Slike strani

Contributions, memoir refpecting thofe im-
poted on the fates of Wittemberg, 327
Convention between the French and Aultrian

annies in Italy, to regulite the position of
adv..nced poft, &c. vii -Preliminary,
be ween Denmark and Great Britain, ix
--between America and France, x-Be-
tween America and Pruffin, xav- Be-
tween the French and Außrian Generals
in Chief, relative to an atauftice m Ge-
nny, 48---Berwen France and liem-
bourg, xx-Of Holenlinden, 134-Be-
tween the Imperial and French general,
betore the latter took potenon of Leg-
hon, 291

Coquetent Munther, French conful at Am-
fterdim, his letter to Sir Robert Barclay,
reipecting the want of a British agent for
pritoners at that city, t
Correspondence between Crizen Otto and
Lord Grenville, relative to the com-
mencement of negotiations for place le-
tween Fiance and England, 165-Con-
taining, Letter from M. Okto to Lord
Grenville, dated Hereto d Street, 6 Fruc-
tidor, 8th year-And tranflation, ibid. →→
Letter from M. Otto to Lord Grenville,
dated London, 6 Fructido, 8th year--
And tflation, 165-Letter from Lord
Grenville to Commiffioner George, dated
Downing Street, Augult 26, 1800, 167
--M. Otto's full powers, dated Paris, 2
Fructidor, 8th year, ibid.--And tranfla-
tion, 168--Letter from Loid Grenville
to Commiffioner George, dated Downing
Street, Auguft 28, 1800, ibid.-Minute
of Instructions to Captain George, dated
Auguft 28, 1800, 169--Letter from
Commiffioner George to Lord Grenville,
dated Park Place, Auguft 29, 1800, 170
--Letter from Lord Grenville to Com-
miflioner George, dated Downing Street,
Auguft 20, 1800, 171--Letter from
Lord Grenville to M. Otto, dated Down-
ing Street, August 29, 1800, thid.---
Nove from Lord Grenville to M. Otto,
dated Downing Street, August 29, 18co,
172-Letter from M. Otto to Lord
Grenville, dated Hereford Street, 12
Fructidor, 8th year--And tranflation,
173-Note from M. Otto to Lord Gren-
ville, dated Hereford Street, 12 Fruéti-
dor, 8 h year, ibid.---And tranflation,
174-Let er from Lord Grenville to
Captain George, dated Downing Street,
September 2, 1800, 175--Letter from
M. Otto to Lord Grenville, dated Here-
ford Street, 17 Fructidor, 8th year, 196
---And tranflation, 177-Note from M.
Otto to Lord Grenville, dated Hereford
Strect, 17 Fructidor, 8th year, shid.-
And tranflation, 178-Letter from Lord
Grenville to Evan Nepean, Efq. dated
Downing Street, September 4, 1850, 179

-Letter from Evan Nepean to Lord
Grenville, dated London, September 4,
1800, 180-Copy of the projer, ibid.→
And tranflation, 181--Note from Lord
Grenville to M. Otto, dated Downing
Street, September 5, 1800, 182-Note
from M. Otto to Mr. Nepean, dated
Thursday evening, September 4, 1800,
bid---Letter from M. Otto to Captain
George, dated London, 18 Fructidor, 8%
year, ibid.--And tranflation, 183—Letter
from M. Otto to Lord Grenville, dated
Hereford Steer, 19 Fruétidor, 8th year,
ibid.--And tranflation, 184-Note from
Lord Grenville to M. Otto, dated Downing
Street, September 7, 1800,bid.--Note from
Lord Grenville to M. Otto, dated Down
ing Street, September 7, 1800, vid.-
Copy of the counter-projet, 187-Letter
from M. Otto to Lord Grenville, dateł
Hereford Street, 21 Fructidor, 8th year,
189-And tranflation, 190-Letter from
M. Otto to Lord Grenvilie, dated Here-
ford Street, 29 Fructidor, 8th year, ibid.
-And tranflation, 191-Note from M.
Otto to Lord Grenville, dated Hereford
Street, 29 Fructidor, 8th year, ibid.---
And tranflation, 194-Letter from Lord
Grenville to M. Otto, dated Downing
Street, September 20, 1800, 197-Note
from Lord Grenville to M. Otto, dated
Downing Street, September 20, 1800,
198-Letter from M. Orto to Loid Grea
ville, dated London, 4 Complementaire,
8th year, 200-And tranflation, 201-
Copy of the pro et, 2^2-And translation,
203-Letter from M. Otto to Lord Gren
ville, dated Hereford Street, a Vende
miaire, 9th year, 205-And tranflation,
ibid. Note from M. Otto to Lord Gren-
ville, dated Hereford Street, Vende-
miaire, 9th year, 206-And tranflation,
208-Note from Lord Grenville to M.
Otto, dated Downing Street, September
25, 1800, 211-Note from Lord Grea
ville to M. Otto, dated Downing Street,
September 25, 1800, 212--Note from
Lord Grenville to M. Otto, dated Down
ing Street, September 24, 1800, 213-
Letter from Lord Grenville to Mr. Ham-
mond, dated Downing Street, September
24, 1800, ibid.-Letter from Mr. Ham-
mond to Lord Grenville, dated Downing
Street, September 25, 1800, 221-Let
ter from M. Otto to Mr. Hammond,
dated Hereford Street, 4 Vendemiaire,
9th year, 225-And tranflation, ibid.---
Note of M. Otto, ibid.—And tranflation,
227-Note from Mr. Hammond to M.
Otto, dated Downing Street, September
16, 1800, 230-Letter from M. Octo
to Mr. Hammond, dated Hereford Street,
6 Vendemiaire, 9th year, ibid.-—And
tranflation, 231--Letter from M. Otro

[ocr errors]

Eo Mr. Hammond, dated Hereford Street,
14 Vendemiaire, 9th year, 232--And
Tranflation, ibid.-Letter from Mr. Ham-
mond to M. Otto, dated Downing Street,
October 8, 1800, ibid.-Letter from M.
Otto to Mr. Hammond, dated Hereford
Street, 16 Vendemiaire, 9th year, 233
--And tranflation, ibid.-Letter from
Mr. Hammond to M. Otto, dated Down-
ing Street, October 9, 1800, 234.-
Appendix-Extract of a letter from the
Baron de Thugut to M. Talleyrand,
dated Vienna, Auguft 11, 1800, 235-
And tranflation, ibid.-Note from Lord
Minto to the Baron de Thugut, dated
Vienna, August 9, 1800, 236--And
tranflation, 237--Letter from General
Kleber to his Excellency Caimakam of
the Sublime Porte, dated Cairo, 20 Ger-
minal, 8th year, ibid.-And tranflation,
239-Letter from Baudot to the first in-
terpreter of the Sublime Porte, dated
camp of Jaffa, April 11, 1800, 240-
And tranflation, ibid.

Council, French, of Prizes, its decifion re-

lative to the American fhip Pigou, 8
Cuxhaven, diplomatic correfpondence rela-
tive to its poffeffion by the King of Pruffia,



Danish frigate, letter from Mr. Merry to
Count Bernstorf, relative to its capture
by the English, 22——
-Conful, at Hain-
burgh, his letter relative to the above, 79
Proceedings of the English feet, in fup-
port of Lord Whitworth's demands upon
the Danish government, 104--Notice
iffued by the Chamber of Commerce to
merchants, &c. 132
Declaration of the ftares of Bavaria, 1-
the Emperor of Ruffia, relative to an arm-
ed neutrality, 334--Of the Pruffian
commander on entering Ritzhuttel, ibid.
Decree of the Final Conful, relative to neu-
tral flags, 48-Of the Confuls, allowing
the Piedmontefe, Cifalpine, and Tufcan
citizens to return home, 66-Of the
Confuls, relative to paffports granted by
diplomatic agents, &c. 82--Relative to
foreign feafaring men in the French fervice,
107-Appointing Jofeph Bonaparte mini-
fter on the part of France, to treat for peace
with the Emperor of Germany, 124-
Appointing Citizen La Foreft fecretary of
legation, ibiu-Appointing Luneville for
the feat of congrefs, 159--Of the fame,
uniting the Navarele territory to the Cif-
alpine, 249-Appointing a new govern-
ment in Piedmont, 252--Of General
Dupont, on the capture of Florence, 258
-Of General Moreau, for proceeding
upon the demolition of the fortiffes of


Ulm, Ingolstadt, and Philipfburg, 284-
Refpecting the emigrants, 289
Demarcation, line of, of the north of Ger.
many, Pruffian note relative to its viola
tion by Auftria, 331

Denmark, its treaty with Great Britain, ix
-Obfervations on the difpute with it, re-
lative to neutral rights, I

Defolles, French general, his letter an-
nouncing the armistice of Steyer, 362
Dickfon, Vice-admiral, proceedings of his
fquadron in fupport of Lord Whitworth's
demands from the Danish government,


Difcourfe of the Earl of Liverpool, respecting
the rights of neutral flags, 263
Dugua, his letter relative to Dolomieu, 47
Dupont, his addrefs on introducing the
French minister to the Confulta at Turin,
100His letter, complaining of ex-
ceffes in the territory of Bologna, 158-
Ditto to the regency of Ferrara, ibid.---
His prochmation to the inhabitants of
Leghorn, 249-His letter relative to the
dibanding of the Tufcan levies, 256-
His decree upon the capture of Florence,
258-Report of his proceedings in Tof-
cany, 259


Edi&t of the King of Naples, refpecting the
nobleff, 17-Ruffian, fequeftering Eng-
lith property, 106

Egypt, official details from Menou relative
to it, 32-40, 42

Ehrenheim, F. Von, Swedish minifter, his

anfwer to the Spanish minister on the fub-
ject of a complaint of a Swedith veffel be-
ing employed in an hostile enterprise at
Barcelona, 289-His note to the Pruffian
minifter on the fame fubject, 330

Embargo laid by the Emperor of Ruffia on
English fhips, letter announcing its re-
moval, 132-Another cmbago by the
fame on the fame. 337

Emigrants, act of the Confulate relative to
them, 56-The report of the minister of
police respecting them, 28-Decree re-
fpecting them, 289--Fouche's letter to
the prefects on the fame fubject, 335
Emile Gaudin, his view of the political state
of France, in its foreign relations, &.

Emperor of Germany, his general orders
after his arrival at head-quarters at Alt-
Oettingen, 123

England, its treaty with the Flector of
Mentz, i--With Denmark, ix
English committee at Paris, report of the
committee of police relative to it, 292
Expofé, official, in French, of the state of
the republic, 296



Fahnenberg, Baron, Auftrian minifter at the
Diet of Raubon, minifterial refcript,
communicated by him, relative to the
French notification of the rupture of the
armilhice, 122
Ferrara, Dupont's letter to its regency, 158
Ferrol, French account of the attempt of

the English upon it, go- French ambaf-
fador's account of the fame, from the
Spanish Gazette, 108

Florence, its capture by the French, 256-
General Dupont's account of that event,

Forcigners, Auftrian notification, guarding
aganft the great concourfe at Vienna,
100 Szafaring men in the French fervice,
d cree relative to them, 197
Fouche, French mutter of police, his re-

port refpecting the emigrants, 285-His
letter to the picfects relpecting them, 335
Franconia, Moreau's order, moling a con-
tribution on it, -7

Frankfort, Senate of, the French general
demands a contribution, 40-Ltter from
General Augereau, promiling its merchants
protection, 79 - Anfwer of its Senate to
the above letter, 1d-French general's
eider reipecting merchants frequenting the
fair, 121

Franquetor Coigny, alleged agent of an al-
leged British committee at Paris, report
in his favour, 116

French Council of Prizes, it decifion relative
to the American fhip Pigou, S
French minifter, for foreign affans, bis circu-
Jar letter to all the powers in amity with
France on the attempt to affiffinate Bona-
parte, 348--Of police, his report, re-
ipecting the emigrants, 285-At war, his
letter, relative to the armies, 40---His
letter, relative to the treatment of the
Ruffian prifoners in France, 62

French conful at Amicidam, his letter re-
Jative to the want of a Brith agent for
prifoners in that city, 31
French republic, its unlimited armifice with
Algiers, vi- Its armilti e with Tunis, x

Its treaty with America, ibid.Its
convention with the Prince of Ifembourg,
**-Its ditto with feveral other German, xxi-Expofe, official, in French,
of its fituation, 296--Ditto, in English,

his Imperial Majefly, on his arrival m
the head-quarters at Alt-Oettingen, 113
George, Commiffioner, his inftructions, 189
His letter to Lord Grenville, 170
German princes, their convention web
France, xxi

Grand Vizier, his proclamation relative to
the affaffination of General Kleber, 19
Grenier, his proclamation to the inhibing
of the country occupied by the 14t wrg
of his army, complaining of affetfacts ag
and ordaining measures of prevention,


Grenville, Lord, his note to the Danth mi-
nifter respecting the capture of the Fra
frigate, 70-His concfpondence clany
to the commencement of negotiations for
peare with France, 165-His letter to
Commiffioner George, 167-His ditto ty
the fame, 168-From the fame to the
fame, 171-His letter to M. Otto, i&-4,

His note to the fame, 172- His letter
to Captain George, 175---His letter to
Mr. Nepean, 179-His note to M. Orto,
182-His ditto to the fame, 184 —~Hi
fame to the fame, ibid.--His letter to M.
Otto, 197-His note to the fame, 198–
His ditto to the fame, 211-His ditto to
the fame, 212-His ditto to the fame,
213-His letter to Mr. Hammond, #.
Guenard, French genefal, his proclamation,
confirmed by the Duke of Parma, 45


Haarfolte, Batavian Director, his offe
communication of the figning of prehm
naries of peace between France and Aa-
ftia, 78

Hamburgh, the editors of the Cenfeur ar
refted in that city, at the requifition of
the French minifter, 80
Hammond, Mr. his letter to I ord Grenville,

221. His note to M. Otto, 230--His
letter to the fame, 232-His ditto to the
fame, 234

Helvetic Executive Council, its circular lets
ter to the national prefects, 117
Helvetic republic, meffage from its Executive
Committee, recommending a change in
the legiflative and executive authoriti;»,


Hohenlinden, convention of, 134


General orders, announcing a general armi-
slice on the continent, Co-
Of the army
of Italy, published at Mon, for certain
regulations in the Cifalpine, Ligurian,
and Piedmontefe governments, 115 --pf


Imperial refcript, relative to a general infor
rection in Hungary, 125 -Notification
of the removal of Baron Tauget, 234
Ingolfladt, order of Moreau for the dertine-
tion of its fortifications, 9S---Decree of
the fate on the fame fubject, 284


nfurrection in Hungary, Imperial rescript
relative to it, 125
fembourg, Prince of, his convention with
France, xx


enkinson, Earl of Liverpool, his difcourfe
on the rights of neutral flags, 263
Jourdan, General, the French minifter at
Turin, his fpeech to the Conulta, or
-His ditto to the Piedmontese govern-
ment, 102-His decree, appointing a
new government in Piedmont, 252
Judgment of Sir William Scott, in the cafe
of the Swedish convoy, 241
Juftification of the invasion of Tufcany,
from the French official paper, 253


Keith, Lord, and General Abercromby,
their letter to the governor of Cadiz, 262
Keller, Pruffian minifter, his note, com-
plaining of the violation of the northern
line of demarcation of Germany by Au-
tria, 331

Kleber, General, his letter to the Caimakam
of the Sublime Porte, 237
Krabbe, Danish captain, his account of the
engagement between the Danish frigate
the Freya, and an English frigate, 83
Kray, General, his notification on his re-
figning the command of the Imperial
army, 116

Krudener, Ruffian ambassador at Berlin, his
letter, announcing the taking off the em-
bargo laid by Ruffia on English veffels,


Larfdorf, convention figned at it by the
French and Imperial Generals in Chief
for an armistice, 48

[ocr errors]

Launay, French general, commanding in
Tufcany, his letter to the Auftrian gene-
ral, complaining of the conduct of the
national troops of Tuscany, 103
Leghorn, its capture by the French, 256-
Convention between the Im; erial and
French generals, before the latter took
poffeffion of that city, 291
Letter from Mr. Merry, the British chargé
des affaires, to Count Bernstorf, relative to
a Danish frigate taken by the English, 22
-From the French conful at Amsterdam,
relative to the want of a British agent for
prifoners in that city, 31-From Menou
to Bonaparte, announcing the affaffination
of Kleber, 32-Of the French general to

the Senate of Frankfort, demanding a
contribution, 40--From Carnot, the
French minifter at war, to the prefects, re-
lative to the armies, ibid.-From Massena,
complaining of infurrectional movements
in Piedmont, 45-From Dugua, relative
to Dolomieu, 47-From the British con-
ful at Gibraltar to Lord Grenville, relative
to the peftilential diftemper at Cadiz, 51
--From General O'Hara to the Duke of
Portland, on the fame fubject, ibid.----
From the Admiralty to the commanders
of all British veffels, relative to French
and Dutch fishermen, 55-From St.
Prieft to M. Thauvenay, minister of
Louis XVIII. 57--From Bonaparte to
the extraordinary committee of the Ligu-
rian government, 61-From Carnot to
the First Conful, approving the conduct of
certain diftricts, on the appearance of the
English on the coaft, 65-Of the French
General Monnier, complaining of Tuscan
infurgents, 66-From the French General
Colaud to the Auftrian General Simb-
fchen, refufing to comply with certain
arrangements propofed by the latter, 67
-From General Augereau, promifing the
merchants of Frank fort protection, 79-
From General Maffena to the government
commiffion of Genoa, 81--From the
French minifter of marine, announcing
the conclufion of preliminaries of peace
between France and the Dey of Algiers,
ibid. Of Monnier, complaining of ex-
ceffes committed in the communes of
Civitella, &c. 98--From General Lau-
nay, complaining of the conduct of the
national troops of Tuscany, 103-Circu-
lar, from the Helvetic Executive Council
to the national prefects, 117--Circular,
from the Spanilh minifter to the foreign
minifters at the court of Madrid, relative
to the alleged violation of the right of
neutral flags by the English at Barcelona,
129--From the fame to the Swedif
minifter, on the fame fubject, ibid.-From
the Ruffian officers, prifoners at Paris, to
Bonaparte, 131-From General Moreau
to Bonaparte, announcing the conclufion
of a new armistice, and the ceffion of Ulm,
Ingolftadt, and Philipfburg, 132-From
the Ruffian ambaffador at Berlin, an-
nouncing that the Emperor had taken off
the embargo laid on the English fhips,
ibid. From Moreau to the Archduke
John, confenting to a renewal of the ar-
miftice, on certain conditions, 133—Of
Touffaint Louverture to the inhabitants of
the fouth of St. Domingo, 146--Of
General Dupont, complaining of exceffes
in the territory of Bologna, 158-Of the
fame to the regency of Ferrara, ibid.
From M. Otto to Lord Grenville, 165–
From fame to the fame, 166--From


[ocr errors]

Lord Grenville to Commiffioner George,
167--From Commiffioner George to
Lord Grenville, 170-From Lord Gren-
ville to Commiffioner George, 171--
From Lord Grenville to M. Otto, ibid.-
From M. Ctto to Lord Grenville, 173-
From Lord Grenville to Captain George,
175- From M. Otto to Lord Grenville,
176-From Lord Grenville to Evan Ne-
pean, 179--From Evan Nepean to Lord
Grenville, 180---From M. Otto to Cap-
tain George, 182--From M. Otto to
Lord Grenville, 183-From the faine to
the fame, 190- From Lord Grenville to
M. Otto, 197--From M. Otto to Lord
Grenville, 200-From the fame to the
fame, 205-From Lord Grenville to Mr.
Hammond, 213--From Mr. Hammond
to Lord Grenville, 221--From M. Otto
to Mr. Hammond, 225-From the fame
to the fame, 130-From the fame to the
fame, 232- From Mr. Hammond to M.
Otto, ibid.--From M. Otto to Mr. Ham-
mond, 233- From Mr. Hammond to M.
Otto, 234-From the Baron de Thugut
to M. Talleyrand, 235-From Kleber to
the Caimakam of the Ottoman Porte,
237-From Baudot to the first interpreter
of the Ottoman Porte, 240-From Ge-
neral Dupont, relative to the disbanding
the Tufcan levies, 256--From the fame
to General Brune, giving an account of
the capture of Florence, 257--From the
governor of Cadiz to Lord Keith and
General Abercromby, 262--From Lord
Keith and General Abercromby to the go-
vernor of Cadiz, ibid.--From the gover-
nor, in reply, 263-Substance of a letter
from Stockholm, 296--Circular, from
Mr. Shairp, relative to the British pri-
foners in Ruffia, 337--From General
Menou to the First Conful, giving an ac-
count of the state of the French in Egypt,
342-Circular, from the French minifter
refpecting the attempt on the life of Bona-
parte, 348

Ligurian government, letter from Bonaparte

to its extraordinary committee, 61-Ge-
neral orders, published by the General in
Chief of the army of Italy, relative to
the Ligurian republic, 115
Liverpool, Earl of, his difcourfe on the
rights of neutral flags, 263
Lombardy, Bonaparte's addrefs to its provi-
fional government, 46

Lucca, order impofing a contribution on it, 44
Luneville, Confular decree, appointing a
congrefs to be held there, 159


Madrid gazette, its account of the English
tempt on Ferrol, 108

Maitland, General, his proclamation on his
arrival at Port au Prince, 294--His
ditto, difavowing any defign to evacuate
that town, 295

Malta, its capitulation, 152-Official papers
relative to its fiege and furrender, 323--
Aufwer of the commander General Vau-
bois to the English and Portuguese, 324
-Summons of Lord Nelfon, ibid.
Anfwer thereto, 325-Another fummons
of the English commander, ibid.--An-
fwer of General Vaubois, 326-Another
fummons, ibid.Letter from Vaubois,
announcing the ceffation of hoftilities,

Maffena, his order impofing a contribution
on Lucca, 44-His letter to the inha
bitants of Piedmont, complaining of
fymptoms of infurrection in that country,
45-His proclamation, publifhed at Mi-
Jan, 66-His letter to the government
commiffion of Genoa, 81-His proclama
tion on refiguing the command of the
army of Italy to General Brune, 88
Menou, his letter to the First Conful, announ-
cing the affaflination of Gen. Kleber, 31

-His proclamation to the French army
upon that event, 36--- His ditto to
the fame, announcing his determination
not to abide by the treaty entered into
with Kleber, unless it fhould be ratified
by the French government, 38-His let-
ter to Bonaparte, 342

Mentz, Elector of, his treaty with Great
Britain, i

Merry, Mr. British chargé des affaires at the
court of Denmark, his letter to Count
Bernstorf, relative to the capture of a
Danifh frigate by the English, 22
Meffage from the Executive Committee of
the Helvetic republic to the Councils,
recommending a change of the constitu-
tion, 72

Milan, proclamation of its provifional go,

vernment, 24

Minifter of marine, his letter, announcing
the conclufion of preliminaries of peace
between France and Algiers, 81
Minifterial refcript, communicated to the
Diet of Ratisbon by the Auftrian minister,
relative to the French notification of the
rupture of the armistice, and the renewal
of hoftilities, 122

Minto, Lord, English ambaffador, his pro-
pofitions to the Emperor, 82-His note
to Baron Thugut, 236
Monnier, French general of division, his
letter to the Imperial general, complaining
of Tufcan infurgents, 66-His letter,
complaining of exceffes committed in the
communes of Civitella, &c. 98
Moravia, proclamation of the Archduke
Charles for raining a military force in that
country, 293


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