber, 29-Of
Menou to the army of Egypt, announcing
the affaffination of General Kleber, 36-—
Of the fame to the fame, declaring his
intention not to abide by any treaty nego-
tiated by Kleber, unless it should be rati-
fied by the French government, 38--
Published at Vienna, relative to difcon-
tent and fuppofed fedition in that city, 43

Of the French General Guenaud, con-
firmed by the Duke of Parma, 45-Of
Maffena, publifhed at Milan, 66—-Of
Toufaint Louverture to the inhabitants
of the fouth of St. Domingo, 68—Of
Maffena, on his delivering up the com-
mand of the army of Italy to General
Brane, 88-Of the Bishop of Wurtzburg,
92-Of General Brune on his fucceeding
Maffena ia the command of the army of
Italy, 93-Of the fame to the army,
ibid. Of the fame to the Cifalpine repub-
lic, 94-To the Ligurian people, ibid.-
To the people of Piedmont, 95--Of
Grenier, ordaining measures for the pre-
vention of affafhnations in the countries
occupied by the left wing of the army of
the Rhine, 99-Of the government of
Bavaria, relative to the contribution im-
pofed on it by Moreau, 100--Of his
Imperial Majefty, upon the rupture of the
armistice, 117--Of the French General
Augereau to the inhabitants of the coun-
tries of the Empire at war with France,
118-Published by the Emperor, previous
to his departure from Vienna, regulations
refpecting it, 121-Of the government of
Bohemia, relative to the defence of the
Empire, 127-Of Moreau to the army,
134-Of his Electoral Highness of Bava
ria, relative to the conduct of the electoral
ftates towards the French, 151---Of
Touffaint Louverture to the inhabitants of
the fouth of St. Domnigo, 161-Of Ge-
neral Dupont to the inhabitants of Leg-
horn, 249-Of General Soult to the Pied-
montefe, 250-Of the Archduke Charles
to the inhabitants of Bohemia, Moravia,
&c. for railing a military force in these
countries, 293-Of General Maitland,
on his arrival at Port au Prince, 294-
Of the fame, difavowing any intention to
evacuate that city, 295-Of Moreau to
the army, on the refumption of hostili-
ties, 332--Of General Brune, on the
fame occafion, 333-Of the Archduke,
previous to his departure to take the

command of the atmy, 345—Of the
French general, on entering Salzburg,

Projet, French, 181--Counter, English,
187-French, 203

Propofition, outline of the first, alleged to
have been made by Bonaparte to the Em-
peror, 69
Propofitions made by Lord Minto, the Eng
lith ambaffador to the Emperor of Ger-
many, 82

Pruffia, King of, treaty between him and the
United States of America, xxv---The com-
plaint of his ambassador at Vienna, of the
violation of the line of demarcation by
Auftria, 331--Declaration of his officer
on entering Ritzebuttel, 334-Diplomatic
correfpondence relative to a Prussian prize
carried into Cuxhaven, and the poffettion
of the place, 336


Ratisbon, note from the minifters of feveral
neutral powers to Moreau, relative to the
contribution imposed on that city, 86-
Order of General Bonnet, appointing a
military force for its protection, 131
Refutal of the Emperor of Ruffia to receive
an ambaffador from the Emperor of Ger-
many, 284

Regulations for effecting the co-operation
required in the proclamation publifhed by
the Emperor, previous to his departure
from Vienna, 121

Report of the French minister of police re-
fpecting the emigrants, 285-Of the com-
mittee of general police, relative to an
English committee at Paris, 22
Ritzebuttel, declaration of the Pruffian corn-
mander on entering that place, 334
Ruffia, Emperor of, his orders for the for-
mation of two armies in Lithuania and
Volhynia, 108-Novice, published in
the Petersburgh Gazette, relative to a pro-
bable rupture with England, 124-His
refuful to receive an ambasador from the
Emperor of Germany, 284-His decla-
ration relative to an armed neutrality
334-His ditto, relative to Malta, ibid.
-His order, laying an embargo on Eng.
lith veffels, 337-Mr. Shairp's letter to
the British prifoners in Russia, ibid.—-Its
treaty with Turkey, relative to the Ex-
Venetian islands, 367

Ruffian prifoners in France, letter from the
minifter at war relative to their treatment,
62-Edict, fequeftering English property,
106--Officers, prifoners at Paris, their
letter to Bonaparte, 131-Letter from the
Rufian ambafador at Berlin, announcing
that the fequeftration was taken off, 132



Salzburg, proclamation of the French gene- Thugut, Imperial minifter, his letter to

ral on entering that city, 361
Savona, its capitulation, iv

Saurau, Francis Count Von, his proclama-
tion relative to difcontents in Vienna,

Scott, Sir William, his judgment in the

cafe of the Swedish convoy, 241
Shairp, Mr. his letter refpecting the British
prifoners in Ruffia, 337
Siegenthal, Imperial general, convention
entered into by him with the French gene-
ral previous to the occupation of Leghorn
by the latter, 291
St. Domingo, proclamation of Touffaint
Louverture to the inhabitants of the fouth
of that ifland, 68-His letter to the fame,
146-His inftructions, 148-His procla
mation to the inhabitants of the fouth,
161-Proclamation of General Maitland,
on his arrival at Port au Prince, 294-
Ditto of the fame, difavowing any inten-
tion to evacuate that city, 295
St. Julien, Count, preliminaries of peace
figned by him at Paris, 42

St. Prieft, his letter, in the name of the
King of France,. 57

Souham, his notification to the magistrates

of Frankfort, on their refufal to pay the
contribution, 59

Soult, his proclamation to the Piedmontefe,

Speech of Benjamin Conftat in the Tribunate,

28-Of General Jourdan, in his quality
of minister to the Confulta at Turin, ror
-His ditto to the Piedmontele govern-
ment, ibid.-Of Citizen Botta, on the
fame occafion, 102-Of the Prefident of
the Tribunate, on the fête of the republic,
138-Of Lucien Bonaparte, on the fame
occafion, 141-Of Mr. Adams, on the
opening of Congrefs, 339--Of Emile
Gaudin, on the foreign political relations
of France, 346-Of his Majelly to both
Houfes of Parliament, at their meeting,

State of the French republic, official, tranf-
lation, 305

Steyer, armistice of, 362

Sweden, King of, fubftance of his answer to

the note of the Batavian minister relative
to the affair at Barcelona, 339
Swedish convoy, cafe of, 3-Sir William

Scott's judgment upon it, 241
Swedish minifter, his answer to the Spanish
minifter, relative to the complaint of a
Swedish veffel being employed by the Eng-
lifh in an hoftile enterprife at Barcelona,
289His note to the Prufirm mainitter
on the fame fubje&, 330-Impiai mini-
fter's answer, 332

Talleyrand, 235-Imperial notification of
his removal, 254-His note to the foreign
minifters on that event, 255
Touffaint Louverture, his proclamation to
the inhabitants of the fouth of St. Do-
mingo, 68-His letter to the fame, 146
-His inftructions to the deputies to the
conftituted authorities of Cayes, 148-
His proclamation to all the inhabitants of
the fouth of St. Domingo, 161
Treaties, between the King of Great Britain
and the Elector of Mentz, i-Between
America and France, x-Between France
and the reigning princes of Wied, xxii-
Between Pruffia and America, xxv--
Between Ruffia and Turkey, relative to
the Ex-Venetian iflands, 367
Tribunate, fpeech of the Prefident, on the
fête of the republic, 138

Tunis, its armistice with France, x
Turkey, its treaty with Ruffia, relative to
the Ex-Venetian islands, 367
Tuscany, the French general's letter, com-
plaining of its national troops, 103-
Article from the Moniteur, in justifica
tion of its invafion, 253-Letter of Ge-
neral Dupont, relative to the dibanding
the levies, 256-His deeree refpecting its
provifional government, 258--General
Clement's proclamation to its inhabitants,
ibid.-General Dupont's account of its
internal fituation, 259


Vaubois, French General commanding at
Malta, his anfwers to various fummonfes
from the enemy, requiring him to fur-
render, 324, 325, 326, 327
Venetian, Ex, iffunds, treaty between Ruf-
fia and Turkey concerning them, 367
Vienna, proclamation relative to discontents
in that city, 43


Ulm, order of Moreau for the deftruction
of the fortifications of that city, as alfo
thofe of Ingolstadt and Philipfburg, 98-
Decree of the fame, on the same subject,

Viquiio, Chevalier, Spanish minifter, his
letter to the foreign, minifters at the court
of Madrid, relative to an alleged violation
of the right of neutral flags by the English
at Barcelon, 129-Ditto from ditto to
the Sweath minifter, on the fame subject,



Wedell, V. Pruffian commander, his decla-
ration on entering Ritzebuttel, 334
Whitworth, Lord, his official note to the
Danish minifter, relative to the rights of
neutral veffels failing under convoy, 95
-His reply to the Danish minifter's an-
fwer, 97

Wied, reigning princes of, their treaty of
Wirtemberg, ftates of the dutchy of, me-
peace with France, xxii
moir relative to the contributions impofed
ont hem, 327

Wurtzburg, prince bishop of, his proclama
tion on quitting his refidence, 92


Printed by S. GOSNELL, Little Queen Street, Holborn.

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